Monday, September 30, 2019

Vice President Pence should be thinking about the 25th Amendment.

It has been a bad weekend for the 45th President.
First, he went off the rails and called two Jewish Congressional Chairmen overseeing impeachment and the Ukraine affair along with members of the squad “savages.”
Then the loyal surrogates sent to defend him on the Sunday talk shows (Rudy GiulianiStephen MillerJim Jordan, and Lindsey Graham) were all thwarted by Sunday Talk Show Hosts (George Stephanopoulos from ABC, Chris Wallace from FOX, Jake Tapper from CNN, and Margaret Brennan from CBS) who had the actual facts to throw their false insinuations back at them.
These negative developments helped prompt the 2016 Popular Vote Loser to become further unhinged on Twitter, writing that:
  • Intelligence Committee Chairperson Adam Schiff should be tried for treason.
  • He wants to personally meet the whistleblower.
  • His impeachment, borrowing from one of his supporter’s sentiments, could lead to civil war.
Given Mr. Trump’s apparent inability to rationally handle the pressure of the situation, his talent for throwing more fuel on his own fire, and his threats (witness intimidation) against the whistleblower and all of the people that assisted him or her, perhaps Vice President Pence should think about the disability clause of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment and act accordingly with the other members of the cabinet that do not want this political tragedy to continue.
It would be better, as former Senator Jeff Flake wrote along similar lines in the Washington Post this morning, for the country if they put loyalty to the nation first over the Chief Executive Demagogue and their political party.

Fareed Zakaria GPS from 9/29/19

Reliable Sources from 9/29/19

Can not they just impeach him for threatening the Whistleblower as this is witness intimidation or could the whistleblower's attorney's bring a lawsuit against him?

Sunday, September 29, 2019

SNL Cold Open from 9/29/19

The KKK Endorsed Candidate Goes off the Rails Again.

During the final stages of the Watergate “National Nightmare” (as President Ford called it in his first speech as the new Chief Executive), rumors surfaced that President Nixon had become increasingly reclusive and potentially unstable, prompting chief of staff Alexander Haig to create a stop-gap prevention system to halt any rash acts Nixon might take.
While Nixon never publicly unleashed his inner demons in those turbulent times, his most recent successor is showing no restraints via twitter.
More unfortunate for all, he is displaying the racism most observers recognize he has always had.
In a tweet on September 28, the President, who remember was endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan, wrote:
“Can you imagine if these Do Nothing Democrat Savages, people like Nadler, Schiff, AOC Plus 3, and many more, had a Republican Party who would have done to Obama what the Do Nothings are doing to me. Oh well, maybe next time!”
As other media outlets and public servants have already noted in reaction to this tweet, the KKK endorsed candidate has singled out two Jews and four women of color by labeling them “savages.”
This comment is beneath contempt.
This comment is beneath the dignity of the office of the Presidency.
This comment shows the KKK endorsed candidate in his true colors.
To all the citizens of this country, is this the type of person worthy of leading this nation?
November 2020 is just over 13 months away.
If the KKK endorsed candidate is not impeached or convicted in the Senate for the violations of his oath of office, the Constitution and law he is accused of, please remember to turn out that November day and vote out this calamity.
The soul of the nation is at stake.

Editorial Cartoons of the Week from Blog for Arizona

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The latest from Robert Reich on Ukraine and the Impeachment Inquiry

We have to fix our country's inequality problem.

Shields and Brooks from September 27, 2019

Real Time with Bill Maher and Overtime from September 27, 2019

Who is Who in the Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry courtesy of CNN

Friday, September 27, 2019

Editorial Cartoon from Steve Benson

Editorial Cartoon from Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon from RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon from Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon from Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon from Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon from David Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon from Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon from Patrick Chappatte

Editorial Cartoon from Andy Marlette

Editorial Cartoon from Adam Zyglis

Book and Movie of the Week: What else but All the Presidents Men


Watching the shows this morning and one former House Counsel made a good point. Give the Administration a time limit to produce witnesses and supplemental material. If they do not comply, just take the considerable information already available and vote on impeachment. They should probably consider impeaching Barr and indicting Giuliani.

The impeachment probe should focus exclusively on the Ukraine affair because let us face it, that is what will generate majority support (including probably a trickle of Republicans).

