Monday, April 29, 2019

One record He can truly called his Own. Ladies and Gentlemen. I present the Liar in Chief.

The Popular Vote Loser cannot call the economy his own. He just came in when the Obama Economy was humming along.

Low unemployment? Same story.

The defeat of ISIS? Started under Obama to.

What record can the KKK President call his own? Well along with the most turnover in a Presidential administration and fostering the most division, Individual One can lay claim to being the Liar in Chief. Over 10,000 lies. That is quite an accomplishment even for a politician.

Pundits should go a step further and, like Politifact, rate the ludicrous aspects of these 10,000 lies although none may top the Liar in Chief saying mothers and doctors execute babies. How vile and despicable does this person need to be for even his base to realize that he is the real scum in the government?

Come on people.

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