Monday, April 30, 2018

Welcome to the Perjury Trap: the Real Game. The questions Mr. Mueller wants the President to answer. Can we say potential obstruction or perjury if the President answers these questions.

Remember Afghanistan: The terrorists still do.

The latest from Paul Krugman

The Nuclear Agreement with Iran needs to be preserved despite what Bibi and Donnie want.

There has been a gaga among several cliques of American Foreign and Military thinkers since 1979 to get rid of the current Iranian regime and any semblance of a nuclear program. Whether the reasons for this are to get even with the current government for the downfall of the Shah and the immediate democratic revolution that followed or for the control of the oil reserves in that country (historically a desire for several great powers like Great Britain, the United States, and Russia that resulted in the exploitation of the Iranian people and the overthrow of democratic governments) or a legitimate (but overrated fear) of Iranian nuclear reach into Israel, or a rivalry with the Sunni Saud Family for the soul of Islam in the Middle East, the fever reached new levels when the six power nuclear agreement with Iran was concluded in 2015.

President Trump blames President Obama for concluding the worst deal ever made with Iran. That five other nations approved and blessed the deal seems to escape his attention. It is not helped when the Prime Minister of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu (another Obama hater), spews outdated intelligence information at a presentation today, hoping to goad President Trump into leaving the Agreement. Having Neo Conservative fanatic  John Bolton as the National Security Adviser is not helpful to the situation either.

The Nuclear Agreement with Iran needs to be maintained. Will it make Iran a different political system? Maybe not but that is not the point. If we wanted that condition in all our agreements, we should have had a different political system in Saudi Arabia by now. If the United States does leave, there should be hope that France, Germany, Britain, Russia, and China could hold the agreement with Iran together. It would mean more isolation for the United States but at least their nuclear program would be checked.

Remember when past Presidents had a cabinet and staff when most of the staff did not think the President was an idiot?

John Kelly is not the first White House Chief of Staff who felt the world would go to hell if he was not controlling the actions of the President. HR. Haldeman is known to have restrained most of President Nixons' worst impulses. Unfortunately, he could not restrain all of them and the coverup with Watergate resulted. Donald Regan thought that President Reagan had deteriorated to the point that after he was unceremoniously fired from the White House, warned that the 25th Amendment would have to be invoked. The power of being Chief of Staff reportedly went to the heads of  John Sununu and Richard Daley when they served Presidents Bush 41 and Obama. So Kelly is not unique.

What is unique is the number of people, ON THE TRUMP TEAM, who have openly questioned the mental abilities of the President. Usually, these sentiments are expressed publicly when someone has retired and drafted their best selling memoirs. In this administration, we have leading figures calling the President " a moron" and "an idiot" while still working for him. That these revelations are finding their way to the public ear is another indicator that the Executive Branch lacks discipline and needs to get its act together. It does not inspire confidence when these idiots can not even present the facade of competence.

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Adam Zyglis

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Patrick Chappatte

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Steve Benson

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Why are people susceptible to the big lie?

According to a recent Quinnipiac poll, 51 percent of Republicans polled agreed with President Trump's assertion that the Media is the Enemy of the People. That is very dangerous considering the many times the media (see the Politifact link below) has caught the President lying.

Over the last month, the President has been playing the "other card" warning of the dangers of a caravan of Central American Refugees making its way to our Southern Border, Yesterday at a rally in Michigan, the President continued this unpresidential posture, saying our laws are not capable of stopping them from coming to the United States and that they are the latest in an illegal immigrant and crime wave. Well, the problem with that is it is not true. Illegal Immigration, fed in part by record deportations during the Obama Administration has been low for almost a decade. Crime since the 1990's has been low too with the exception of an occasional spurt. The people in these caravans by all accounts have conducted themselves well on their trek to our border. There is no crime wave. What people should take a pause in is the pictures of the caravan at the border wall separating San Diego and Tijuana border. People were climbing the wall with impunity smiling for the cameras when half their bodies were in Mexico and the other half in the United States. So much for the wall stopping illegal immigrants.

Why do so many people believe the President over "truth?" Why do so many disbelieve the press when they continually prove that the President is lying?  Why are people susceptible to the big lie?There is the old saying of "fool me once, shame on you but fool on me twice, shame on me for letting you get away with it." You would think that many Trump supporters should really feel ashamed of being fooled so many times. This is another example to illustrate how many in the Republican Party have fallen into the abyss. That said, it is still hard to fathom. This 51 percent that believes the press is "The Enemy of the People" can not all be die-hard nativists or racists or gullible.

