Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Editorial Cartoon from Steve Benson

Editorial Cartoon from RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon from Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon from Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon from Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon from Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon from Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon from Adam Zyglis

Trump Zone Resident Lindsey Graham Backstabs longtime friend Joe Biden

Former Vice President Joe Biden has found out that the friends he thought he had in the Republican Party (at least the ones still in office) are fair-weather ones.
Exhibit A is South Carolina Senator and Trump Zone Resident Lindsey Graham.
Mr. Graham, the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee has decided, after getting pressure from the Trumpist Fascist Right to launch an investigation into the already debunked conspiracy theories involving Hunter and Joe Biden and Burisma.
Graham’s head is so far up Donald Trump’s tuchus that he has apparently forgotten that he once said that “if you can’t admire Joe Biden, you’ve got a problem ….he is as good a man as God has ever created…”
The South Carolina Trump sycophant has justified this move, saying that while:
“I like Joe Biden, I like him a lot, I think he’s a fine man. I’m not saying Joe did anything wrong but I want to see the transcripts. But if there’s nothing there I’ll be the first one to say there’s nothing there. But we’re not going to live in a country where only one party gets investigated.”
So in Mr. Graham’s mind, this is all about tit for tat and an eye for an eye. How juvenile an attitude for a person that has been a United States Senator since 2003.
Maybe Democrats in the House should return the favor and hold hearings on how Jared and Ivanka are able to shape policy without obtaining security clearances through the normal process or how Don Jr. is getting favors from the Republican Party on the publication of his recent book.
Former Vice President Biden to his credit, publicly chastized Graham on an interview with Don Lemon on CNN commenting that:


Monday, November 25, 2019

Donald Trump: “The President of Betrayal”

How do Democrats frame the impeachment process to voters going into the 2020 election cycle?

Speaking on Morning Joe the day after Fionna Hills and David Holmes testified to the Intelligence Committee (click on the link here), Deutsch, citing the low viewership ratings of the hearings, proposed that Democrats need to brand the 2016 Popular Vote Loser as “The President of Betrayal.” By doing this, Deutsch said that the Democrats should build on the impeachment inquiry and extend it to the: Donny Deutsch, a marketing executive and frequent contributor on MSNBC (who had his own show on the network earlier this year), has a suggestion.
“Kitchen table issues” showing how Individual One betrayed the “American Trust, the National Security, the Constitution, the Presidency, he betrayed us on education….taking our budget back ten percent, he’s gonna betray us on healthcare, he stills wants us to repeal Obamacare,…he’s betrayed you on taxes.” 
Deutsch went on further, saying that Democrats need to focus on the voters not glued to the impeachment hearings, convincing them that Trump is:
“A corrupter, a betrayer, this guy is an extortionist, this guy is a briber, and this affects me because how..he did the same thing he did the same thing to my taxes, he’s doing it to education, he will do it to health care, so take whatever adjective you like, corrupter, betrayer, and thief and bring it back to the issues that matter…”
Deutsch was then assisted by Republican strategist (and never Trumper) Susan Del Percio who suggested a potential sound bite stating:
“If you can’t trust him to protect our country, then how can you trust him to take care of your children’s education, how can you trust him to make sure you are going to have health care.”
Fareed Zakaria, a Washington Post columnist and the host of CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS indirectly expanded on what Deutsch said, writing in a recent column that Trump is “upending U.S. Foreign Policy,” betraying and lying to allies like N.A.T.O. members, the South Koreans, the Japanese, and the Kurds to pursue his America First-Putin and China Benefits Policies.
Others have pointed out that Trump has betrayed his promises on major infrastructure initiatives, working hard, and getting Mexico to pay for the wall.
Over the last several days, Mr. Trump has betrayed the military codes of conduct by intervening in the punishment proposed by the Navy Secretary towards a convicted Navy Seal.
With Republicans in Congress living in the Trump Zone and Fox Island of alternative reality are oblivious to the what is going on around them, Democrats do need to be able, as Deutsch proposed, to pivot how the corrupt character traits exhibited by Trump during the Ukraine episode apply to how he and his policies are disrupting their daily lives.
(To be fair, there are plenty of Republicans outside Congress like Governor Phil Scott, Governor Charlie Baker, Joe Scarborough, Nicole Wallace, Michael Steele, David Gergen, Chuck Hagel, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jennifer Rubin, Max Boot, George Will, Bill Kristol, Bill Weld, and Joe Walsh who are not cult members drinking the current Republican vintage of Kool-Aid.)
Most of the Democrats running for national, state, and local offices are capable of framing the message that Trump is “The President of Betrayal.”
They should also take that message and ask the Republican state and local candidates defending and enabling Individual One “Where were you when Trump betrayed Us?”


