Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Tonights Debate Onservations

Tonight's Debate Observations:

All the Candidates brought their A-game.

CNN did a better job managing the debate.

Donors, because of the good performances from all the candidates probably will not know who to donate to.

I think Pragmatic Progressives like Klobaucher, Hickenlooper, Bullock, O' Rourke, Ryan, and Delaney did show that there should be some reality brought to the Warren and Sanders ideas.

Klobuchar, Warren, Willamson, Buttigieg, and Sanders had the best one-liners if you measure performance by that sort thing.

However, it does come down to who, as Buttigieg said towards the end, can in part lay out a compelling vision to take the country forward.

It also comes down to who can inspire the people and give them something other than pandering promises of a to-do list that has to get past Republican opposition if the Democrats do not get the Senate back or do filibuster reform.

Overall, if you had to rank the top performers, viewers should have been impressed with Klobuchar, Warren, Bullock, Buttigieg, O'Rourke, and Sanders. That is not to say the others did not do well. They did. It is just that those six seemed to perform the best.

One thing that should still concern Democrats is that voters will not be enthusiastic about reparations for slavery 150 years after the Civil War, decriminalizing illegal border crossings, and letting illegal immigrants get free health care. Those are not winning issues.

Also, Democrats need to be for free trade like TPP and a revised N.A.F.T.A. that protects workers and the environment. 

It is astounding that voters in the Rust Belt voted for Republicans who embrace Free Trade and penalize Democrats. 

Dear Mr. Trump: How does taking Children off Free and Reduced Lunch Make America Great Again?


Dear Mr. Trump: How does Racially Dividing the Country Make America Great Again?


Coming this fall: Show trials for U.S. intelligence agents who investigated Russian interference in 2016


Monday, July 29, 2019

Editorial Cartoon from RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon from Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon from Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon from Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon from David Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon from Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon from Adam Zyglis

Editorial Cartoon from David Granlund

Reliable Sources from 7/28/19


Fareed Zakaria from 7/28/19


Saturday, July 27, 2019

Editorial Cartoon from Steve Benson

Editorial Cartoon from Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon from RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon from Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon from Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon from Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon from Clay Bennett

Must Watch from Hollywood Celebrities on what Mueller and his team said and wrote


Shields and Brooks from 7/26/19


Friday, July 26, 2019

Book of the Week

Based on the Idea of the Week:

It's Time to Fight Dirty: How Democrats Can Build a Lasting Majority in American Politics by David Faris

This is a repeat 

Editorial Cartoon from Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon from Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon from Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon from Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon from Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon from Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon from Adam Zyglis

Another Idea this Week: Watch the whole interview of a dignitary before making comments


Amy Klobuchar and Michael Bennet deserve more time for questions at the next Presidential Debates.


Thursday, July 25, 2019

Idea of the Week: Democrats need to stop acting Timid and start fighting like Republicans.

Republicans did not care in 1988 that the Willie Horton ads against Michael Dukakis were racially charged and unfair. It helped get their man, George H.W. Bush elected.

Republicans did not care in the Clinton and Obama Presidencies that their obstruction would hurt the country. They wanted to use the perceived weaknesses of the Presidents to win Congressional Majorities.

Republicans did not care that Whitewater or the Monica Lewinsky affair was not really impeachable offenses. They just wanted to tear down Bill Clinton.

Republicans did not care that there was nothing to Donald Trump and Joe Arpaio pursuing the birther charges against Barack Obama. They just wanted to energize the fringe elements of their base to turn out for them even though it was all bull. 

Donald Trump is a real embarrassment to the Presidency. In all likelihood, he and members of his family and campaign team did commit potentially treasonable acts in order to get elected. He is probably also guilty of obstruction of justice and campaign finance violations. He is definitely a fascist, racist and sexual predator. 

Why is it so hard for Democrats to forge a united offensive strategy to defeat this man through investigations and the ballot box? 

Democrats should look to the example of Republican turned independent Justin Amash who held a town hall in his district to explain what was in the Mueller Report. While not all people were convinced, some were. 

That is what Democrats in these swing districts need to do during the August recess. They should launch an extensive educational campaign with their constituents and show excerpts from the Mueller Report,  the former F.B.I. Directors testimony from July 24, and all the Congressional Subpeonas the White House is obstructing to explain why the 2016 Popular Vote Loser deserves to be at least investigated for impeachment. They will not convince everyone but as long as they should be fine electorally if they demonstrate there is merit to their viewpoints.

Democrats should take the gift that Mueller has given them in his report and personal testimony and go on the offense. That Mueller did not look polished is unimportant. He still ably pointed the way to what Mr. Trump and his team did.  

Democrats should constantly challenge Republican lawmakers in their townhalls (if they dare to have any) and all venues, asking them  a series of questions that include:

1) Do you think what the President and his team did with the Russians was a good idea?
2) Why do you think the President did not obstruct justice?
3) Why will you not support bipartisan efforts to secure our election systems?
4) Why was the President afraid to appear before Robert Mueller when Bill Clinton testified to Ken Starr and George W. Bush spoke to the 9/11 Commission?
5) Why did the President not answer all of the Special Counsels written questions?
6) Was Don McGahn lying when he told Robert Mueller that Mr. Trump told him to obstruct the investigation by firing the Special Counsel?

Democrats should make Republicans have to answer these questions every day until the election. 

Democrats need to constantly and consistently reinforce during the campaign season that Republican lawmakers are traitorous Judas's who betrayed the country for tax cuts and federal judgeships (the equivalent of their 30 pieces of silver) in exchange for blindly supporting a racist lawmaking demagogue and not doing nothing to protect the integrity of the voting process.  

If this were Barack Obama or Bill Clinton who had done all that the KKK endorsed candidate had done, their Vice Presidents would be Presidents now after they had been convicted in their impeachment trials and the Republicans would go after the new Presidents on trumped-up charges of being accessories. 

Is there any doubt here that is what Republicans would have done if the tables were turned. 

Democrats need to stop being timid and start fighting like Republicans. 

The difference here is that the facts and what is right are on the Democrats side. 

This is for the soul of the United States and Democrats need to fight to protect and preserve it. 

Russian asset Mitch McConnell blocks every election security bill in the Senate


The current F.B.I. Director says Russia, China, and other bad actors want to tamper with our elections. What the hell is Mitch McConnell waiting for? Why is he justifying his reputation as the Enemy of the People, Political Prince of Darkness, Grim Reaper, and Obstructionist in Chief? Is he conceding Republicans can not win unless Russian autocrats and intelligence assets help them?

So what if Robert Mueller did not look good. He exposed Trump and his people as liars, unfit to serve, and potential and actual Felons.




Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Remember the Mueller Hearing is Tomorrow Morning

Editorial Cartoon from Steve Benson

Editorial Cartoon from Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon from RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon from Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon from Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon from Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon from Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon from Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon from Adam Zyglis

A pro-Trump, pro-Russia television network in America


No, Mr. Liar in Chief: You are the Racist.


Saturday, July 20, 2019

We are in 2019. Why is it not like 2001 yet?


50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing


Commemorative Cartoon of the Moon Landing from Tom Stiglich

Commemorative Cartoon of the Moon Landing from Steve Sack

Commemorative Cartoon of the Moon Landing from Steve Benson

Commemorative Cartoon of the Moon Landing from Signe Wilkinson

Commemorative Cartoon of the Moon Landing from Mitt Priggee

Commemorative Cartoon of the Moon Landing from Marshall Ramsey

Commemorative Cartoon of the Moon Landing from Lisa Benson

Editorial Poster