Also, Democrats like Adam Schiff need to hold off going on television all the time. He is the Chairman and not the ranking member of the Intelligence Committee. He needs to be cautious and mindful.


Democrats also need to be careful what they say at private get-togethers. Anything can be recorded.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Escaping The Trump Zone

To paraphrase the late great creator of the Twilight Zone, Rod Serling:
“There is an alternate fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the fringe ground of shadow, engulfing superstition, and it lies in the pit of man’s fears. This is the dimension of ignorance. It is an area which we call the Trump Zone.
Trump’s supporters are very happy to remain in the Trump Zone.
Everyone else is trying to escape.
Even before Mr. Trump became the latest recipient of the Electoral College while losing the popular vote, he peddled alternate facts like accusing Barack Obama of not being an American Citizen or the guilt of the Central Park Five after they were found not to have committed the horrific acts they were accused of.
As the nation’s leader, he, and his enablers have continued to spread well over 12,000 alternate facts (lies). These include:
  • Stating climate change is a hoax.
  • Saying the crowd size at his inaugural was larger than it actually was.
  • Contending that were good people on both sides at Charlottesville
  • Maintaining that Iran was given millions of United States dollars to sign the nuclear deal.
  • Telling supporters the wall on the Southern Border is being built.
  • Claiming that China is paying the costs of the extra tariffs in the trade war.
  • Boasting that he is responsible for the state of the economy.
  • Asserting that he fully cooperated with Robert Mueller and answering all the questions put to him during the Russia Investigation.
Now, the subject of only the fourth Presidential impeachment inquiry in United States History insists that Joe Biden and his son Hunter are corrupt and guilty of crimes because of:
  • The former Vice President’s son’s tenure on the board of a Ukraine Gas Company that faced legal scrutiny.
  • Mr. Biden’s role in getting a corrupt Pro-Putin prosecutor-general fired.
Numerous investigations from reputable news organizations have looked into these matters. All have found:
  • Hunter Biden did not do anything wrong while he was a member of this board.
  • Vice President Biden, acting on behalf of President Barack Obama (and all the other Western nations), did what everyone wanted: to help facilitate the firing of the Pro-Putin prosecutor.
Moving to the public release of the notes on the phone call between Trump and the new Ukrainian President, the contention of the President that he did nothing is breathtaking.
Furthermore, Trump enablers like Lindsey Graham, have expressed that the documents reveal nothing damning in the Presidents words.
In what realm of reality are the President, Senator Graham and those who share this interpretation of the phone conversation existing in?
In order to secure reelection and avoid a primary challenge, Senator Graham, and others like him, have become willing residents of the Trump Zone.
Fortunately, most of the people in this country prefer the dimension of light out of the shadows where imagination, knowledge, and facts are revered.
As the full impeachment inquiry proceeds, people need to pay attention to the actual facts and not the false propaganda sound bites offered by Mr. Trump and his sycophantic surrogates.
People need to stay focused and informed.
If the forces of reaction and fear are able to control the narrative through the impeachment inquiry, or worse, the 2020 election, then everyone is at risk of being trapped in the Trump Zone.
That is a risk the citizens in this country can not afford who want to get off at the next stop: The Reality Zone.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Democrats should just focus on the Ukraine matter when pursuing impeachment. Everything else is counterproductive.

Editorial Cartoon from Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon from RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon from Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon from Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon from Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon from Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon from David Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon from Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon from Patrick Chappatte

Editorial Cartoon from Adam Zyglis

Editorial Cartoon from Steve Benson

Bill Barr needs to go. Do they all think they are above the law that they can release this incriminating transcripts and still declare that there is nothing to see here,

