Monday, February 19, 2024

The MAGA Stable Genius who Killed Roe V Wade Ranks Last in the Latest Historians Presidential Rankings

Fans of James Buchanan, the largely ineffective President before Lincoln, who was the one to allow the first Southern States to secede on the eve of the American Civil War, have reason to cheer. 

In the latest historian poll on ranking American Presidents through history, Buchanan is not last among Oval Office occupiers. 

It is the Stable Genius Donald Trump, the Chief Executive who infamously killed Roe v Wade, mishandled the COVID-19 epidemic, lied with stunning regularity, was impeached twice, and enabled the January 6 Domestic Terrorist attack on the Nation's Capitol that is at the cellar of the Presidential Ranking system. 

President Joe Biden, the one who has worked since day one to clean up the various messes left by his Mad King Predecessor and pass significant legislation lifting people up and moving the country forward is ranked 14, just behind Bill Clinton and John Adams. 

The top ten Presidents in the latest historian poll are:

  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt
  • George Washington
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Harry Truman
  • Barack Obama
  • Dwight Eisenhower
  • Lyndon Baines Johnson
  • John F Kennedy

Please click here to see the full rankings. 

One thing to remember about these polls is that historians are always adjusting their perspective on the quality of these Chief Executives in lieu of the times they served and the contemporary period of the current ranking. Other factors include new biographical studies on the nation's Chief Executives. That is why you see Presidents like Lyndon Johnson, for his domestic policy achievements, and Ulysses S. Grant, for his efforts during Reconstruction and going after the Ku Klux Klan, climbing in the polls and others like Native American Persecutors Andrew Jackson and James Polk dropping. 

Other Presidents, because of their many profound contributions to the country, will rightfully forever be ranked at or near the top like Presidents Lincoln, FDR, and Washington while others like Mr. 'I killed Roe v Wade,' Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Hoover, Mr. George W. Bush, and Mr. Nixon, who largely did the country great disservice, will always be justifiably ranked at or towards the bottom. 

That is another reason why children and adults should always remember the history of this country and others.  

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Editorial Cartoons for the Week


President Biden Blasts Do Nothing MAGA Republican Controlled House for Inaction on Ukraine

President Joe Biden has taken the political offensive the last couple of weeks on MAGA Republican inaction on border security and aid to Ukraine. 

Over the last two days, the President has spoken twice to reporters and the American People calling on MAGA-supporting Speaker Mike Johnson to move the bipartisan passed Senate bill that would fund assistance to Ukraine, Israel, the Palestinian territories, and Taiwan to a vote on the House Floor. 

Yesterday, in remarks blaming Vladimir Putin for the death of imprisoned Pro-Democracy activist Alexei Navalny, Mr. Biden reminded the people that the Russian leader's cruelty was not just confined to his country's opposition leaders.

The President called on the House members, whom he mocked for taking a two-week recess, to pass the foreign aid bill because of Navalny's death (murder) :

"Reminds us of the stakes at this moment. To provide the funding for Ukraine so it can keep defending itself against Putin's vicious onslaughts and war crimes...History is watching the House of Representatives. Failure to support Ukraine at this critical moment will never be forgotten...The clock is ticking...We have to help now."

Mr. Biden then repeated his justifiable swipes at Donald 'I just found out I have to pay $355 million for business fraud' Trump's remarks at two campaign events that Russia can attack N.A.T.O. members that do not pay their bills, saying "From (Presidents) Truman on, they're all rolling over in their graves hearing this. As long as I'm President, America stands by our sacred commitment to our N.A.T.O. allies as they have stood by their commitments to us repeatedly."

In responding to questions from reporters after his comments, the President chastised Republicans for their inaction, saying it was "about time they (the House Republicans step up don't you think instead of going on a two-week vacation. TWO WEEKS! We're walking away. TWO WEEKS! What are they thinking? My God. This is bizarre. And it's just reinforcing all the concern and I won't say panic but real concern about the United States being a reliable ally. This is outrageous."

On whether Navalny's death helps motivate Republicans to vote for the Ukraine aid, Mr. Biden said:

"Well, I hope to god it helps. I mean, the idea that we need anything more to get the Ukraine aid...Come on. What are these guys doing? 

In comments to reporters today (February 17, 2024,) the President continued to rail against Republican inaction, blaming them for Ukrainian military setbacks and retreats.

Saying he told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that he was confident the United States would be able to get him aid, Mr. Biden repeated many of the points he had made the day before, adding that it would "absurd" to "walk away" from Ukraine, calling House MAGA Republican inaction "unethical" and "contrary to everything we are as a country." 

The President vowed to continue to fight to get Ukraine the military resources they need to continue fighting Russian Aggression. 

The world can not give Vladimir Putin a pass on taking control of Ukraine and hoping for the best. 

That sentiment did not work when Mussolini invaded Ethiopia. 

It did not work when Hitler eviscerated the Versailles Treaty after the appeasers of Britain and France allowed him to reclaim German-speaking and other territories on the road to World War Two.

