Wednesday, September 27, 2023

A Day After Walking With Striking Auto Workers, The President's Campaign Releases an Ad Attacking Trumps Labor Record

A day after showing solidarity with striking United Auto Workers in Michigan, the Biden/Harris Campaign released an ad, titled "Delivers" which attacked Donald Trump's Labor Record when he occupied the Oval Office.

The ad, which comes on the day the now found liable for business fraud Ex-President is appearing before autoworkers rather than face the music sharing the stage with his fellow Republican Presidential Contenders.

In the ad, the Biden/Harris Campaign reminds the viewers of Trump's hypocrisy towards labor and how his policies and neglect led to tax cuts for the same Auto CEOs making millions while their employees' wages have been largely stagnant as domestic manufacturing jobs and plants were shuttered.

The ad then pivots to the policies promoted by the Biden/Harris Administration and how the President has "stood up for workers" and delivered on legislation that has resulted in increased wages, created good-paying jobs, and the return of manufacturing jobs in Michigan. 

The ad mocks Trump and his failures to bring infrastructure legislation at the end by saying:

"Joe Biden just doesn't talk. He delivers."

Commenting on the ad in a campaign press release, spokesperson Kevin Munoz stated:

“More empty promises in Michigan or anywhere else can’t erase Donald Trump’s egregious failures and broken promises to America’s workers. He can’t hide his anti-labor, anti-jobs record from the countless American workers he’s let down. This election will be a choice between President Biden’s real advocacy for working Americans and a rerun of billionaire Donald Trump’s broken promises to the middle class.” 

Maybe the next ad the Campaign will do is the Four Time Indicted Mr. Trump speaking out against Electric Vehicles or saying that whales becoming crazy from windmill farms.

This stuff is not made up. 

If voters want to see a real President who is pro-labor, then watch Mr. Biden showing his support for autoworkers on the picket line on September 26, 2023. 

Autoworkers should receive the pay raise they are demanding and they deserve a sound transition to the growing electric vehicle and battery market. 

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