Thursday, January 31, 2019

Brexit and MAGA are case studies on how the elites took the middle and lower classes for granted and also how history and civic/economics education should be more mandatory and in depth.

Mitch McConnell gives more evidence in his opposing comments on democratic reforms like making election day a federal holiday that he is an "Enemy of the People"

Yes Sarah, Hades wanted Donald Trump to be President

My last point is why Journalists do not remind the President that most illegal drugs do not come across illegal points of entry across the southern border but legal points of entry or that more terror suspects cross over from very white English and French-speaking Canada.

Also, it should be pointed out that the Great Deal Maker could not get his "wall" money when Republicans were in charge of everything. The idiot blew his best shot when he told the Democrats to go to hell on the DACA for wall deal.

Just watched the Popular Vote Loser and KKK endorsed candidate. Did he just say he did not read the Intelligence Chief's report even though he chastised them (the people he appointed) for their Congressional Testimony? What a Chief Executive?

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Steve Benson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Phil Hands

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of David Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Clay Bennett

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Yes, taxes for the wealthy need to go up. This countries economy performed better when they paid more in taxes. This is historically proven. For them to say otherwise is fraudulent. It is time for them to put the country first.

If Howard Schultz wants to run for President, then run as a Democrat. This 2020 election is too important to throw it back to the KKK endorsed candidate.

The Intelligence Chiefs (appointments of the Popular Vote Loser) contradict what the KKK endorsed candidate has stated on North Korea, Russia, Iran, and China. This is dangerous and troubling because either Mr. Trump has been very stupid or he is working with these rouge nations. We should be worried if it is either scenario.

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Patrick Chappatte

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Adam Zyglis

Monday, January 28, 2019

Of course, most solutions can be found at the local level. it is the closet contact to the people and it is where pragmatism finds its greatest reception. That is why Justice Louis Bandeis called the states "the Laboratories of Democracy."


Saturating the Sahara with Solar Panel Farms. Interesting idea.

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of W Hammond

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Tom Toles

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Steve Sack

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Steve Benson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Scott Stantis

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Joel Pett

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Pat Bagley

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jim Morin

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Must Read Third Party Commentary from the New York Times

Reliable Sources from 1/27/19

Fareed Zakaria GPS from 1/27/19

SNL Cold Open from 1/26/19

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Monte Wolverton

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Mitt Priggee

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Mike Thompson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of MacGregor

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Lowe

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Ken Catalino

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jones

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jack Ohman

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Ed Wexler

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Drew Sheneman

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of David Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of David Horsey

Editorial Poster