Thursday, October 31, 2019

Republicans in the House of Representatives heard the call of History and Hung Up on It.

Republicans in the House of Representatives heard the call of history and hung up on it.
In a vote to formalize the next phase of the impeachment process, all the Republicans, who had complained, without much validity, that they had been shut out of the process in the closed-door depositions (Republicans and their counsel are in the room during all the withness presentations), just voted against the next stage which includes rules for public hearing, the release of transcripts from the closed-door depositions,  and due process protections for the President.
All four of Arizona’s Republican Representatives (Debbie Lesko, Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar, and David Schweikert) put loyalty to their Duce…Party over the Constitution and Country.
The battle between reality and alternate reality will now continue.
This is a sad day for the country.
Nobody wants to see a situation surface where the nation’s Chief Executive commits acts that warrant an impeachment inquiry.
This President has no one to blame but himself for what the House voted on today.
It is also sad because members of the Party of Lincoln, having devolved into the Cult of Trump, are ignoring the substance of the information being provided by witness after witness after witness, and are throwing their support to an individual who has repeatedly demonstrated that he lacks integrity and is not fit to occupy the office he holds.
Hopefully, when the impeachment hearings are publicly broadcast and the transcripts of the closed-door depositions are released and, in all likelihood corroborated, some Republicans who hear the call of history the next time will not hang up and do what is right for the country.

How Sci Fi-Fantasy-Horror Literature and Film Explored and Shaped the Human Condition.

“May the Force Be With You.”
“Live Long and Prosper.”
“Up, Up, and Away.”
“You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”
“Bow Ties are Cool.”
These quotes from Star Wars, Star Trek, Superman, The Incredible Hulk, Harry Potter, and Doctor Who are just some of the examples of how human culture has been influenced and, in some ways molded by the world of Sci-Fi Fantasy and Horror Literature and Film.
As Halloween comes this October 31, most of the top costume choices come from the world of these genres be it a:
  • Marvel or DC Character.
  • A character from Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, or Harry Potter series.
  • An individual from the Doctor Who, Disney, Star Trek, and Star Wars Universes.
  • Good old fashioned ghost, witch, werewolf, vampire, or Frankenstein’s Monster.
What should also be recognized, as we inaugurate the 2019 holiday season with Halloween, is how much Sci-Fi Fantasy and Horror Writers and Filmmakers have contributed to the understanding of the human condition by using their craft to explore and comment on humanity and what drives and moves us.
Examples of this exist throughout World History in literature and film.
Exploring and Commenting on the Human Condition through Sci Fi-Fantasy and Horror Literature. 
Writers from the authors of the Arabian Nights to Stephen King have often probed and offered glaring comments on humanity.
Think about:
  • The human drive and quest to exploring new worlds like Verne’s Journey to the Center of the World and From Earth to the Moon.
  • The depiction of vile antagonists in the Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm to the stories of Edgar Allen Poe whose fates illustrate what happens to those who are evil.

