Saturday, November 2, 2019

Idea of the Week: Fantasy Land vs Horrorland; Try Reality Land

Yesterday, Elizabeth Warren released a more detailed Medicare for All Plan. Republicans meanwhile have been saying no to anything that helps clamp down health care costs or builds on the Affordable Care Act, hoping the courts will throw it out.

This is Fantasy Land vs Horrorland.

The Votes do not exist for either proposition.

How about reality like stabilizing the Affordable Care Act and building on it by:

* Letting people 55 to 64 buy into Medicare.
* Fully funding Medicare so people are not on the hook for the 20 percent supplemental. Medicare should also provide dental.
* Letting people younger than 55 buy into Medicaid.
* Have the government negotiate prescription drug prices.

These add ons and tweaks, done gradually would do more, at less cost and shock to the system, to achieving universal access and reduced medical expenses for the people.

People should look to what the pragmatic progressives in the Democratic Race like Kloubachur, Bullock, Bennet, and Buttigieg are offering. They are grounded in reality and not in fantasy or horror.


  1. The government should stay out of it. Medicare is part of what caused the mess we are in.


Editorial Cartoons for the Week