Thursday, October 24, 2019

Black Shirts Masquerading as Congressmen Disrupt the Closed Door Impeachment Inquiry.

From the end of World One until the end of his Fascist government Benito Mussolini used bands of Squadristi (also known as Black Shirts) thugs to create chaos in Italy, that would help to create the gridlock and instability in the country that would bring him to power in 1922. After coming to power, these Black Shirts continued to be a force, disrupting opposition parties and enforcing the Duce’s rule through violence (including murder) and intimidation.
The descendants of these Black Shirt squadristi bullying thugs were visible today as about two dozen of them, masquerading as Republican Congressman, stormed the closed-door impeachment hearings at the House of Representatives. They apparently did so, with the knowledge and approval of their Duce, Donald Trump.
Among the fringe group that disrupted the closed-door proceedings were  Mo rising sea levels are caused by falling rocks Brooks, Steve I never met a nonwhite person I could like King, Andy Freedom Circus…oh Caucus Leader Arizona Congressional Five Representative Andy Biggs, Jim I didn’t know what was going on in the lockerroom Jordan and Matt I am going to tell on you to your girlfriends Michael Cohen Gaetz.
These individuals claimed that the impeachment inquiry is a sham that is denying the President his rights for due process.
According to several sources, as reported by media outlets like Vox, their behavior was severely unprofessional and their actions constituted a break with House rules as well as possible security violations with their use of unsecured cell phones.
Joan Greene, the Democratic Congressional District Five Nominee in 2018 and candidate for 2020 commented on Biggs actions on Facebook, writing that:
“Fact: What Andy Biggs did is ILLEGAL!!”
“From the twitter feed of Angry Staffer”
“This is actually way, way worse than some people realize. Bringing a phone into a SCIF is a major no-no – and a national security risk – that’s why there are locking cabinets outside for all electronics.”
“When there’s a breach like this, the SCIF has to be re-hardened to ensure that NatSec isn’t compromised.”
“Inside *that* SCIF, it’s particularly egregious: HPSCI is privy to many of our most sensitive secrets — secrets that most administration officials don’t even know.”
“Folks are asking why the process to re-secure the facility is necessary. Won’t go in to a lot of detail, but even if the Republicans weren’t using their phones from inside the SCIF (they seem to be), their devices could be compromised and adversaries could be listening.”
“For more clarity on why Biggs is a Security Risk”
“This is no laughing matter. Biggs continues to put our Country at risk. Biggs compromised our Nation’s safety because he is a sycophant. Trump is an asset of Putin’s and Biggs telegraphed to Putin and our other foreign adversaries that he is a willing asset should they need him. Biggs should be considered a National Safety Risk and he must be investigated and treated as such.”
What the American People need to understand that the Republican contention that these hearings are one-sided and the President’s due process is being compromised is nonsense and more of the big lies perpetrated by the Liar in Chief and his band of black shirts.
in these impeachment inquiry hearings, Democrat and Republican Congressional members question all the witnesses brought before them. The House counsel of both parties is allowed to ask questions of the witnesses as well.
If the President does get impeached by the House of Representatives, he gets a trial in the Senate presided over by the Chief Justice of the United States. In this trial, witnesses are called and both sides get to question them, produce evidence, and present their side of the case.
Let us get real people.
These two dozen fascist bullying thugs masquerading as public servants need to be penalized for what they did today.
It is ironic that all these individuals who participated in the failed censure motion against Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff over presenting (stupidly) a parody in an open hearing would be guilty of far greater offenses than the one they accused him of.
Democrats and Republicans in the House can not let this behavior go unanswered. Whatever legal remedies that can be applied to today’s events need to be instituted.
In Italy in the 1920s, the Democratic forces took too long to recognize the threat that Mussolini and his black shirts posed. Their slowness caused the creation of a totalitarian state.
It is important that the people that still believe in Democracy and Republics in the House of Representatives act now and stamp out this plaque before it festers further.

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