Progressive Bull Moose
Sunday, March 23, 2025
The Musk/Trump/Vance Central Committee is a National Extortion Racket That Wars on Children and is a Gift to America's Enemies
How Bad is Donald Trump's America?
It is so bad that the people from the Nordic Nations of Europe, the white ones Donald Trump likes, are issuing travel advisories, along with Canada, to their citizens not to travel here because of MAGA immigration/detention and transgender policies.
Kiss a huge chunk of tourist and snowbird residential tax revenue goodbye this summer and next winter.
With each passing day, the Musk/Trump/Vance Central Committee is creating an America and World that, as Edwin Black would say, wars on the weak and vulnerable while developing a national extortion racket to fleece money from targeted enemies and weakening the country's national security that only helps Americas Enemies.
While there are so many examples to note of what one could call the Musk/Trump/Vance Long Termism Eugenics War where the weak are weeded out and replaced by A.I. or robots, here are a few points to consider.

People, including children in the United States and around the world, are getting sicker and dying because the Musk/Trump/Vance Administration is cutting off funds for free school meals, food aid to underdeveloped countries, scientific research, and valuable medicines and technologies.
Musk says people are not dying from these cutbacks.
According to reporting from the New York Times, he is clearly lying with small children dying from not getting the AIDS medication previously sent by the United States.
They are also repealing Environmental rules and programs that help reduce pollution contamination and assist disaster-stricken areas in poor neighborhoods.
Then there is having Robert F. Kennedy as the Health and Human Services Secretary during measles and bird flu outbreak. How messed up is that?
Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and JD Vance are the 2025 versions of baby killers.
But they do not care because, in their worldview (Remember Trump advocated the euthanizing of his nephew's child,) these children should be weeded out because they feel they are weak or not their type of people.
Just look at what this White Nationalist Triad is doing at Defense and the Veterans Administration.
They are taking out references to the ethnicities of prominent Americans buried at Arlington National Cemetery like Colin Powell.
In Arizona, officials at the Phoenix VA removed the flags of 22 Tribal Nations.
It will be interesting to see what happens to Title One funds for schools that cater to poor families and IDEA monies that assist children with disabilities now that the American Duce is doing his best to dismantle the United States Department of Education.
Or their designs for Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid.
Probably, given their track record from their first term and first two months into this one, nothing good.
With regard to setting up a National Mob Like Extortion Racket, Trump is enriching himself and his MAGA allies by threatening to cut off universities and major D.C.-based law firms that have historically tilted leftward.
That one law firm, the one headed by Paul Weiss, and one university, Columbia, is bending the knee and paying off Trump after he targeted them, even if it is probably glorified window dressing like Mexico and Canada getting the best of the stable genius in tariff deals, is an example of this criminal extortion racket.
In what reality has enabling the bully, even when he gets less than he hoped, ever been historically proven to work out well in the long term.

Finally, the Musk/Trump/Vance Central Committee seems to be doing everything they can to weaken American National Security in favor of their authoritarian besties in Russia and China.
These moves include:
- The aforementioned reductions in American Global Soft Power: Foreign Aid.
- Their war on knowledge, science, and history.
- The ceding of the electric car market to China.
- The stopping of cyber operations against Russia.
- Doing away with the cybersecurity division that protects American Elections.
- Shutting down the Voice of America and other freedom-promoting initiatives like Radio Free Asia and internet access for the Chinese.
- The disbanding of the Pentagon Think Tank Office of Net Assessment, credited with winning the Cold War, was designed to plan for future areas of concern and conflicts. How stupid a move is that?
Musk/Trump/Vance and the rest of their team are doing everything to welcome America's enemies except put out th
Sunday, March 16, 2025
From the end of World One until the end of his Fascist government Benito Mussolini used bands of Squadristi (also known as Black Shirts) ...