Friday, November 22, 2019

Idea of the Week: Watch all the Testimony from the Impeachment Inquiry Hearings. The links are below








The latest from Frontline


Movie to Watch this Weekend: Dark Waters

Editorial Cartoon from Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon from RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon from Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon from Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon from Kevin Kallugher

Editorial Cartoon from Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon from Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon from Adam Zyglis

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reactionary Republicans Use the Impeachment Inquiry to spread BIG Lies.

The Impeachment Inquiry Hearings has presented an opportunity for members of the Former Party of Lincoln to spew their perceived greatest debunked talking point hits and invent new false ones.
Among these bogus claims advanced by the Republican committee members are:
  • The 2016 Popular Vote Loser was elected by the people.
  • The 2016 Popular Vote Loser won an electoral college landslide.
  • Democrats are seeking to overturn the results of the 2016 election. I guess that was not a concern in 1999 when Republicans impeached Bill Clinton.
  • Barack Obama’s aide to Ukraine consisted of just “blankets.”
  • Ukrainian Individuals, in conjunction with Democrats, interfered with the 2016 election.
  • Joe Biden wanted the Ukranian Prosecutor fired so he can protect his son who was a member of the Board on Burisma.
  • Democrats in the House are spending their time investigating the President and not governing.
  • The Impeachment process has been secretive and not fair to the Republicans.
  • The Mueller Investigation, started by a Trump-appointed Deputy Attorney General, found the President did nothing.
  • The July 25 phone call contained no Quid Pro Quo
They have all been refuted by various non-fake news organizations like CNNBloombergFact Check.orgPolitifact, and inquiry witnesses like Fiona Hill at this morning’s hearings (please click on her opening statement here.) Ambassador Volkers’s defense of Vice President Biden was especially touching.

Republicans are not doing anyone any favors or serving the country by subscribing to the Hitler practice of telling BIG lies time and time again so people will eventually accept them as fact.
It is dangerous and divisive for the nation to perpetuate these false narratives to the American People in order to protect their Demagogue and preserve power in the Oval Office.
Thankfully most people in the nation do not believe the fecal matter coming from the Reactionaries on the Republican side.
Unfortunately, some of our most uninformed and vulnerable citizens do believe these big lies and shame on those Republicans on the Impeachment Inquiry for further polarizing our country.


Just a reminder

I am sick to death of Republicans spewing fecal matter talking points about Trump being elected by the people, he had an electoral college landslide, and Democrats are not governing. I know only a fringe element of the country buys this stuff but it is still annoying.

Best performers last night: Klobauchur and Buttigieg. Harris and Biden had strong nights but did gaffe a couple of times. Warren and Sanders were consistent. Yang had the best one-liner. Booker was the most charismatic (again). Steyer had some good points. Gabbard had some good responses but she really does not belong on the stage with the other nine.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Editorial Cartoon from Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon from RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon from Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon from Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon from Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon from Patrick Chappatte

Editorial Cartoon from Adam Zyglis

Editorial Cartoon from Steve Benson

I could not tell the difference between the Republican-friendly witnesses this evening and the Democratic ones this morning.

Nunes also rehashing debunked accusations on the whistleblower, Ukraine, and the Bidens. He obviously has not seen the polls stating that the people are not buying it.

Is that idiot Nunes, given Roger Stone's conviction and all the other Trumpists defense the Mueller Investigation.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Editorial Cartoon from Rob Rogers

Editorial Cartoon from RJ Matson

Editorial Cartoon from Mike Luckovich

Editorial Cartoon from Matt Wuerker

Editorial Cartoon from Kevin Kalluagher

Editorial Cartoon from Jimmy Marguiles

Editorial Cartoon from Clay Bennett

Editorial Cartoon from Adam Zyglis

Editorial Cartoon from Steve Benson

Idea of the Week: The Cancer of White Nationalism Needs to Leave the White House.