Democratic House Members and Candidates React to Speaker Pelosi starting the Impeachment Inquiry.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it all in her presentation to the American People, when announcing the formation of a formal impeachment inquiry into acts of Donald Trump, by quoting Benjamin Franklin comments to the people after the adoption of the United States Constitution in 1787 when they asked him “what do we have, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin replied, “a republic if you can keep it.”
The current occupant of the White House and his sycophantic enablers have behaved since January 20, 2017, like he is presiding over an absolute monarchy, not a Republic.
This position has only intensified since the Democrats took over control of the House of Representatives last January with the consistent obstruction of Congressional investigations, defying subpoenas, and not allowing witnesses to testify before committees.
Witnesses that did show up like former campaign manager (and resident mentally disturbed) Corey Lewandowski openly mocked the Democratic committee members under questioning (while most enabling Republican Representatives gloated, forgetting they served in a Republic) until the House Democratic Counsel successfully contained him and made him admit both that he lied to the media and that the Liar in Chief had obstructed justice.
According to reporting by journalists like the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent, the 2016 Popular Vote Loser, feeling stupidly emboldened like an absolute monarch by the Mueller Hearing, decided to place a call to the Ukranian President-Elect. Mr. Trump’s own verbal recollection of the call confirms that Joe Biden, corruption, and Rudy Gilunai were discussed.
This July phone call was made about a week after Individual One ordered his acting Chief of Staff and Budget Director, Mick Mulvaney, to hold the disbursement of military aid funds to Ukraine.
This aid would be on hold (for a variety of likely contrived reasons) until the recent controversy with the whistleblower and complaints of the Ukrainian Government to Democrats in the Senate forced its release earlier this month.
This communication also happened after Mr. Giluani, on his client’s direction (possibly through intermediaries at the State Department,) attempted (before and after) to get false information on bogus corruption allegations against former Vice President (and current Democratic Presidential front runner) Joe Biden and his son, Hunter in an attempt to influence the 2020 election.
This phone call, the transcript of which will be reportedly be released on September 25, apparently along with other allegedly questionable incidents, prompted a whistleblower in the Intelligence Community to report a complaint to the Director of National Intelligence Inspector General, a Trump Appointee.
This Inspector General concluded that the whistleblower complaints had serious merit and urgency, forwarding the matter to the Acting Director of National Intelligence, advising that, per legal statute, Congress needed to be informed.
The Acting Director of National Intelligence, Joseph Maguire, under advisement from the Justice Department, ignored the statute and did not turn over the complaint material to Congress.
This flagrant abuse of power, disdain for the checks and balances in the Constitution, the erroneous belief that a President can not be investigated for crimes committed in office while serving, and potential compromising of National Security prompted most of the Moderate Democrats who Speaker Pelosi had been shielding to come out in support of an impeachment inquiry into what the President and his people did, or attempted to do, with the new government of Ukraine.
This development allowed Speaker Pelosi to come forth today and declare that, while alluding to the episode with Ben Franklin in 1787, that
“The President must be held accountable. No one is above the law.”
Arizona Democratic Representatives, according to reporting from AzCentral, agree with the Speakers sentiments that we live in a Democratic Republic where everyone is equal before the law. Four of the five Representatives (Anne Kirkpatrick, Raúl Grijalva, Ruben Gallego, and Greg Stanton) openly favor the impeachment inquiry. The fifth Democrat, Tom O’Halleran favors a thorough investigation first before deciding.
Some of the Democrats running to replace three of the four Republican enablers of the KKK endorsed candidate, also agree that the time is right to proceed with an official impeachment inquiry.
Arizona Congressional District Five Democratic Candidate Joan Greene
“Impeachment is the first step needed to take back our Country. We must protect the Constitution, rule of law and our Nation’s security.”
“Those who believe they are above the law, rely on corruption and lies to further their extreme ideological agenda will be removed.”
“No one is above the law and together we will rally around America’s Values.”
Arizona Congressional District Six Candidate Anita Malik
“We can’t concede to injustice because of one’s position or privilege. We must uphold the Constitution against all who exploit or obstruct it.”
“#Impeachment hearings are necessary. We’ve seen evidence of criminal acts, we must follow the evidence. No one is above the law.”
“Rep. David Schweikert‘s statement on today’s Impeachment news.”
” (From Representative Schweikert): The House of Representatives has now squandered nine months of precious time,” he said. “The left’s fixation on the president has blinded them from accomplishing the actual work that is necessary for our country.”
“This is coming from an absent congressman that’s currently under an ethics and campaign finance investigation.”
“Real representation requires courage, not deflection.”
“This isn’t about left or right. It’s about ending corruption, standing up for justice and protecting our Democracy.”
Arizona Congressional District Eight Candidate Michael Muscato
“Speculation on the whistleblower’s report is the President of the United States tied to the receipt of US aid to his getting an investigation into Joe Biden and his son. This investigation would be of no benefit to the United States; it is a personal benefit to him and him alone. While obtaining the report would be useful information, Congress doesn’t really need it to proceed with an impeachment inquiry at this point because of the president’s own words.”
“The President of the United States admitted he spoke to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and discussed the need to investigate unsubstantiated claims of corruption by his possible 2020 opponent, Joe Biden, and his son. The president admitted he personally ordered his Chief of Staff to withhold $391M in military aid, which Ukraine needs to defend itself against Russian-back separatists. While the spin now is that it was to “make sure the money needed to be spent,” it doesn’t take a genius to figure out there was a quid pro quo, a.k.a. extortion.”
“Extortion is obtaining a benefit through coercion.”
“Extortion is a felony in all 50 states.”
“Congress must be provided the whistleblower report and if the evidence is as clear as is expected, they must act to hold this president accountable for committing a felony while serving in the highest position of trust, President of the United States.”
“The American people should breath a sigh of relief that we will finally see the evidence hidden from and hear the testimony of witnesses stonewalled by the White House for nearly two years. We will find out for once and for all exactly how corrupt this president may be.”
“Unfortunately, Debbie Lesko sits on the Judiciary Committee and rather than go where the evidence leads, will be partisan because for her, as her response Tweet to Speaker Pelosi’s announcement shows, it’s party before country.”
“I called for an inquiry months ago and frankly, it’s about time.”
Arizona Congressional District Eight Candidate Bob Musselwhite
“if the whistleblower allegations are correct and we cannot judge that at this time because the report is being illegally held from Congress, I see no other way than to proceed in whatever way is necessary to enforce the law and protect the integrity of the Constitution”.
“I guess Donald Trump is going to test the idea that goes all the way back to ancient Israel that no man is above the law, even the king, and Donald Trump is not a king, at least not yet”

