Monday, September 25, 2017

Call to Action courtesy of Desert Progressives

Support a Dreamer! 
October 5 is the deadline to renew their temporary status
You can be a hero to a young person facing deportation. Since the president rescinded the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program, up to 6,000 young people in Arizona must renew their temporary immigration status by October 5, or risk deportation from the only home most of these talented youth have ever known.

The good news is that with the help of attorneys and others who are donating their services, organizations like Promise Arizona are helping Dreamers file the required documents at no charge.

However, many of these young people don't have the resources to pay the $495 federal application fee to renew their DACA status on such short notice.

All gifts to Promise Arizona go toward paying these application fees. Please join us in donating what you can today..

Turn Arizona BLUE in 2018
It's easy to sometimes feel discouraged about living in a red state, but the great news is that we're actually within reach of electing progressives to the Arizona legislature who will represent our values!. And by turning Arizona blue, we can impact the direction of our country, too!

But we need to start NOW  -- and it will take all of us working together to make it happen!  So, Desert Progressives is partnering with an inspiring group of young people from C.A.S.E. (Central Arizonan's for a Sustainable Economy) to help register new voters and get new, diverse voters who share our values to the polls, too. (They have a plan - and already registered 40,000 new voters before Nov 2016, which was instrumental in unseating Sheriff Joe!)

We've already started - and here's our Success Report! Saturday, September 24, we
knocked on 187 doors
talked to 55 voters
registered 2 new voters AND
collected 27 Commitment Cards, in which people pledged to vote on immigration, education and health care issues in 2018!
We can contact even more voters with your help! Meet us (almost) every Saturday from 10 am - 2 pm through November 11.

Our NEXT canvassing date is Saturday, October 7, at 11240 N. 19th Ave (on the southwest corner of 19th Ave & Cholla..look for the building with the red tile roof). After a brief training, we'll go out to survey and register infrequent voters. The more folks we have, the more effective we will be. Bring your walking shoes, water and a fully charged cell phone! Contact Judy or Mickey to RSVP or find out more!

Trump's Terrible Foreign Policy
Stand Indivisible!
This week, Trump spoke in front of the United Nations General Assembly. If you didn't see it (spoiler alert!), it was a national embarrassment. Trump doubled down on his "America First" nationalism and bigotry. Visit the Indivisiblog to read more about Trump's disastrous foreign policy speech from Indivisible's new Foreign Policy Manager, Elizabeth Beavers.

Arizona Action
We the People Summit
Register Now!
Don't miss this powerful event on Saturday, November 4 from 8:30 am - 6 pm! Building on the momentum of January's Women's March, the first summit this past summer helped progressive groups from throughout Arizona to collaborate.  Join us in November when we have the chance to connect and build on what we've already started together! We need you there!

We the People are individuals, grassroots organizations, and established nonprofits who seek to empower, educate, and connect the citizens of Arizona. The We the People Summit will give you the tools and techniques to empower you to make a difference in your community and make sure your voice is heard in local and state government. Early bird tickets are available now! $35 general, $20 students. Find out more and register here today!.
Yes for
Paradise Valley Students

We strongly urge everyone who's eligible to vote YES for the  Paradise Valley School District's Override Election,  this November 2017!

AND we urge you to volunteer and support the campaign. Join Yes for PV Students campaign's Kick-off event on Tuesday, Sept 26 from 4-7 pm when you can get yard signs, car magnets and learn about other ways you can support the campaign. Or if you can't make it (since you'll be coming to the Desert Progressives Indivisible Meeting that night!), you can get more information about the override here. And learn more about how you can support the PV Override at the next DPI meeting!
Legislative Activism Training 101 & 102 with Dianne Post

Those of you who were at our July Desert Progressives Indivisible meeting will remember the amazing Dianne Post who led us through a process of not only selecting a goal, but also gathering actions and resources to make it happen

Join her and others on Tuesday, October 3 from 6-9 pm for this Legislative 101 training AND do a Legislative 202 training in preparation for the upcoming 2018 AZ legislative session!

