Thursday, March 14, 2019

We are Better Than This. A short time ago, an 18 year old slashed a tire on a man's SUV. When caught and arrested for this crime, she said it was because he had a red MAGA hat on his car dashboard. We are better than this. Progressives do not need help from people like this person who behaves like Neo Nazi's and defiles a persons property because of what they believe. That man has every right to have his political views like any other person in this free Democratic Republic. People, like this man whose vehicle was vandalized, is like any American who is trying to live and make ends meet for him and his family. It would be better to win this person over by the power of progressive ideas and convincing him of the validity of progressive positions. Vandalizing his property does not convince him on the merits of the progressive cause. It just makes the vandal more like those reactionary nativist zealots people should steer away from. We are better than that.

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