This is a sad day for the United States. No one should be happy that a sitting United States President, in the nation that has inspired freedom, Democracy, and Republics to many, is going to be the subject of an impeachment inquiry.
But this country is a Republic, not an absolute monarchy where everyone is equal before the law.
Speaker Pelosi showed today that the American System works.
That is the only positive result of this political tragedy.
The road to uncovering all of the facts (not just the phone call transcript) and possiblyproceed with impeachment may take months, not days or weeks. The people should be prepared for that.
The people should also be prepared to disregard the Republican talking points echoed by Arizona’s GOP Representatives as relayed in a report by AzCentral.
This will not be, as Congressional District Eight Representative Debbie Lesko, asserts, be a “political boon for the GOP.”
This probe is more reminiscent of the Watergate hearings, not the Clinton ones. In that case, a President (Nixon) resigned and the Republicans lost the 1974 and 1976 elections.
This is not, as Congressional District Six Representative (and entangled in his own ethic controversy) David Schweikert, a case of the House Democrats wasting nine months of time. As reported, the Democrats have tirelessly worked on passing legislation to move the country forward. It is the Republican Senate led by Enemy of the People-Political Prince of Darkness-Obstructionist in Chief-Moscow Mitch McConnell who has built a “graveyard” for Democratic House Legislation.
Finally, this is not another hoax as Freedom Caucus head and Congressional District Five Representative Andy Biggs has contended. Remember these allegations regarding Ukraine stem from a Trump-appointed Inspector General at the Director of National Intelligence Office who recommended disclosure of the whistleblower complaint, after reviewing it and finding it credible and urgent, to Congress as required by law.
The Administration, by not turning over the whistleblower complaint, has chosen to ignore the law.
The Administration has apparently chosen (despite offering different, likely fairy tale, explanations of corruption and lack of N.A.T.O. financial contributions) to trade Congressionally earmarked military aid to Ukraine for fabricated dirt on a political rival.
This ignoring of the law and improperly blocking the release of Congressionally approved funds are both examples of abuse of power and obstruction of justice.
It is an attack on the Constitution and the Democratic-Republican values this nation was built on.
This is no hoax.
This is a fight for the soul of the country and what kind of nation the people want to live in.
The Democrats recognize this.
When will the Republicans?

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Editorial Cartoon from Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon from RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon from Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon from Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon from Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon from David Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon from Adam Zyglis

Arizona Democratic Congressional Candidates react to the Wrong Direction Our Country’s Health Care System is Taking.

