Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Attorney General Barr has a lot explaining to do with the Mueller letter from today. He had a lot to answer for before that. Good luck agents of accountability and justice in the Senate and House (if he shows up) the next couple of days.


Hopefully, today's meeting on infrastructure will signal the beginning to solve the problem of rebuilding and modernizing our countries roadways, electric grid, airlines, railways, and shipping. We cannot wait for a Democratic President to get this done.


History Today; the first hearings on Medicare for All


When will these senseless acts of violence end?


Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of David Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Clay Bennett

The latest from Robert Reich on combating climate change deniers


Monday, April 29, 2019

Domestic Terrorists should not be released on Bail.


Rod Rosenstein is gone effective 5/11


One record He can truly called his Own. Ladies and Gentlemen. I present the Liar in Chief.

The Popular Vote Loser cannot call the economy his own. He just came in when the Obama Economy was humming along.

Low unemployment? Same story.

The defeat of ISIS? Started under Obama to.

What record can the KKK President call his own? Well along with the most turnover in a Presidential administration and fostering the most division, Individual One can lay claim to being the Liar in Chief. Over 10,000 lies. That is quite an accomplishment even for a politician.

Pundits should go a step further and, like Politifact, rate the ludicrous aspects of these 10,000 lies although none may top the Liar in Chief saying mothers and doctors execute babies. How vile and despicable does this person need to be for even his base to realize that he is the real scum in the government?

Come on people.



Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Signe Wilkinson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Phil Hands

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of David Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Andy Marlette

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Adam Zyglis

The latest from Robert Reich on Gun Control


Friday, April 26, 2019

Idea of the Week

Do not fund Executive Departments whose members  refuse to comply with Congressional Oversight Hearings.

Book of the Week

Joseph Stiglitz: People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Steve Benson

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Phil Hands

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Mike Peters

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Chris Britt

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Bob Englehart

Donnie and Jared’s buddies in Arabia, the Saudis, just executed a person for protesting for Democracy.


The latest from Robert Reich on who should be the Next President


Thursday, April 25, 2019

There are other exceptional Democrats

While a lot of pundits are mainly focused on Kamala Harris,  Elizabeth Warren Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Beto O'Rourke, and Pete Buttigieg, Democrats and Progressives would do well to consider other proven progressive leaders who have the experience to be effective Presidents. Two of them (Jay Inslee and John Hickenlooper) are successful two-term Governors. Remember when being a Governor was an ideal qualification to serve as President.  Two (Corey Booker and Julian Castro) have been Mayors in their public service careers. Another four (Amy Klobuchar, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tim Ryan, and Seth Moulton) are skilled legislators. While there are other candidates that have not been mentioned, it is important to recognize that there are very qualified candidates other than the still exceptional ones with high name recognition or the press favorites. Voters should study all these candidates (including the ones not mentioned) and make an informed decision on which candidate has the best ideas, temperament, and vision to bring the country together and move forward.

Democrats should put Republicans on the spot and ask them why they do not think the KKK President did not obstruct justice while conservative legal scholars George Conway and Andrew Napolitano think he did.



Editorial Cartoons courtesy of Theo Moudakis

Editorial Cartoons courtesy of Phil Hands

Editorial Cartoons courtesy of Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoons courtesy of Marian Kamensky

Editorial Cartoons courtesy of Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoons courtesy of Darrin Bell

Editorial Cartoons courtesy of Patrick Chappatte

Editorial Cartoons courtesy of Andy Marlette

Editorial Cartoons courtesy of Adam Zyglis

Joe is in


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of David Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Adam Zyglis



Individual One is not above the law or beyond the reach of Congressional Oversight.

Individual One is not above the law or beyond the reach of Congressional Oversight. Democrats need to fight on and demand accountability from this Administration even if it means citing them for contempt of Congress. It was especially amusing that the Popular Vote Loser called the witch hunt the most thorough investigation in history with 500 people interviewed. Unfortunately, he was not one of those 500 people. At least Hillary Clinton went to the F.B.I. offices to discuss the email controversy and testified before Congress regarding Benghazi.  Democrats need to fight and demand nothing less than total compliance with Congressional oversight. And his people should ask. If you are so innocent, why are you stonewalling?


The latest from Robert Reich on Firing Trump, Climate Change, and Finding Common Ground.




What time is it? It is time for Trump (aka Individual One) to Go?


Monday, April 22, 2019

This is for the Soul of the Country. It is time for the KKK President (otherwise known as the Popular Vote Loser and Individual One) to go.

Today, the Democratic Leadership led by Speaker Pelosi reaffirmed their intentions to continue Congressional Investigations building on the results of the Mueller Investigation and other potential misdeeds by this "President" and members of his administration.

This due diligence is prudent and wise but Democrats can not if all the evidence calls for impeachment (or censure at the very least), run from it when the time calls to take that vote.

Democrats need to get past the people who say they want to move on from this. Remember Watergate was a two and a half year process as well from the break in to Nixon's resignation. Democrats need to stay focused and perform their constitutional duties (Lord knows most of the shrinking number of  Trumpist-Republicans will not help) while also working on passing legislation that will help the American People and move the country forward.

Democrats need to stop being worried about how the Trumpist-Republicans will react if they pursue these investigations. So what if these investigations galvanize his religious hypercritical, obtuse and imbecilic supporters. Remember there are more who support the Progressive Agenda and more who want to vote the Popular Vote Loser out (remember more did not vote for him in the first place) than those who back Individual One. Shame on Democrats if they do not rise to the occasion on election day and turn out to vote in greater numbers (like there are) than the people who support the KKK President. Shame on Democrats if they cower to Trumpist-Republican bullying or Media overanalysis. Remember the only radical Presidential Candidate in 2020 who will take the country further backward is the one endorsed by the KKK and a minority of the American People. It is far better for Democrats to run ads challenging Trumpist-Republicans to defend someone endorsed by the KKK and facing trial at the very least as a Co-Conspirator than along with the ads on the issues the American People support.

It is time to stand up and, like Senator Elizabeth Warren has alluded to, fight for the soul of our country. While issues like healthcare and the environment are very important, deciding what kind of country the United States is equally important and people have to decide whether they are comfortable with an immoral individual with potential criminal tendencies and dictatorial desires as their leader or will they embrace the words of Al Gore who when commenting in 1992 of another incumbent President (George HW Bush), that it was time for them to go.

It is time for Mr. Trump and his psychophants to go.







Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of David Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Adam Zyglis

The latest from Robert Reich on how the Press should treat Trump


Sunday, April 21, 2019

Interesting Third Party Piece on Elizabeth Warren wanting to get rid of the filibuster


Clinton lied about an affair. Trump lied about obstructing justice. You judge which is worse and more impeachable. There is no equivalency here.

Trump has raised $30,000,000 for his campaign. SO WHAT. All the Democratic Presidential Candidates combined have raised $110,000,000.


Reliable Sources from 4/21/19


Fareed Zakaria GPS from 4/21/19


Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Walt Handelsman

Editorial Cartoon courtesy of Tom Toles

Editorial Poster