Monday, July 16, 2018

Todays Performance by the KKK Endorsed Candidate and the Popular Vote Loser was at least a product of stupidity. It was at the most treasonous.

Today's Performance by the KKK Endorsed Candidate and the Popular Vote Loser was at least a product of stupidity. It was at the most treasonous.

With Popular Vote Winner Hillary Clinton chiming in earlier today, asking whether the KKK Endorsed Candidate "knew which team he was on," the ex-Director of the C.I.A. (John Brennan) and Renowned Columnist Thomas Friedman calling the behavior "treasonous" with the former tweeting that the criteria for impeachment proceedings were invoked with today's comments, and the dying from Brain Cancer 2008 Republican Presidential Candidate having the best response from the dying party of Lincoln, the popular vote loser performed like he was on Team Putin by blaming American Intelligence, President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Bob Mueller for all that has gone wrong with Russian relations. No mention was made of Russia's responsibility in election meddling other than implying that he believed Putin despite his own intelligence agencies findings or Russia's misbehavior with regards to invading Crimea or targeted assassinations through poisoning or other liquidation means.

Republicans that are still planning to serve in office (if you can call them Republicans) need to have a "come to Jesus" moment and decide that country comes first. This is the United States not the fiefdom of Donald Trump and his nativist disciples. It is time to start the impeachment process because we cannot have the leader of our country rooting for our enemies instead of the country he is sworn to protect and whose principles he is charged with upholding. It is time for this second National Nightmare to end.

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