Thursday, June 30, 2022

Enemy of the People-Political Prince of Darkness-Obstructionist in Chief-Moscow Mitch is Now Also Beijing Traitor McConnell

When historians write about Enemy of the People-Political Prince of Darkness-Obstructionist in Chief-Moscow Mitch McConnell, there will probably be less than a positive sentence to say about his time in office.

The Kentucky Senator who once reportedly told Vice President Biden "you must be under the mistaken impression that I care," has rightfully earned a place in the Political Hall of Infamy for:

  • Being the obstructionist in chief on numerous pieces of legislation that would move the country forward.
  • Stealing Supreme Court seats. The women in this country can thank the Kentucky Senator for losing their freedom of choice and privacy.
  • Not wanting to publicly acknowledge the Russians were helping Donald Trump in the 2016 elections.

He has rightfully earned the titles written above to describe him.

Now, readers can add Beijing Traitor McConnell.


Because Mr. McConnell, realizing that a deal may be coming on prescription drug costs among the Democrats, has decided to side with Communist China and threaten passage of the Bipartisan Innovation Act which both parties have been negotiating (too slowly) which would improve American domestic manufacturing prowess and stimulate the semiconductor industry to the tune of $52 billion.

Beijing Traitor McConnell tweeted:

So in Beijing Traitor McConnell's world view, having China maintain a competitive manufacturing edge in technologies like semiconductors is fine if Democrats pass legislation where people can get insulin for $35.00.

What a traitorous bastard.

The White House, House, and Senate Democratic leaders were quick to pounce on Beijing Traitor McConnell.

New White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre commented:

"Senate Republicans are literally choosing to help China out compete the U.S. in order to protect big drug companies. This takes loyalty to special interests over working Americans to a new and shocking height."

Henry Connelly, a spokesperson for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi posted:


A spokesperson for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, according to Politico, offered:

(McConnell) "is holding American jobs in key U.S. industries hostage to help China and protect his friends in big pharma allowing them to keep screwing over Americans with outrageously high Rx drug prices.”

As the Hill reporter Morgan Chalfant wrote when this story came out, maybe Democrats could fold the Bipartisan Innovation Act with the new Prescription Drug Benefit if a deal can be concluded.

What do the people in Kentucky see in Beijing Traitor McConnell.

He has hardly ever served their interests and apparently he is fine with serving China's if Democrats secure legislation to help people purchase drugs at a cheaper cost.

Beijing Traitor McConnell has reminded people again why Republicans can not be entrusted with political control.

November 8, 2022 is in 131 days.

Remember to vote for the candidates that, unlike the supporters of Beijing Traitor McConnell and Mad King Trump, will actually put the American People and the United States first.



President Biden Praises the Expansion of N.A.T.O. and Says the Filibuster should be Changed to Ensure A Woman's Right to Choose

At a press conference following the annual N.A.T.O. summit, President Joe Biden praised the expansion of N.A.T.O. with the additions of Sweden and Finland and made news in a response to a reporter's question by stating the filibuster should be done away with when considering to codify Roe V Wade and a person's right to privacy.

In his remarks to the White House Press Corp, Mr. Biden said the expansion of N.A.T.O. was due to Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine. In an ironic twist, the President noted that Mr. Putin's invasion prompted the expansion that the Russian President had so opposed for years.

Mr. Biden, when asked about rising gas prices and American's position around the world, relayed that the United States, when compared to economic performance and gas prices among the other advanced nations, that:

"...America is better positioned to lead the worlds than we ever have been. We have the strongest economy in the world. Our inflation rates are lower than the other nations in the world. The one thing that has been destabilizing is the outrageous behavior of the Supreme Court of the United States in overruling not only Roe v Wade but essentially challenging the right to privacy..."

When questioned about rising gas prices, Mr. Biden blamed Mr. Putin for the surge at the pump (although a case can be made for corporate greed and price gouging as well) and reminded the audience of the steps he has taken and proposed like releasing a million barrels of oil a day from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and suggesting a temporary gas tax holiday (not going anywhere.)

The President made the most news at the end of the press conference on the topic of Roe v Wade and the right to privacy.

After stating he may have more to say after meeting with Governors and Friday and reminding people of the necessity to vote for pro choice candidates in the next election, Mr. Biden said:

"The most important thing, to be clear about this, I believe we have to codify Roe v Wade in the law and the way to do that is to make sure the Congress votes to do that. And if the filibuster gets in the way, it's like voting rights, it should require an exception to the filibuster for this action to deal with the Supreme Court decision."

