Wednesday, April 25, 2018

We have to rebuild the areas destroyed by I.S.I.S.

Worried that a populace ravaged in a continent totally destroyed by World War Two, President Harry Truman and Secretary of State Marshall devised the Marshall Plan to rebuild Western Europe (The Soviets did not and would not let their satellites in the East participate). With the passage of the Plan by the then Congress, Europe was rebuilt and the allure of Communism (a worry in France and Italy) did not gain full momentum.

A similar situation exists in the areas ravaged by I.S.I.S and other extremists. While we definitely need a Marshall Plan for the United States, we should also think about one in those areas of the Middle East that have been plagued with strife. By providing a better future to the people in the area, hope can be restored and the false choice of extremism and fanaticism will fade away

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