Saturday, March 31, 2018

Another example of misplaced priorities in Education: Sports Teams over the arts.

Schools in this country, on average, spend more on sports programs then they do on Math education. When schools cut programs, they are more likely to cut the arts and/or increase class sizes. This is a misplaced priority among many public schools. In other countries around the world, athletics is viewed as important but it is sports leagues around towns and cities that promote sports teams, not the schools. Having students engaged in physical education and intramural sporting activities is important and should be maintained. But after school sports teams, when compared with investing in small classes in core classes or keeping a balanced art program, should not be given higher fiscal priority. Schools around the world have figured that out and along with longer school years and in some cases longer school days, are beating us in Math and Science. How is maintaining the status quo of putting school sports teams a priority over Math, Science, English, History, and the Arts going to help move this country forward? Just a thought to consider.

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