For 2018, the chapter's legislative activism will focus on the passage of the ERA, repeal of the tampon tax and the introduction of child marriage laws in AZ. Learn more about it here. This free training will take place at the AFL-CIO office at 3117 N. 16th Street. Register here.
National Action 
from Jen Hofmann
Submit Public Testimony for Monday's Graham-Cassidy Hearing
Email: by 1:00 pm EST Monday 9/25.

Subject line: Graham-Cassidy hearing, Monday, Sept. 25, 2017

Script: I/my family rely/relies on quality, affordable healthcare. Because of this, I oppose the Graham-Cassidy bill. My story with [Medicaid, coverage caps, pre-existing conditions, disabilities, affordability, etc.] is… I would like to see a bipartisan Congressional effort to improve the ACA, not repeal it.
Sincerely, [name] [address]

Note: After September 30, 2017, the Senate will need 60 votes to repeal the ACA, not 51. Their urgency is real. Use your voice today.

Bonus: If you have blue senators, make two calls using Indivisible’s great strategy to run out the clock.

Advocate for Kids' Healthcare
Call: All 3 MoCs (lookup).
Script: Hi. I’m from [ZIP] calling to ask [name] to reauthorize the Children's Health Insurance Program before funding lapses on September 30th. Millions of children rely on this funding. This is not the time to be angling for partisan policy riders. Can you tell me what [name] is doing to insure a clean reauthorization of CHIP?
Advocate to Keep DACA Youth Here in the US, Their Home
Call: Your 3 MoCs (lookup). If you’ve already called.

Script: Hi. I am from [ZIP], calling to ask [name] to support a clean Dream Act that gives permanent legal status to DACA recipients without attaching funding for a border wall. Has [name] co-sponsored S. 1615 (Senate) / H.R. 3440 (House)? Thanks!
Oppose Industry's Practice of Influencing Environmental Policy
Call: Your 2 senators (lookup).

Script:  Hi I’m from [ZIP]. I was sorry to see the House pass a pro-lobbyist bill, the EPA Science Reform Act, which has now been sent to the Senate. The Union of Concerned Scientists opposes this bill. I know [name] doesn’t want to empower lobbyists and let big money shape environmental policy. Can you tell me whether [name] plans to vote against this bill? Thank you.

Acts of Gratitude 
We like these recommendations from our friend Jen Hofmann this week.

Thank Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Bill Nelson (D-FL) for working together to improve the ACA. Bipartisan collaboration is challenging in this contentious environment, so I appreciate your efforts to prioritize the American people over political differences. Name, state, party.

Address (SC): 413 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510

Address (BN): 716 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510

Thank Sens. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) for supporting an amendment to continue funding the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. I especially appreciate your bipartisan collaboration and advocacy for our planet and its people. Name, state, party.

Address (JM): 313 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510

Address (SC): 413 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510

Address (LA): 455 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510

Thank Jimmy Kimmel for using his position and influence to spotlight the healthcare crises so many Americans face and for challenging our elected officials to do better. Even though you didn’t have to, I’m glad you did. Thank you.

Address: 6834 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90028-6135

Good News!
Check out the love coming our way from the national Indivisible team for successfully lobbying McCain to vote NO on Graham-Cassidy.

Check out the always-inspiring good news this week from Peace is Loud. Here's a recap of some encouraging news:
The fight for immigrant rights continues: A federal judge ruled that Jeff Sessions can’t block sanctuary cities from receiving federal funding; California passed a “sanctuary state” bill which bans law enforcement from working with ICE in most cases; and the Teamsters Joint Council 16 has become a sanctuary union, citing the deportation of a member as a “wakeup call.”
Rhode Island will pay DACA renewal fees for every Dreamer in their state, and three members of Congress were arrested in Make the Road’s latest demonstration supporting a clean DREAM Act.
The military will allow transgender troops to re-enlist and continue receiving medical care. (This may change if Trump’s ban goes into effect, but this bipartisan bill, which would block the ban entirely, is gaining momentum.)

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