It did not work when the original America First Movement preached isolationism before Pearl Harbor. 

Non-MAGA House Republicans need to act before history repeats itself again. 

Biden/Harris Campaign Releases Ad Condemning Trump's Embrace of Putin and Attacks on N.A.T.O.

The Biden/Harris Campaign followed up on the President's condemnation of Donald Trump's embrace of Putin and attacks on N.A.T.O. by releasing an ad saluting the collective security organization and attacking the 45th White House occupant for abandoning American Foreign Policy ideals and allies.

Called "Walk Away," the narrator in the ad credited N.A.T.O. as the "cornerstone of American Security" that helped win the Cold War against Putin's former employer, the Soviet Union, and coming to the United States aid, under Article Five, after the attacks on 9/11. 

The ad attacks Donald Trump for being the only President since N.A.T.O.'s founding to "want to walk away from N.A.T.O."

The ad goes further condemning Trump for "giving Putin the green light to attack America's allies," calling his remarks "shameful, weak, and dangerous, and Un-American."

The narrator concludes the ad by pointing out that President Biden "understands the commitment we have made to N.A.T.O. is good for America and the world and he will honor it because that's what a strong American President does."

This ad has been released into the battleground states of "Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, home to more than 2.5 million Americans who identify as Polish, Finnish, Norwegian, Lithuanian, Latvian, or Estonian – all NATO countries t

Sunday, February 11, 2024

President Biden is An Old Man: So What

From the Hill

With the release of the special counsel report from a Trump appointee that painted a negative (and inappropriate) portrait of the President's memory, (a report where Mr. Hur's summary of wilful conduct committed by the President on keeping classified documents was contradicted throughout the text by passages (page 215 for example) that there was no evidence of wilful conduct,) the chorus of political operatives on the left and white wetting their pants with concerns about whether Biden was strong enough to win in November has swelled. 

While the President's team does need to do a better job in putting him out there (not everyone watches the political shows every day where Mr. Biden routinely talks with the press on the White House grounds when he leaves or returns from events,) people on the left and center need to remember what the choice is right now for 2024.

President Biden is an old man prone to gaffes. 

So what.

Consider the younger Speaker of the House Mike Johnson mistaking Iran for Israel when discussing aid. Please see below. 

And let's not forget the 77-year-old man running for the Republican Nomination who, unlike Mr. Biden, has demonstrated through his various unethical (resulting in two impeachments) and illegal actions (91 indictments) and gaffes while he was in the White House, is unfit to return to power.

Remember when Donald Trump confused Nancy Pelosi with Nikki Haley. That was just several weeks ago.

Yesterday (February 10, 2024,) this enemy of Democracy, Border Security, and paying bills on time, at a rally in South Carolina, said he would let Russia attack N.A.T.O. allies if they did not pay bills on time.

Again, this is rich coming from a person who has a record of not paying his bills, even for his campaign rallies. 

He also attacked Nikki Haley's husband, a military serviceman on duty in Africa, for not being with her at campaign events.

Where is Melania, Donald? Have you not noticed she has not been with you at any campaign or court event? MAGA voters should be worried about their American Duce's mental capacity if he can not remember his wife is not by his side. 

Yes, Joe Biden slips up. But he is clearly not unique and, despite people's worries about his age, can vigorously defend the attacks against him. Take away the gaffe of mistaking Mexico for Egypt on Thursday, one could see the President give a stellar and, yes, passionate defense of his abilities and knowledge of events taking place around him.

Voters also need to consider what the two choices for President represent. 

While he has been President, Mr. Biden has:

  • Helped rebuild the economy, emphasizing "building the middle out and lifting the bottom up."
  • Presided over record job creation. 
  • Unlike Trump, signed legislation to modernize and rebuild the nation's infrastructure and manufacturing sector. 
  • Overseen the Coronavirus vaccination efforts. 
  • Appointed more minorities and women to the federal bench than his predecessors. 
  • Launched the largest green economy and sustainability measures in history.
  • Helped many people (including this writer) in this country reduce their student loan debt.

While he was President, Mr. Trump:

  • Mishandled the COVID-19 Pandemic. How many Americans are dead because they listened to Donald Trump?
  • Was impeached for halting aid to Ukraine for political favors.
  • Betrayed the country by enabling the January 6 2021 Domestic Terrorist attack on the Nation's Capitol.
  • Lied at a record rate.
  • Passed a debt-raising tax cut for the richest people and corporations.
  • Tried to take away quality and affordable health care from millions with no viable replacement in hand. 
  • Killed reproductive freedom and healthcare access for millions of American women by appointing three conservatives to the Supreme Court.

Yes, Joe Biden is old. 

But voters need to think about how his 81 years, character, wisdom, and experience have shaped his service to the American People compared to the disservice to the nation and its citizens his 77-year-old criminally indicted, found liable for sexual assault and business fraud, and twice impeached predecessor presided over. 

There really is no debate here. 

Editorial Cartoons for the Week


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