  • The theme of growing up and being human explored in books like Collodi’s Pinocchio or Asimov’s Bicentennial Man.
  • The exploration of good and evil in works like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or even the Harry Potter and Lord of the Ring’s series.
  • The examination of humanity’s quest to push to the next level of technological prowess and how it has sometimes not worked out well like in FrankensteinThe Invisible ManThe Hulk, or Jurassic Park.
  • The parodying of human actions and power struggles like in Swift’s Gulliver’s Travelsor Orwell’s Animal Farm.
  • Characters like Captain Nemo in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Edmund Dantes in The Count of Monte Cristo who personify troubled souls who lash out at those who hurt them.
  • How individuals with special powers, gifts, and strengths like BatmanSupermanSpiderman, and their adversaries use those attributes responsibly or foolishly.
Exploring and Commenting on the Human Condition through Sci Fi-Fantasy and Horror Film. 
Similarly, in film, visionaries in that medium produced classics that delved into the human condition and offered moral parables. Examples of these are:
  • Fritz Lang’s silent film classic Metropolis which showed the dangers of a dystopian society of haves and have nots.
  • Jame Whale’s Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein showed the misunderstandings (with disastrous results) of not understanding the other (in this case the Creature) and the consequences of playing God.
  • The original Planet of the Apes from 1968 which showed an astronaut running away from the corruption of humanity having to defend it against a futuristic  Ape society that shares those views. The ending with the Statue of Liberty is one of the best in cinematic history.
  • Anthology series like The Twilight ZoneThe Outer Limits, and The Ray Bradbury Theater. Episodes like the Zones “Eye of the Beholder,” “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street,” and “The Howling Man” from the Zone or “I, Robot” from the Limits are excellent lessons for students on how to discuss perception, what is humanity, what is beauty, mass hysteria, and how you can tell evil from good.
  • Star Trek in all its incarnations. Two original series season one episodes illustrate this:  “The Devil in the Dark” with the misunderstood Silicon creature protecting her young and “A Taste of Armageddon” where two societies fight their war with computers and send the casualties willingly to disintegration chambers.
These works have helped shape the world we live in today.
These products have given the people an opportunity to explore and comment on the issues that celebrate and confront humanity.
School teachers are wise to utilize these works in discussing the human condition with their students and applying these themes to current events and, unfortunately in some cases, the true horror stories humanity creates on its own.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A CASE STUDY: It is time to follow the Arizona State Constitution and make University and College Education as “Free as Possible.”