To those people, the Henrik Ibsen play "The Enemy of the People" should be recommended so they can see how people distorting the truth can lead to policies that go against their own welfare or mob reactions against individuals who are really trying to help the people. After reading that, they should try and apply it to what the President and his allies have done. It should be an eye-opener.

Fareed Zakaria GPS from 4/29/18

The latest from Robert Reich on Trump and Press

This Week in Science and Technology courtesy of Futurism

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Mitt Priggee

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Steve Greenberg

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Paresh

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Bob Englehart

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Dave Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Dave Granlund

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Dave Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Drew Sheneman

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Pat Bagley

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Monte Wolverton

Saturday, April 28, 2018

If our Public Servants are grid locked or will not serve the people, then the people should directly set the agenda.

In our National Government and states like Arizona, Kentucky, and Colorado, there is either gridlock between our public servants or the Republican Party is not paying attention to what the people want or both.

The President unveiled an infrastructure plan that should serve as the starting point for debate to forge a plan to rebuild our roads, bridges, schools, airway, broadband, utilities,  rail, shipping, and airline industries. Has anyone heard about any hearings to discuss it? Has anyone seen a bill that is being considered? A March 29 CNBC article said that infrastructure would have to wait until after the midterms. This is unacceptable as infrastructure needs have been paramount in some areas for decades. This is supposedly one of the areas where there is bipartisan consensus. If so, where is the approved bill from Congress that is about to be signed by the President?

Another area where there is supposedly bipartisan consensus is Public Education. If that is so, why is the Governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey trying to pass a teacher raise without bargaining with teachers (which most want to be done) and without taking into account falling school staff salaries and school capital funding shortfalls (which most of the people want to be addressed?) Why is he trying to pay for this teacher raise through either rosy economic forecasts and on the back of people in need like those on Medicaid? Why is he not considering raising taxes by closing corporate loopholes or raising the state income tax on high earners (which most favor)?

What is there to be done when there is gridlock or a political party out of step with mainstream reality? In Arizona and other states, the people have the power to file a petition to put a measure on the ballot if they get a fixed number of signatures. If successful, the measure can go on the ballot and be voted on by the people. Proponents of funding increased education expenditures through an increase in taxing high-income earners have filed such a petition. If they get enough signatures (and the reception the walkout among Educators in Arizona seems to indicate that will not be a problem), the people will have the opportunity to take matters into their own hands and decide what to do with education funding.

With a potential Blue Wave about to sweep the country, this may be one of the few immediate avenues (assuming the Governor and his allied do not get their act together) people have along with electing Pro-Education public servants to enforce the will of the people. Maybe the people need to resort to similar methods with regards to our crumbling infrastructure and other critical areas of need if our "leaders" cannot act for the public good. Hopefully, the people who run as Progressives and win in November will get the message.

The latest from Robert Reich on Inequality in Education

Charen and Shields from 4/27/18

Real Time with Bill Maher from 4/27/18

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Steve Breen

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Pat Bagley

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Christopher Weyant

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Pat Bagley

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jeff Korbeta

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Darren Bell

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Nate Beeler

Friday, April 27, 2018

Idea of the Week: Avoiding Extremism on both sides.

It is amazing that both sides of the political spectrum have become so polarized and tribal that even if something remotely positive comes out of either a Democratic or Republican administration, the bearer of that message is branded out of touch, an idiot, or a traitor to the cause. It is not anymore traitorous or unpatriotic if we acknowledge a positive action from the Trump Administration than if a Republican recognizes a positive contribution from the Obama one.  We are just as much at fault if we become as doctrinaire and stubborn as the other side. That is one of the reasons our country is divided and we can not allow this to continue. 

Movie of the Week

The Death of Stalin

Book of the Week

Ronan Farrows: War on Peace: The End of Diplomacy and the Decline of American Influence

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Patrick Chappatte

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of John Cole

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Kevin Siers

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Phil Hands

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Kevin Siers

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jim Morin

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Steve Sack

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Joe Heller

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Dave Granlund

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Monte Wolverton

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Andy Marlette

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Christopher Weyant

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Rob Rogers

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Work requirements for our Public Servants

With the conservative leadership in the states and the nation wanting work requirements for people on Medicaid and Food Stamps, Progressives and Democrats should insist on work requirements for our public servants because they spend too little time working for the people that elected them.

The latest from Paul Krugman

My article on the Rally for Arizona Education at the Arizona State Capital

The Macron address to Congress through the eyes of EJ Dionne

The latest from Social Good Now. This reinforces what people like Robert Reich and John Edwards have been saying for years.

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Nick Anderson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of David Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of David Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Adam Zyglis

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jack Ohman

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Andy Marlette

Editorial Poster