Friday, July 23, 2021

The Unvaccinated Have to Think About Others Like Small Children and the Chronically Ill

Photo from Twitter

Arizona Cardinals Wide Receiver DeAndre Hopkins crystallized the "baby" attitude of the people who are choosing not to get the COVID 19 vaccine.

The number one Cardinal wide receiver tweeted and then wisely deleted remarks that he might retire from the team because the National Football League has adopted a policy stating that teams may have to forfeit games if it is found that canceled events were caused by players who chose not to get the COVID 19 vaccine. The team with the unvaccinated players would have to also cover the other team's financial costs for that game.

Hopkins tweeted:

"Never thought I would say this, But being put in a position to hurt my team because I don't want to partake in the vaccine is making me question my future in the @Nfl"

Good for the N.F.L.

Seeing baseball players who were vaccinated still get the Coronavirus should serve as a warning of what could happen. Players, most of whom are multi-millionaires, should set an example for the community and get vaccinated.

If Hopkins wants to stay home, let him take his football helmet and do so. Same with any other player that does not want to think about others and not get a vaccination.

Although to be fair to Hopkins, his tweet deletion probably showed he thinks he tweeted too soon.

Good also for people like Republican Alabama Governor Kay Ivey, whose state is 50th in vaccinations,  who blamed the recent Coronavirus surge on the unvaccinated, saying:

"Folks are supposed to have common sense. But it's time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the regular folks. It's the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down."

One wonders when Doug Ducey will come out of his political cowardice hole and echo the truthfulness of Governor Ivey.

I am personally sick of this selfish freedom-loving know nothing science-denying "I'll show you"  babies who, as AZ Central EJ Montini also noted, jeopardize the health and safety of others, like small children who do not have a vaccine to take and the chronically ill with this short-sighted and self-centered position.

Over 95 percent of the current COVID-related hospitalizations and deaths are people that have not been vaccinated.

These individuals need to know that it is not just their health and lives they are risking. These people spread the disease to family, friends, and others. Even those that have been vaccinated are still at risk of becoming mildly ill if exposed to unvaccinated ill individuals or the Delta Variant. School has already started in parts of Arizona and the country. Small children, who have no vaccine to receive, need to be protected. Do these people, who think personal freedom is more important than community responsibility, really want to put their selfishness above children's safety. 

It is time for the people who are anti-vaccination to get informed and act responsibly.

Get vaccinated.

Wear a mask where necessary.

Get informed.

Think of others rather than yourself. Do not let small children or the chronically ill become sick because of you. Do not let your family or friends either.




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