Article 11 of the State Constitution of Arizona deals with public education. Section sixconcerns higher education at the state’s public universities. It states “instruction” at state universities “shall (not should) be as free as possible.”
Well, according to a new study from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Arizona “Public Servants” (Republicans) in the Governors Office and State Legislature have failed in their constitutional responsibilities in ensuring tuition to our state universities is as free as possible.
Since the Great Recession, Arizona has the dubious dishonor of leading the nation in cutting aid to its state’s universities by 55 percent.
This has caused universities, according to the report, to raise tuition by 92.4 percent per student.
Consider that the maximum Pell Grant allotment a qualifying instate or out of state student can receive during the 2019/20 school year is $6,195.00
Then consider that the annual in-state cost (including tuition, books and supplies, fees, room and board, and miscellaneous expenses) to attend:
  • Arizona State University as an undergraduate is $27,530.00.
  • The University of Arizona as an undergraduate is $28,277.00.
  • Northern Arizona University as an undergraduate is $26,923.00.
Even if students decide to attend a state university close to their parent’s home, the students would have to pay approximately $15,000.00 to cover their 2019/20 undergraduate education expenses.
Even if they can qualify for the maximum Pell Grant allotment of $6,195.00, they would have to find an additional $9,000.00
It only gets worse for students if they wish to attend out of state schools or pursue postgraduate degrees. Out of state tuition is generally more expensive at most universities and graduate programs are generally more expensive depending on the university.
Pell Grants are also not available for graduate programs.
The only beneficiaries of this abdication of constitutional responsibilities by the Republican state legislators and the Governor are the student loan companies who are able to issue loans with interest to needy students that need to find monies to cover the difference in their education expenses.
Republicans have allowed the moneyed interests of the Plutocratic one percent to create a racket with a student loan system that exploits the neediest among us.
This situation is just as unconscionable as the failure to fully fund K-12 education.
Arizona Progressive and Democratic activists have been quick to criticize the Governor and mainly conservative legislators inattention to the plight of the state’s college students.
David Lujan, the head of the Arizona Center for Economic Progress commented that:
“In Arizona, we spend more from the state’s general fund to incarcerate people than we do to fund our three public universities combined.  Arizona’s workforce and economy is not sustainable if we do not start making education a higher priority.”
“Arizona can increase the skills and diversity of its workforce and dramatically improve the future of its children and communities by providing more assistance to make college affordable for low-income students. A well-educated workforce is essential to the state’s efforts to attract top companies that pay high salaries.”
 Matt Grodsky, the Communications Director for the Arizona Democratic Party, remarked that:
“Republicans have gutted Arizona’s education system and as a result, serious issues persist. Arizona has three world-class universities and a robust community college system. Arizona Democrats are committed to making sure more students gain access to a college education without the burden of crushing debt post-graduation. We need more Democrats like Superintendent Hoffman to lead our state through a revitalization of our education system.” 
 2018 Congressional Six Democratic Nominee and 2020 Candidate Anita Malik expressed on Facebook that:
“We have an Opportunity Divide in Arizona and throughout the country. It is expanding despite economic growth since the Recession because lawmakers prioritize industry.”
 “We can lower the cost of education and increase the quality & improve wages for sustainable economic equality if we shift priorities. People and opportunity first.”
 Democratic Congressional District Five Candidate and 2018 Nominee Joan Greene stated that:
“Quality education that prepares our young adults and people of all ages going back to school is no longer a luxury but a requirement if they are to succeed economically.”
 “I support The Democratic-controlled House plan to make college and vocational schools more affordable and schools more accountable for students’ success.”
 “This includes providing more grant aid and support services to students, which will include childcare during the time the student is in class.”
 “I would recommend lowering the interest rate on student loans to coincide with the CD interest rates is one idea and remove the origination loan fee.”
 “To be an economic and innovative Country, we must invest in our citizens now.”
Congressional District Eight Democratic Candidate Bob Musselwhite wrote that:
“Colleges and Universities were once affordable.  At one time it was possible for a student to work their way through school because costs were reasonable.”
 “We need to make costs reasonable again.” 
 “That would involve reducing costs for the education generated by the universities and then sending greater state support to state schools as we used to do to support the education that people need.”
 “I am opposed to over lending to students that places a burden on them that lasts for decades and delays their full enjoyment of their efforts and forces them to take jobs that are less than satisfying in order to pay their loans.”
“Once it was possible for an individual who wanted to work to get an education.  I see no reason why we cannot create that situation again.”
 The other Democrat running for the nomination in Congressional District Eight, Michael Muscato, offered:
“Arizona leads the nation in many things: sunshine, private prisons, and cuts to public education just to name a few. Arizona teachers haven’t been paid at the national average in 50 years, bonds and overrides continue to be needed to fund public schools, our community colleges have been hung out to dry, and yet tuition rates continue to soar at our Universities. Our young talent keeps leaving for places that can:”
1) “Provide incomes that pay off their debt.”
2) “Provide their family and children with an environment geared towards future success.”
 “Arizona has been failing our children, our young adults, and our small businesses for decades. Look no further as to why my opponent Debbie Lesko, the voucher queen herself.”
 “Here is what I would do to make college more affordable …..”
  • “Once in Congress, I will introduce a bill that will allow anyone who has attended any level of post-secondary education, including trade schools, to apply a percentage of their student debt as a 100% deduction on their federal taxes. The percentage will be equal to the amount of federal tax owed by the student during that calendar year. For example, if a student owed $25,000 in federal taxes and had $100,000 in student loan debt, that student could use up to $25,000 in federal tax deduction credit for that year. This deduction can be used until their total student loan principal has been paid off. The program does not forgive the debt, it simply motivates people to attend college and allows them to keep more of their money early in their career when every dollar helps.”
  • “I will also support making community college tuition costs and trade school costs subsidized through connections with local businesses and labor unions as part of a job-training program. These programs are already happening around the country and they are very successful. Our Arizona high school graduates can receive an education and a paycheck all while moving forward with their career paths.”
 “The most important decision we can make as Arizonan’s regarding education is making sure Debbie Lesko isn’t the member of Congress putting in the vote. Our hometown, our education, and our future are always worth fighting for.”
 Democratic State Senate Legislative District 11 Candidate Linda Patterson commented that:
“It is time to invest in our state and one priority must be in education. Currently, of the 2.4 billion spent on financial aid (loans, grants, scholarships, work-study), less than one-half of one percent comes from state appropriations. Worse, there is no aid for students to attend community colleges or for career readiness. (”
 “For AZ residents to become competitive in the workforce, earning a credential or other college degree is necessary. (College Success Arizona underscores this reality in a series of policy summaries.) However, more and more students are locked out of post-high school opportunities or become burdened with debt that controls them throughout their lives.”
 “I believe there are solutions to this dilemma and it comes from future investment from our state so that our state economy can reap the benefits of a capable workforce. A proposal our state can pursue to address the problems associated with the lack of educational funding includes:” 
  • “….Addressing the need for a statewide financial aid program that prioritizes low income, high need Arizonans. A new state program of granting funds for need-based financial aid can help increase higher rates of a stable workforce that ensures that more residents have the opportunities they deserve.” 
  • “Continuation of the pilot “AZ Learn to Earn” program that provides matching funds for students who save money for college and attend financial training with their families.”
  •   “ Encourage Arizona companies who have reaped billions of dollars in tax cuts to invest back into the residents of the state by funding educational grants, developing workplace training opportunities and giving back to our state.”
 “Investing in PreK through college certification programs in Arizona is an extremely sound direction for our state to pursue permanently.   It will provide us with a strong economy from which our state can gain living wages and steady growth and prosperity throughout Arizona. By working together, Arizonans can create a bountiful future for future generations in our state.”
 Legislative District 21 Democratic House Candidate Kathy Knecht wrote that:
“I will work with all policy-makers who seek to reduce tuition costs for students and families.  I embrace the collaborative, non-partisan goal of Achieve60AZ:  “60% of Arizona adults, ages 25 to 64, will hold a postsecondary credential or degree by 2060.” We should recognize that the high cost of tuition is a nationwide problem and we can look to other states for creative and efficient solutions to reducing tuition costs.  By the same token, Arizona has cut more from colleges and universities than any other state, ignoring the mandate in the Arizona Constitution to keep tuition for higher ed as “free as possible.”  We must make higher education more accessible and affordable to all Arizonans, to ensure that 1) Young people have equal opportunity to learn and prepare for life and work 2) Our state’s economy will benefit from a well-educated, competitive workforce, and 3) Arizona taxpayers get a high return on the investment they’ve made into the k-12 education of our young people.”
In addition to the views articulated by the above local activists, the Democratic Presidential Candidates have presented several ideas on addressing the high costs of college. These have included:
  • Expanding the Pell Grant Program.
  • Making University Education debt-free.
  • Making Community College (including two-year career and apprenticeship programs) free.
  • Forgiving all or refinancing portions of student debt.
It is time for everyone to create a college system that puts students, not moneyed interests first.
It is time for Republicans, along with Democrats, to adopt policies that will create a better tomorrow for everyone, not a larger profit margin for the one percent today.
It is time to follow the Arizona State Constitution and make university and college education as free as possible.

