Sunday, January 14, 2018

Country before Tribalism

This country over the last thirty years has been steadily deteriorating into distinct tribal mentalities. Unfortunately, one political party with the likes of figures like Jessie Helms, Newt Gingrich, Mitch McConnell, and Donald Trump bears the major brunt of the blame for this deterioration of our nation's unity. In their zeal to want to take the country back to the white male dominated period of the country (pre Civil Rights Movement), they have made use of every code word for racism and stereotyping groups like the poor. The result is a nation where you have two ultra-conservative Senators saying the President did not use the shithole comment towards people in Africa and Haiti on Thursday. This is two days after these same senators said they did not recall the President making that remark. Does blind loyalty to this President justify lying to the nation? Another Republican Senator had already told another one that the President "basically" made these comments. Those two senators should put country above tribalism.  We have whole swaths of the population that watch or read Fox or NPR but not both. That is not healthy for having a well informed national population. People need to be mindful of all mainstream perspectives. That is what is necessary to put country over tribalism and create a society that believes in freedom, compromise, forward-thinking, and pragmatism.

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