After Kelly O'Donnell of NBC asked a follow up question on the President's news making statement on the filibuster, Mr. Biden replied he would not apply the filibuster to:

"The right to privacy, not just abortion rights but yes abortion rights."

It looks like the House and Senate will be making Republicans go on the record on a woman's right to choose and privacy when Congress comes back into session after the July 4 holiday.

The campaign ads, after those votes, will probably write themselves.



Monday, June 27, 2022

2022 is the Democrats Midterm Elections to Win

 Many pundits, looking to history, fall back on the political tradition of the President's party routinely losing midterm elections.

Photo from NBC News

However, those pundits are not taking fully into account the lunacy and fringe behavior that currently engulfs the former party of Lincoln (the Republican Party for those that need clarification.)

This is the political party where most of its members have said no to science, COVID vaccinations, Democracy, the right to vote, real history education, Universal Pre K, lower prescription drugs, infrastructure improvements, combatting climate change, and mothers getting formula for their babies.

This is a political party, whose members in the last several years that have said yes to treason and domestic terrorism, racism, the Big Lie on the 2020 election, the cult of Trump, discrimination against the LGBTQ community, banning Romeo and Juliet in schools, plans to reduce inflation, a society resembling A Hand Maids Tale and Gone with the Wind, and it is okay for a woman to carry her rapists or fathers child. 

While most midterm elections do yield losses to the President's party, 2022 can be (thanks in part to President Biden being a likable figure, Republican far right positions and Supreme Court decisions on a woman's rights,) like 1998 and 2002, the electoral exception to the that rule if Democrats do not blow it.

Democrats have an opportunity with the many stellar candidates they have to craft an agenda that will appeal to both the center (even a little right of it) and left that could crush the Trumpist Republicans at the ballot box and chart a new course forward.

They need to get their act together and do it.

There is only 134 days to go.

This is not rocket science and should not be difficult.

Friday, June 24, 2022

President Biden Condemns Overturning of Roe v Wade by Supreme Court; Calls for Voters to Elect Representatives and Senators who will Codify It

 As Larry Bodine and Az Blue Meanie have already written, the United States Supreme Court, in a majority opinion of justices appointed by Presidents who did not win the popular vote in their first elections to the Presidency, have overturned Roe v Wade, which gave women the right to decide on their reproductive choices.

That these justices chose to release this opinion in between the dates of the Ratification of the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence is especially ironic because it is the first time the Court has taken away a right from the American People.

It also represents the height of hypocrisy that this extreme majority on the court, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi noted, can tell states they can not regulate the carrying of concealed weapons in some instances on one day and then tell the same states they can make women second class citizens by taking their right to choose the next. 

What is more terrifying is Clarence Thomas, in a concurring majority opinion, seemed to open the door to the court revisiting the right for women to purchase contraceptive devices or the rights for same sex couples to marry.

Apparently, Mr. Thomas, who is in a biracial marriage, thinks those unions are okay and did not include them. How generous.

The President of the United States rightfully condemned the Supreme Court Decision in an address to the country this morning.

Calling today's decision "a solemn moment,"  President Biden chastised the Court majority for "taking (women's rights)away. That's never been done for a right that's so important to so many Americans. They did it. It's a sad day for the Court and the Country."

Saying "With Roe gone, the health and life of women in this nation are now at risk," Reminding the people that Justices from the Eisenhower to Nixon to Reagan to George W. Bush (he left out Ford and George H.W. Bush nominees) approved either the initial Roe v Wade decision or reaffirmed it in follow up cases.

Mr. Biden then pointed out that it was the three justices appointed by 2016 popular vote loser Donald Trump (and processed by Supreme Court seat thief Mitch McConnell) who chose to "upend the scales of justice and eliminate a fundamental right for women in this country," calling it "a realization of an extreme ideology and a tragic error of the Supreme Court..."

Noting that anti abortion laws, with today's ruling, will go into effect today, the President said this will result in "jeopardizing the health of millions of women, some without exceptions" including "having to bear their rapists child...or as a consequence of incest."

Mr. Biden also blasted the Supreme Courts citing of cases from the nineteenth century for their rationale in overturning Roe v Wade, saying that perspective is "taking America back 150 years."

Calling today "a sad day," the President told the people, "the fight is not over," saying "the only way we can secure a woman's right to for Congress to restore the protections to Roe v Wade as  federal law...voters need to make their voices heard this fall. We must elect more senators and representatives who will codify a woman's right to choose once again. Elect more local leaders to protect this right at the local level...This fall, Roe is on the ballot. Personal freedoms (remember Republcicans have been attacking your right to vote too)are on the ballot. The right to privacy, liberty, equality. They're all on the ballot."