Republican Hypocrisy Abounds in the Failed Censure of Adam Schiff.

Last week, the Republicans in the House of Representatives failed to gain a majority on an attempt to censure Intelligence Committee Chairperson Adam Schiff on his insightful comments (parody) about Mr. Trump’s July 25 phone conversation with the Ukrainian President and his handling of the impeachment inquiry.

This measure was voted down on a party-line vote. Following the vote, Mr. Schiff tweeted that:

“It will be said of House Republicans,

When they found they lacked the courage to confront the most dangerous and unethical president in American history,

They consoled themselves by attacking those who did.”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi commented that:

“What the Republicans fear most is the truth. The President betrayed the oath of office, our national security and the integrity of our elections, and the GOP has not even tried to deny the facts. Instead, Republicans stage confusion, undermine the Constitution and attack the person of whom the President is most afraid.”

 Republican hypocrisy concerning Mr. Schiff abounds.

Whereas Republicans wanted public hearings for the impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump’s conduct, the members of the Party of Lincoln went straight to a censure motion without any public hearings in the matter of Mr. Schiff.

Whereas Republicans called for witnesses to testify publicly supporting Mr. Trump’s position, no such consideration was afforded to Mr. Schiff.

Whereas most Republicans have repeatedly defended Mr. Trump and his over 13,000 false statements and his acts unbecoming a President, they had no compunction about rushing to a censure motion for Mr. Schiff’s one parody and his legitimate handling of the impeachment inquiry along with two other committee chairpersons, and ranking Republican members, behind closed doors.

Democratic candidates running for the seats occupied by Representatives Debbie Lesko, Andy Biggs, and David Schweikert, offered their views on the Republican hypocrisy.

Democratic Congressional District Five Candidate Joan Greene

 “Rather than focusing on issues that are important to Andy Biggs’ constituents in Arizona like healthcare and climate change, Mr. Biggs has spent the last three weeks obstructing the lawful impeachment process by unsuccessfully trying to censure Rep. Adam Schiff and now causing a securing risk by breaking into a sensitive meeting with cell phones, which is a violation of House rules.”

“If we take a closer look at the Representative from District 5 we can conclude he will do anything to protect the President while he leaves our Nation vulnerable to attack from our foreign adversaries”

Democratic Congressional District Six Candidate Stephanie Rimmer

 “Congressional Republicans who are running interference for this president are going to have to answer to history.”

“We need to demand dignity and integrity from our representatives.”

“The dramatic antics of this administration do not negate what we see and hear with our own eyes and ears.”

Democratic Congressional District Eight Candidate Michael Muscato

 “What we are witnessing right now by members of our government such as my opponent Debbie Lesko, is a concerted and strategic effort to dismantle the American people’s trust of our government on behalf of the President of the United States. Make no mistake about it, the American Republic is under attack by domestic enemies.”

 “My opponent and other members of our Congress have gone on television to blatantly and purposefully lie to the American people. They have claimed Democrats are moving forward with proceedings “in secret” knowing full well there are 48 Republicans on those committees with the full ability to listen AND ask questions. Their latest attempts to obstruct, deflect, and distract from our process of checks and balances is the censuring of Adam Schiff. This attempt to publicly condemn a member of Congress who is following the processes, rules, and laws is an embarrassment and should be alarming to all Americans.”

 “Members of Congress and government along with the DOJ have refused to testify, refused to turn over documents, and worked diligently to prevent others from doing the same when called upon by our committees. Adam Schiff has led our Congress in an effort to remain lawful, steadfast, and resolute in gathering information which can give all of us answers to important questions regarding behavior, decisions, and connections. The GOP claims have continued to be proven amateur, false, and lawless. Rulings by our federal judges and supreme courts have continued to disprove each and every attempt to evade the law. The most recent ruling using the term “estopped” in reference to these shenanigans.”

 “When all is said and done, we as the American people must note that the election November 2020 is not just about values, not just about policy, the upcoming election isn’t just a referendum on Donald Trump. The 2020 election is about removing domestic enemies from within our government and replacing them with people who will stand FOR our constitution rather than work to destroy it.”

 Democratic Congressional District Eight Candidate Bob Musselwhite

 “The censure motion and the idea of crashing a closed-door meeting are both sophomoric arrogant attempts to ignore rules when these groups are not getting their way.  These actions are very unprofessional and show a profound misunderstanding of the Constitution and the purpose of the U. S. House of Representatives plus the continual placement of party ahead of country.”

“The words Conservative and Liberal are both honorable words. Conservatives should not be applied to this crowd.  They are actually reactionary because there is no real thought behind their actions and no vision beyond their own self-interest.”

“I noticed our representative from CD-8 Debbie Lesko was one of the door crashers.”

