Sunday, March 31, 2019

What are actual Russian troops, not just monies and goods, doing in our Hemisphere in Venezuela? Is Putin pushing Trump around again? The Russians need to leave if our near 200 year implementation of the Monroe Doctrine is to be taken seriously.

Fareed Zakaria from 3/31/19

Saturday Night Live Cold Opening from 3/30/19

Reliable Sources from 3/31/19

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Tom Toles

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Steve Sack

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Robert Reich

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Pat Bagley

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Paresh Nath

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Nick Anderson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Monte Wolverton

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Mike Thompson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Kevin Siers

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jeff Darcy

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jack Ohman

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Ed Wexler

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of David Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Dave Granlund

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Chan Lowe

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Bram Hall

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Bill Day

The latest from Robert Reich on the Gig Economy

Friday, March 29, 2019

Idea of the Week: Raise the Minimum Wage in the country to one that people can live on.

Documentary of the Week

CNN' series on Richard Nixon called Tricky Dick

Book of the Week

The Mueller Report: Petition the Justice Department to release it complete and unabridged.

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Steve Benson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Darrin Bell

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Patrick Chappatte

If Republicans ever ask how are the Democrats are going to pay for their programs, ask them how they are going to pay for their tax cuts and the wars they got us into

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Editorial Poster