Much has been written in previous articles about the depths the Republican Party has sunk to in embracing the stench of bigotry, xenophobia, anti-immigrant,  Anti Semitism, and White Nationalism-Nativism.
The Reactionary players in this tragedy have included figures such as Kelli WardAndy Biggs, and Paul Gosar in Arizona. People of dubious characters like Iowa Representative Steven King are among this lot as well. Known Neo Nazi’s run as Republicans.
In the elections of 2016, this cancer firmly reached the White House as the candidate endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan won an Electoral College Victory to the Presidency. Taking with him to the Executive Branch, this person brought with him like-minded individuals like his first attorney general and a thirty-something advisor on immigration policy whose great grandparents ironically fled Anti Semitic Tsarist Russia at the beginning of the Twentieth Century.
This thirty-something advisor, Stephen Miller, has forgotten where he came from as he epitomizes, along with the KKK Endorsed Candidate, the cancer of White Nationalism in the Republican Party.
This week, the Southern Poverty Law Center has revealed approximately 900 emails Miller shared with the Reactionary media outlet Breitbart on topics including “white nationalism, far-right extremist ideas, and anti-immigrant rhetoric.” The contents of these emails showed Miller’s great enthusiasm for supporting these fringe causes.
With the release of these emails, 76 members of Congress have called for Miller’s resignation. NOT ONE REPUBLICAN TO DATE IS AMONG THEM.
For that matter, any person who shares  Miller’s cancerous white nationalist views including his kindred spirit KKK endorsed patron in the Oval Office needs to vanquished as well either through impeachment or the ballot box.


Thursday, November 14, 2019

In Individual One’s America, Tyrants are Catered to and Good Samaritans are Prosecuted Twice.

Two other events, in addition to the reality versus alternate reality impeachment inquiry hearings, have occurred this week which illustrate the upside-down trajectory the 2016 Popular Vote Loser has put this country on.

The second event was the 2016 KKK Endorsed Candidate hosting the authoritarian leader of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s at the White House. During the event, Mr. Trump relayed that “I’m a Big Fan” of Turkey’s leader, calling him “my dear friend.”First, a person accused of harboring illegal aliens in Arizona is facing a second trial prosecuted by federal authorities. The accused, Scott Warren, a volunteer of the organization No More Deaths (a group committed to saving the lives of migrants crossing the border illegally), was not convicted earlier in the year because of a hung jury (the vote was eight to four for acquittal) in the first trial. Mr. Warren insisted that he was only acting as a quasi Good Samaritan, giving food, water, and shelter to people in need.
The current leader of Turkey has:
  • Jailed opponents and journalists.
  • Shifted Turkey from a quasi secular democracy to a semi sectarian autocracy.
  • Purchased weapons systems from the Russians, a non-N.A.T.O. member.
  • Just last month, pushed the United States out of Northern Syria so it could go after the Kurds in the area.
This is the person the “Leader of the Free World” calls a “dear friend” and is “a big fan of” while a person is on trial in Tucson Arizona for wanting to make sure people do not die from malnourishment after crossing the border illegally.
People need to judge. Which is more repulsive? The Electoral College elected President catering to the whims of an autocrat or an idealist acting like a Good Samaritan feeding desperate people who trekked across the Mexican and Arizonan desert illegally.
While harboring illegal aliens is not right, it does not betray American Ideals feeding and sheltering them the way sucking up to an Authoritarian Strong Man does.
The United States should not be a country where tyrants are catered to and Good Samaritans get to be prosecuted twice.


Republican defenses presented at yesterday's Impeachment Inquiry hearing were pure fecal matter. The only criticism of Democrats is that they did not consistently and vigorously point out in real-time during the hearing that these conservative talking points were unsubstantiated and bogus. Chairman Schiff called Jordan to point once and Welch had a good dig at Jordan one other time towards the end but there was not much push back at Republican propaganda and big lies in between. Democrats need to do a better job here.

If Republicans are going to bash Hunter Biden (and honestly there is a point here) for getting his position because he was the Vice President's son, what is their rationale for justifying the appointment of Trump donor and willing/unwilling now accomplice Gordon Sundland to the ambassadorship of the European Union? What were his qualifications other than being a donor and being stupid to enable Individual One? Discuss.

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