Republicans, as other articles have relayed, have been active participants in the closed impeachment inquiry sessions. They and their counsel have been able to question witnesses with no hindrances thrown in their direction.

It is time for the Republicans, now that the Democrats are moving to formalize the impeachment process as it moves towards its public phase, to stop these juvenile stunts and allow the impeachment process, for the good of the country, to be completed.

Trumpist sycophant propaganda media is a cancer in the American body politic

Editorial Cartoon from Steve Benson

Editorial Cartoon from Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon from RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon from Nate Beeler

Editorial Cartoon from Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon from Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon from Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon from Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon from Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon from Patrick Chappatte

Editorial Cartoon from Adam Zyglis

Friday, October 25, 2019

Editorial Poster from Occupy Democrats

Idea of the Week: A Repeat Having a knowledge of history and engaging an active citizenry

Impeachment, the pullout from Northern Syria, Fringe Republicans acting like Blackshirts.

These current events only serve to remind the people how necessary it is for people to have a thorough grounding in history, government, and public policy.

An active and engaged citizenry is essential to a thriving democracy and republic and this is needed now more than ever.

The latest from Frontline

Books of the Week: Repeats

Raymond Sontag: A Broken World 1919 to 1939

David Fromkin: A Peace to End All Peace

Editorial Cartoon from Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon from RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon from Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon from Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon from Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon from Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon from Darren Bell

Editorial Cartoon from Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon from Patrick Chappatte

Editorial Cartoon from Adam Zyglis

Thursday, October 24, 2019

It would be nice if the White House Press Secretary would appear on media outlets other than Fox or other conservative-leaning shows.

I guess the Popular Vote Loser was too busy with Executive Time to go to the Cummings Memorial. At least the Popular Vote Winner will be able to attend the funeral with her husband and the Obamas.

Black Shirts Masquerading as Congressmen Disrupt the Closed Door Impeachment Inquiry.

From the end of World One until the end of his Fascist government Benito Mussolini used bands of Squadristi (also known as Black Shirts) thugs to create chaos in Italy, that would help to create the gridlock and instability in the country that would bring him to power in 1922. After coming to power, these Black Shirts continued to be a force, disrupting opposition parties and enforcing the Duce’s rule through violence (including murder) and intimidation.
The descendants of these Black Shirt squadristi bullying thugs were visible today as about two dozen of them, masquerading as Republican Congressman, stormed the closed-door impeachment hearings at the House of Representatives. They apparently did so, with the knowledge and approval of their Duce, Donald Trump.
Among the fringe group that disrupted the closed-door proceedings were  Mo rising sea levels are caused by falling rocks Brooks, Steve I never met a nonwhite person I could like King, Andy Freedom Circus…oh Caucus Leader Arizona Congressional Five Representative Andy Biggs, Jim I didn’t know what was going on in the lockerroom Jordan and Matt I am going to tell on you to your girlfriends Michael Cohen Gaetz.
These individuals claimed that the impeachment inquiry is a sham that is denying the President his rights for due process.
According to several sources, as reported by media outlets like Vox, their behavior was severely unprofessional and their actions constituted a break with House rules as well as possible security violations with their use of unsecured cell phones.
Joan Greene, the Democratic Congressional District Five Nominee in 2018 and candidate for 2020 commented on Biggs actions on Facebook, writing that:
“Fact: What Andy Biggs did is ILLEGAL!!”
“From the twitter feed of Angry Staffer”
“This is actually way, way worse than some people realize. Bringing a phone into a SCIF is a major no-no – and a national security risk – that’s why there are locking cabinets outside for all electronics.”
“When there’s a breach like this, the SCIF has to be re-hardened to ensure that NatSec isn’t compromised.”
“Inside *that* SCIF, it’s particularly egregious: HPSCI is privy to many of our most sensitive secrets — secrets that most administration officials don’t even know.”
“Folks are asking why the process to re-secure the facility is necessary. Won’t go in to a lot of detail, but even if the Republicans weren’t using their phones from inside the SCIF (they seem to be), their devices could be compromised and adversaries could be listening.”
“For more clarity on why Biggs is a Security Risk”
“This is no laughing matter. Biggs continues to put our Country at risk. Biggs compromised our Nation’s safety because he is a sycophant. Trump is an asset of Putin’s and Biggs telegraphed to Putin and our other foreign adversaries that he is a willing asset should they need him. Biggs should be considered a National Safety Risk and he must be investigated and treated as such.”
What the American People need to understand that the Republican contention that these hearings are one-sided and the President’s due process is being compromised is nonsense and more of the big lies perpetrated by the Liar in Chief and his band of black shirts.
in these impeachment inquiry hearings, Democrat and Republican Congressional members question all the witnesses brought before them. The House counsel of both parties is allowed to ask questions of the witnesses as well.
If the President does get impeached by the House of Representatives, he gets a trial in the Senate presided over by the Chief Justice of the United States. In this trial, witnesses are called and both sides get to question them, produce evidence, and present their side of the case.
Let us get real people.
These two dozen fascist bullying thugs masquerading as public servants need to be penalized for what they did today.
It is ironic that all these individuals who participated in the failed censure motion against Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff over presenting (stupidly) a parody in an open hearing would be guilty of far greater offenses than the one they accused him of.
Democrats and Republicans in the House can not let this behavior go unanswered. Whatever legal remedies that can be applied to today’s events need to be instituted.
In Italy in the 1920s, the Democratic forces took too long to recognize the threat that Mussolini and his black shirts posed. Their slowness caused the creation of a totalitarian state.
It is important that the people that still believe in Democracy and Republics in the House of Representatives act now and stamp out this plaque before it festers further.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Where is the Great Dealmaker? Not in the White House.