Remember when the Liar in Chief said he would repeal and replace Obamacare (also known as The Affordable Care Act) with a health care system that was better and less expensive.

Well, the current Administration has taken many steps to weaken Obamacare. Those, according to the Wall Street Journal, include:

Reducing the sign-in period and cutting back funds to advertise it. That did not work as the marketplaces have become an insurance fixture.

Cut off subsidies to insurance companies that used those funds to assist people in buying health care insurance.

Supporting the outright repeal of the law in Congress without having a replacement in place. Thankfully, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and the late John McCain voted to stop that.

Ending, through the Republican Tax Cut Plan, the Individual Mandate.

Joining a lawsuit to convince the courts to throw out the rest of the Affordable Care Act now that the mandate is not being currently applied.

 Allowed cheap junk individual and association plans to be offered for people to purchase that do not cover all possible health care issues and benefits under the Affordable Care Act.

Approving work requirements to enroll and receive Medicaid.

Giving permission for employers to deny birth control coverage based on religious grounds. They are also attempting to stop funding to Title X programs like Planned Parenthood.


People can probably put that promise along with the over 12.000 other lies the 2016 Popular Vote Loser has spoken since coming into office.

Since the current administration came into office:

Health care costs are still rising. It is even worse for people who have junk plans that do not pay all the health care costs for illnesses not covered in the insurance policy.

For the first time since the adoption of the Affordable Care Act, the number of medically uninsured has risen in Arizona and the nation.

Arizona Democratic Congressional Candidates offered their views on the wrong direction the countries health care system is heading.

Congressional District Five Candidate Joan Greene

Joan Greene
“Health insurance is purchased for peace of mind, in case you or a family member become sick or injured, you are able to seek the treatment you need without a surprise financial burden.

The rising cost of housing, education, everyday living expenses, and the low minimum wage are causing our families to make hard financial choices.

The choice that is on the chopping block is healthcare which includes not adding the financial burden of paying for insurance.

A healthy economy and community include taking care of every aspect of the person and this is where the current Representative in AZ05 fails miserably.

Andy Biggs’ idea of helping our Community is to take away the Affordable Care Act, a program that is very popular and people have said loud and clear they want to keep. Biggs has no plan or idea to replace the ACA with.

I have several options which include:

Building on the success of the ACA and continuing to make it better
People able to purchase Medicare at a younger age
Those who want to keep their private insurance are able to
Lowering the cost of prescription drugs
These are just a few options that will go a long way to keeping our Nation healthy and thriving.

I will fight for the needs of the Community while Andy Biggs continues to cater to the needs of his donors.” 

Congressional District Six Candidate Anita Malik

Anita Mailk
“Sabotaging the Affordable Care Act and selling junk insurance hurts families.

These so-called “insurance plans” don’t cover pre-existing conditions, have very low coverage amounts, enormous deductibles, low maximum payouts–all tactics used to deny medical bills. And the Trump administration is wrongly promoting these policies as alternatives to ACA policies.”

“These stories are heartbreaking. Imagine purchasing short-term health insurance that refuses to pay a $244,000 bill. Or having to hire a lawyer to fight against your insurance company. Or getting a surprise bill for $60,000 after the insurer paid only $100 for your emergency surgery.”

“The ACA isn’t perfect, but weakening it harms families in the most vulnerable moments. And we all pay the price.”

“We have to ensure higher coverage standards, we must strengthen Medicare and build upon it to achieve truly universal coverage.”

Congressional District Six Candidate Dr. Hiral Tipirneni

Dr. Hiral Tipirneni
“17-‘18 was the first year-to-year increase in uninsured rates since ‘08.

❌Medicaid coverage ⬇️ 2 mil people.
❌Uninsured rates ⬆️ impoverished states.
❌Huge racial disparities in insurance coverage between white/black/hispanic 🇺🇸’s.