For the women who now live in abortion restrictive states, Mr. Biden reminded them that today's decision does not prevent them from traveling to states that still allow the procedure. Saying his Administration will defend that right, he relayed that women "must have the freedom to travel to another state to seek the care they need." The President said "he would do everything in his power" to fight any attack on a woman's freedom to travel.

Mr. Biden also pledged to protect people's access to contraceptive medications, saying "the politicians should not be able to interfere in the decisions between a woman and her doctor."

The President also called out Clarence Thomas's concurrent opinion which recommended the reconsideration on the right to contraception and same sex marriage, saying "this is a dangerous path the court is taking us on."

Mr. Biden closed by calling on all sides to be peaceful in their protests.

He also told the women of this country affected by today's decision "I hear you. I support you. I stand with you...with this decision, the conservative majority of this country shows how extreme it is. How far they are from the majority of this country that made the United States an outlier among the developed nations around the world. But this decision must not be the final word...With your vote, you can act. You can have the final word. This is not over."

The elections are 137 days from now on November 8, 2022.

Turn out and be counted.

Do not let them take away your right to choose or vote or privacy.

This is a battle for the soul of the American Ideal.

It is time to treat it as such.



Monday, June 20, 2022

WTF: Check Out This Insane Potentially Criminal Ad by Adulterer, MAGA Supporting, Senate Candidate, and former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens

 Many Republicans never fail to demonstrate why they are nothing more than a minority group of fringe, gutter living, white nationalist, xenophobic, cowardly, domestic terrorist sympathizing, cult worshipping, mentally unhinged, reality denying, and criminally insane rabble.

Members of the former Party of Lincoln showed at least three times this last weekend why they are unfit to lead and govern any office in this country.

First, as Az Blue Meanie reported, Texas ultra conservative radicals voted, at a Republican convention to deny the reality of Joe Biden being elected President. They also approved measures to label homosexuality abnormal and rebuke Senator John Cornyn and other Republican Senators for supporting a modest bipartisan Senate deal on gun control.

Second, Republican Representative  and January 6 Committee Member Adam Kinzinger, his wife, and five month old child have received death threats via a letter addressed to Mrs. Kinzinger.

What kind of animal threatens the life of a five month old. Then again, what kind of animal threatens anyone's life.

To his credit, Representative Kinzinger is not cowering to these despicable individuals, posting on social media:

Representative Kinzinger is right. These people are cowards and the great majority of the country who live in the light of truth need to shine and turn out on Election Day to defeat these cowardly forces of darkness.

Despite the events in Texas and what happened to Representative Kinzinger and his family, perhaps the most insane-potentially criminal demonstration of how down in the gutter the former Party of Lincoln has gone is this political ad by adulterer (and accused sexual assaulter,) Senate Candidate, and former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens.

In this ad, Mr. Grietens (again this is someone who was accused of sexual assault) introduced himself as "I'm Eric Greitens, Navy Seal. Today we're going to go RINO hunting."

For those that do not know, RINO means Republican in Name Only. Or put it another way for Mr. Greitens and his supporters: Republicans who believe in reality, the Republic, and the Constitution.

The ad continues with Greitens, accompanied by fully masked actors (hopefully) posing as special forces/law enforcement storming a house.

Greitens says:

"The RINO feeds on corruption and is marked by the stripes of cowardice...Join the MAGA crew. Get a RINO hunting permit. There's no bagging limit, no tagging limit, and it doesn't expire until we save our country."

What this country needs to be saved from are people like Eric Greitens.

This "man" is repulsive and insane.

To actually put forth an ad calling for the hunting and killing of human beings should meet with both civil and criminal action.

What if a Greitens supporter takes this ad seriously and goes after people like Representative Kinzinger, Representative Cheney, former President Bush, or any member of Congress that certified the Biden/Harris election?

In a column criticizing this horrible ad, Washington Post columnist Paul Waldman, referencing also what happened to Kinzinger wrote:

"When more of it happens (threats of or actual political violence,) candidates such as Greitens will pretend they had nothing to do with it. They will say their ugly, violent rhetoric was just figurative — even as they wink and nod to their supporters. They’ll claim to be shocked and ask how they could possibly have known anyone would take them seriously.

But we should take them very seriously. Violence isn’t something they’re working to discourage. It has become a key part of their rhetoric and their political program. And the worse it gets, the more pleased they’ll be."

Waldman is right.

These people have become the Twenty First Century version of Italy's Black or Germany's Brown Shirts.

The sooner voters realize how much a clear and present danger these "people" are and vote them out, the safer out nation and Democratic Republic will be.


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