Over the last few days, commentary pieces in the Washington Post and New York Times have noted that the President’s reputation as a great dealmaker is overrated.
His reputation as a huckster and charlatan who successfully reneges on deals is secure and on the mark.
As the two writers in those articles pointed out, the Liar in Chief has failed to:
  • Get Mexico to pay for a new border wall.
  • Achieve a new trade deal with China. The new N.A.F.T.A. with Canada and Mexico is currently in legislative limbo.
  • Get a better nuclear deal with the Iranians.
  • Work with Congress on a vast infrastructure program.
  • Provide a new health care plan that is better and cheaper than Obamacare.
Recently, the President was a no show as he sent his Vice President and Secretary of State to Turkey to work out a cease-fire at the Northern Syrian border.
Their deal-making prowess was so good that they forgot to check with the Iraqi’s if it was okay to move the American troops stationed in Syria to there.
Their negotiating skills were so impressive that Russia, after concluding their own deal with Turkey, is the new power broker in this area.
The Great Dealmaker, in another example of speaking loudly and carrying no stick, was also a no show during the GM Autoworkers strike over the last month.
The automotive plant in Lordstown Ohio that Mr. Trump wanted to be reopened apparently will not be any time soon. The still to be approved deal concluded between the union and management had no input from him.
People should recognize by now that the Great Dealmaker does not live in the White House.
To think otherwise would be delusional at this point in this administration.
This country needs someone in the lead that knows how to negotiate with people, bridge differences, and arrive at a consensus.
There are 378 days to find one if impeachment does not come first.

Just saw a clip of Mo Brooks (falling rocks cause rising sea levels) moaning and groaning after getting kicked out with 35 other fringe lawmakers of the closed impeachment inquiry hearing. What the American People need to understand that in these hearings, Democrat and Republican Congressional members as questions of the witnesses. The House counsel of both parties do as well. If the President does get impeached he gets a trial in the Senate presided over by the Chief Justice of the United States. Let's get real people.

Editorial Cartoon from Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon from RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon from Nick Anderson

Editorial Cartoon from Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon from Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon from Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon from Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon from Patrick Chappatte

Editorial Poster