We must #ProtectOurCare. #AZ06…/health-insurance-census-bureau-dat…”

Congressional District Eight Candidate Michael Muscato

Michael Muscato
“Healthcare is the number one issue in America and in Arizona’s 8th congressional district. Make no mistake about the fact that my opponent doesn’t have a plan to improve our healthcare system nor does the Republican Party. But that doesn’t stop them from trying to take away the healthcare and medical protections we currently have every chance they get. The very healthcare my opponent receives is, in fact, a government healthcare plan yet that doesn’t stop her from labeling Medicare as “socialist” and an “entitlement”. Being born and raised in CD8 I know entitlement when I see it, and it looks like Debbie Lesko.”

“Healthcare is a basic human right. Cancer doesn’t care about skin color, age, gender, or income. Life itself is a pre-existing condition. We need a fighter who is willing to stand up to prescription drug companies, insurance companies, and deliver on making our health insurance more affordable and accessible for all Americans. At the beginning of my campaign, I put forth a 13-page healthcare plan proposal called AmeriCare. It directly addresses cutting costs for prescription drugs, malpractice costs, misuse of hospitals, administrative costs, inflated monthly premiums, and the burden on businesses. It covers everyone 100%, covers pre-existing conditions, Veterans at no cost, rolls those on medicare right into Americare and saves them money, and provides for those on Medicaid. It can all be done. It just takes the right people in the office to work at it.”

“We don’t need representatives in office who can articulate that our healthcare system is broken. We are all well aware of that fact and many of those who complain are the reason why nothing gets done. We need leaders who will provide solutions, work together with their fellow representatives, and deliver on the promise to make healthcare more affordable. The citizens of AZ08 have a clear choice between electing the fighter we need or re-electing a representative without a plan to do anything other than strip away our protections and drive more profits into the pockets of her campaign donors.”

“We need more people covered by health insurance not less. We need more affordable healthcare, which cannot happen with fewer people paying into the system. We need better and more accessible healthcare. Our healthcare and well being is always worth fighting for.”

Congressional District Eight Candidate Bob Musselwhite

Bob Musselwhite
“Possibly the largest challenge to the people of the United States is the cost of medical services and medicine that continues to rise.  It takes nearly 18% of what we make every year”

“This situation has been created by essentially market-driven (whatever the market will bear) pricing, and unregulated prices on medicine.”

“The answer is to bring competition and choice back into medical services and medicine on the part of the consumer.  A start would be a non-profit public option with ethics similar to Medicare and a cost plus a reasonable profit for medicine”

” Until people have affordable quality choices the number of uninsured is going to continue to rise”

There are many ideas from the Democrats on how to improve the nations health care system and steer it in the right direction. These include shoring up and improving Obamacare by restoring what the current Administration has taken away and providing a public option to compete in the marketplace with the private insurance plans. Other suggestions include expanding Medicaid for the poor and extending Medicare to those younger than 65. Many want to shift everyone to a Medicare for all system.

What are the Republicans ideas on helping to right the health care ship?

Well, that was Obamacare which was largely taken from Romneycare which was taken from the ideas of Republican think tanks like the Heritage Foundation.

Maybe Republicans should remember where Obamacare came from and work with Democrats to repair what they helped create and build on it to benefit all of the American People.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A few points on the Lewandowski hearings yesterday.

1) The Democrats do need to get better at the optics and ground rules for the witnesses for these hearings.
2) It would be better to have the skilled Democratic Counsel do the questioning.
3) Given Lewandoski is a nut job and loose cannon, people, especially on the committee should not be surprised at what he would try to pull.
4) Even with the first three points, the Democrats did get Lewandoski to admit that the President engaged in obstructing justice.
So the Democrats did accomplish their objective.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Editorial Cartoon from Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon from RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon from Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon from Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon from Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon from David Wayne Fitzsimmons

Editorial Cartoon from Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon from Patrick Chappatte

Editorial Cartoon from Steve Benson

Editorial Cartoon from Adam Zyglis

Democrats need to realize that they are not dealing with opponents. They are dealing with animals. The Trumpists need to be treated like the animals they are.

Even with his hedging and invoking the privilege, Lewandowski admitted (at least by covering), by not saying what was said in conversations with the Popular Vote Loser, constituted obstruction of justice.

Arizona Democratic Congressional Candidates react to the Administration Gutting Part of the Clean Water Act.

Wanting to protect the nation’s water supply should be a no brainer considering the human race depends on it to survive.

So should the desire to protect the air all humanity needs to breathe or the ecosystem where the food chain is sustained.

