Sunday, July 21, 2024

It Still Feels like 1948

Back in November, I wrote a column where I said that the 2024 election feels like 1948 and outlined the reasons why. 

I still feel that way.

My only quibble is my frustration with segments of the Democratic Party (the fair weather and spineless ones) and the rest of the American populace who feel Joe Biden, because of age, can not defeat Donald Trump. 

NEWSFLASH for those with amnesia. He already has and nothing Donald Trump has done since his electoral defeat has shown cause for the American People to give him the keys to the Oval Office again. 

The parallels to 1948 are still there with a couple of differences. 

In 1948, Democratic elements thought, after being spoiled by the four election victories of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, thought President Truman lacked the spark and aurora to be elected to the Oval Office in his own right. 

Several, including FDR's own sons, made overtures to Dwight Eisenhower to run as a Democrat in 1948. 

He rejected those, deciding to run as a Republican four years later. 

Future Senator and Vice President Hubert Humphrey felt he was too soft on civil rights. 

As I wrote in the first piece, there were Southern Democrats who broke off from the party and formed the segregationist Dixiecrat Party.

Then there were the Progressives, led by Truman's Vice President predecessor, Henry Wallace, who felt Truman was not progressive enough despite the program features of The Fair Deal which called for national health care, an increase in the minimum wage, expanded Social Security, federal aid to education, increased affordable housing, and anti-lynching. 

From Rare First Editions.

Reading David McCullough's acclaimed work Truman is very instructive. 

Poring through the pages, you read the words and hear the voices of downcast Democrats like famed Arkansas Senator William Fullbright suggesting Truman resign the Presidency after the Republicans regained Congress after the 1946 midterm elections.

Truman, upon hearing those remarks, would call Fullbright "Halfbright."

Seeing the Fair Weather Democrats like Arizona's Raul Grijalva and Greg Stanton panic and call for Joe Biden to withdraw is very reminiscent of those bedwetting Democrats from 1947 and 1948. 

The two differences are the polls were not as close as those today and Donald Trump is not Tom Dewey.

Truman's 1948 opponent was a successful crime-fighting prosecutor and center-left Republican Governor of New York.

Donald Trump on the other hand is, as President Biden said "A one-man crime wave," whose Presidency, especially during the Coronavirus, highlighted his glaring executive deficiencies. 

On his worst day, Joe Biden, if he was on a respirator, would be preferable to the Republican nominee who has 34 convictions, two impeachments, two popular vote losses, and has been branded as a sexual assaulter, failed businessman, and coup leader-traitor.

This still feels like 1948 where Truman and the Congressional Democrats defied the electoral odds, but honestly, this should be like the landslides of 1964, 1972, 1984, 1996, and 2008.

Based on his successful record, Biden, even if he was as old as Methuselah, should be up by 20 points in this election. 

It is only the fair-weather Democrats and shallow younger generation that are looking for a candidate without white hair and wrinkles that are making this election close when it should not be.

It is time to get with the program people. 

Otherwise, Donald 'I killed Roe v Wade' Trump, J.D. 'Women should stay in Abusive Marriages' Vance may be marching down Pennsylvania Avenue on January 20, 2025, holding their Mein Kampf/Handmaids Tale Project 2025 under their armpits, ready to execute.

Do not let that happen. 

Editorial Cartoons for the Week


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Political Violence is NEVER NEVER Appropriate


Yesterday's horrific attempted assassination attempt on Donald Trump was met with universal condemnation and outrage by all segments of American society.

Political violence is NEVER NEVER appropriate. This is the United States of America. We settle our differences at the ballot box not with attempted coups like storming the Nation's Capitol nor with targeted attacks and assassinations of political figures.

If someone commits a crime and is found guilty after a trial, they may go to jail if all appeals are exhausted not in their favor. They are not marked for execution. 

No matter our political differences and how much we may regard the opposition's views as counter to our interpretation of the American Ideal, resorting to violence is NEVER NEVER the answer.

It is also never appropriate to assign blame when all the facts of the incident are not known. Several figures in the MAGA world have used this repulsive act to blame the rhetoric of President Biden and other Democrats for the attempted assassination. 