Despite these vital essential needs, the current occupant of the White House, who thinks climate change is fake news, has repeatedly launched, through his fossil fuel and deregulation friendly appointments to the Environmental Protection Agency, efforts to scale back environmental protection policies in the name of higher corporate bottom lines and profits.

The latest of these policies, a repeal of the Obama Administration add ons to the Clean Water Act that protected streams and wetlands to make “miners, farmers, home developers, and oil/gas drillers” happy in the interim, will jeopardize the long term sustainability of the water supply in this country.

While this move, like the other anti-environmental measures pursued by the Popular Vote Loser’s Administration, will be challenged in court, Arizona Democratic Congressional Candidates have offered their views on the latest backward decisions.

Arizona Congressional District Five Candidate Joan Greene
Joan Greene
“The importance of clean water, especially if you are from Arizona where having enough clean water is the top priority, is not a partisan issue but a survival issue.”

“Andy Biggs has been fighting to repeal the Clean Water Act for years. Looking at the list of companies and people who are opposed to protecting our environment can be cross-checked with the companies and people who donate (known as legalized bribery) to Andy Biggs.”
“Biggs’ concerns are never with the environment, never with his District, never with Arizona, never with the United States but always with his donors.”
“Andy Biggs’ continued poor judgment and actively harming our families is another reason why Arizona’s Fifth District must give Andy Biggs a motion of no-confidence in November 2020.”
Arizona Congressional District Six Candidate Anita Malik
“If the head of the EPA is a former coal industry lobbyist, then expect nothing less than environmental exploitation. Washington is corrupt to its core. But I’m not afraid to speak truth to power when their corruption impacts our lives and our communities. I’ll always put people over politics and do what’s best for our nation. That’s why I’ve pledged to enact a ban on lobbyists and end the revolving door in Washington; I’m the only candidate in Arizona’s sixth to do so.”
“At a time when our planet faces an irreversible climate crisis, this administration chooses to exploit our resources. To roll back clean water protections for-profits shows a blatant disregard for our health and the wellbeing of our underserved communities. To remove permit requirements and reward polluters is dangerous and we must stand against it.” 
Arizona Congressional District Eight Candidate Michael Muscato
“As a nation of people, we need to decide what is more important to us: profits or resources like clean air and water? It really is that simple… For those out there who take the thought of our government harming our water supply and doing nothing about it as something far-fetched, see exhibit A – Flint, Michigan.”
“The latest regulation roll back from this administration aims to impact the water supply of 117 million people in this country. That is more than 1/3 of the entire US population. Here in Arizona, we see continuous developer efforts to drill into our already dwindling aquifers. How much of the resources we as human beings are dependent on for survival are we willing to risk and lose? And for what? So, some oil tycoon can enjoy 9 months a year on a luxury yacht? What are our leaders doing? Where are the people allegedly “representing us”?”

“We need leaders who have the vision and the resolve to lead us into the future. One in which our economic superiority is driven by our willingness, diligence, and commitment to harnessing our natural energy sources rather than living dependent on finite fossil fuels. It starts with replacing the people currently in office who continually go against both science and ethics.”
“Let us all take a lesson from the Native Americans and treat our Mother Earth with respect and care. Let us all look at our children and be inspired to leave this place better for them than it was given to us. Let us all stand up for our own future and fight for our hometown because our hometown is always worth fighting for.”
Arizona Congressional District Eight Candidate Bob Musselwhite
“Freshwater is needed to supply wetlands that are incubators for generating seafood and fisheries in saltwater, a very important source in the human food supply.” 
“Protection of the planet and water is so basic to that, is essential to protect human habitat.”
“Judgment in the implementation of the Obama era rules is what is needed not rolling them back which takes away common sense in favor of the quick dollar.”
Remember there is no Planet B to travel to. With the continued growth of the human population, the protection of the world’s environmental and ecosystems should take precedence over making the all mighty dollar.
These candidates and those who share their views should be heeded and those who do not should no longer be allowed to shape public policy.
It is time to fully adopt ideas and produce infrastructure and technologies that protect the environment and steer the people away from policies, products, and structures that harm it.
If the youngest among, us as a recent Washington Post piece attests, can be persuaded to act to save this planet, why can not the adults?
The future depends on it.

Editorial Poster