First, that is rich coming from the MAGA world. There have been eight years of these far-right figures spewing political venom that has caused violence. Remember January 6, 2021. 

Second, it turns out that the shooter was a 20-year-old registered Republican who used an AR-15 weapon that Mr. Trump and most of his followers did not want to ban. 

These people looking to exploit this tragedy, without knowing anything, for political gain are truly repulsive and disgusting. 

Let the authorities uncover the facts people. 

President Joe Biden had it right when he called the attempted assassination of Mr. Trump '"Sick." 

Editorial Cartoons for the Week


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Shame On These Fair Weather Democrats; They Need to Learn from History

The fair weather Democrats, pundits, and activists who are trying to give President Joe Biden space to withdraw by continually hounding him to exit in the press, the airwaves, television, social media, and the halls of Congress need to learn from history.

In 1968, Eugene McCarthy forces and the candidate himself strung Democratic Nominee Hubert Humphrey along to the last days of the campaign before endorsing him. 

That fair weather whining gave us Richard Nixon. 

In 1980, Ted Kennedy, still smarting over getting beat by Jimmy Carter in the Democratic Primaries, refused to hold hands up with the President's and show unity at the end of the Convention.

That show of disunity helped bring on Ronald Reagan.

Then there is 2000 when enough fair weather Democrats did not think there was enough of a difference between Al Gore and George W. Bush so they threw their support to Ralph Nader. 

The result was 9/11, the uncalled for war in Iraq, the Great Recession, and nomination of the Supreme Court Justice that would author the Dobbs Decision overturning Roe v Wade.

Good move Fair Weather Democrats. 

Do we really need to discuss the Fair Weather Democrats who did not get their way when Bernie Sanders did not get the nomination over Hilary Clinton and either stayed home or threw their support to Jill Stein?

How did that work out?

A mismanaged pandemic. Economic paralysis. Three Supreme Court Justices who have mostly spent their time taking this nation back to the 1920's, two impeachments, and an attempted coup on the Nation's Capitol on January 6, 2021. 

Now here we are today and Fair Weather Democrats are looking to undermine another Democratic Presidential Nominee. 

The true stupidity of this is, just because of one bad debate performance, they are willing to sacrifice the President who they claim has been historically successful and who has already demonstrated could beat Trump. 

And these people can not be swayed. 

No matter how well Biden performs like he did post debate in Georgia, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and at the N.A.T.O. Summit, these spineless worm fair weather Democrats do not care. They are going to try their coup no matter how much it hurts the country. Even if Biden has a stellar press conference tomorrow (I am actually dreading this because the press are going to come at him like man-eating piranhas,) they will still persist. You would think, the way these fair weather bedwetting Democrats are acting, it was Biden that was on the Access Hollywood Tape. It was Biden that was twice impeached. It was Biden that was found liable for sexual assault and business fraud. It was Biden that attempted the coup on January 6, 2021. 

Their logic is dumbfounding. 

Did Joe Biden demonstrate he could beat Trump? Yes!

Was Joe Biden a successful President? All these yutz's, as they're twisting the knife in his back, say yes.

Has Donald Trump done anything since he lost in 2020 that should enhance his position or standing with the American People? No!

What is the problem here people?

You get behind your nominee and look for ways to adjust and win. 

He is old. So what. So is the other guy and that person, the real threat to the country, wants to bring his Project 2025 goons with him and establish a Fascist dictatorship.

I do not know if President Biden is in early or median stages of cognitive decline.

I do know that what the Democratic leaders should have done was handle this subtly and in a way that preserved Mr. Biden's dignity without embarrassing him like they have.

You do not go out seconds, hours, days, and weeks after one poor 90 minute performance and constantly and publicly throw your nominee under the bus like dog crap, driving down his poll numbers as a result. 

Good strategic and tactical thinking.

Shame on These Fair Weather Democrats.

They need to learn from history instead of decreasing their odds for victory this November with this ill advised behavior.

Click here to see this excerpt from Rick Wilson of the Lincoln Project, shown to me by AZ Blue Meanie. Democrats need to remember that Joe Biden is not the danger to the country. Donald Trump is and Democrats need to quit screwing up and get their act together.

Thou Shall Not Indoctrinate in Public Schools


Project 2025's Origins