Tuesday, April 19, 2022

White House Message on Tax Day: We Are Working for the 98 percent; Republicans are Helping the Ultra Wealthy

Photo from the White House.

As Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin noted in an earlier column today (April 19, 2022,) the Biden/Harris Administration and the Democrats, with the aid of Florida Republican Senator and former Governor Rick Scott have found yet another talking point to remind voters that the former Party of Lincoln does not have the vast majority of American's interests at heart.

On tax day (April 18, 2022,) the White House put out a fact sheet touting their tax proposals for the country, designed to expand the middle class, help the disadvantaged, move the country forward, and shift the nation to a clean energy future with the ones put forth by Senator Scott which recommend raising taxes on all middle class Americans to the tune of approximately $1500.

The Republican plan would also create a phase out for all federal programs including Social Security and Medicare.

In short, the Biden/Harris tax proposals help the 98 percent. Republicans help the ultra wealthy.

In excerpts from the fact sheet, the White House stressed:

"President Biden’s plan would give tax relief to tens of millions of families—continuing the tax relief families are seeing this Tax Day—and he’d apply new minimum taxes on billionaires and large corporations to make sure they’re paying their fair share. He wouldn’t raise taxes by a penny on anyone making less than $400,000.

In contrast, Congressional Republicans would continue the big handouts they’ve given to the richest Americans and largest corporations and implement a Middle-Class Tax Increase. Congressional Republicans’ plan will increase middle-class families’ taxes an average of nearly $1,500this year alone and take $100 billion out of the hands of middle-class families each year. 

Not only that – but the Republican plan would eliminate Social Security and Medicare. The President believes we have a sacred commitment to our nation’s seniors, while the Republican plan puts that at risk...

...In recent years, both billionaires and the largest corporations have paid an average tax rate of just 8 percent.  That’s less than what a teacher and firefighter can pay.  The President’s plan would fix that, and give middle-class families the tax relief they deserve...

"...The Choice Is Clear This Tax Day, it’s a clear choice.  And the President is going to continue fighting for middle-class tax relief and to make sure the richest Americans and largest corporations don’t pay a lower rate than middle-class families.  And he will fight against the Republican plan to raise taxes on middle-class families and to threaten the future of Social Security and Medicare, while continuing giant hand outs to very top and the largest corporations."

The Biden/Harris Administration is right.

The Choice is Clear.

Do the American People want to give power to a political party where the majority of its members caters to the interests of the ultra wealthy, enables domestic terrorist insurrectionists, aims to suppress voting rights whenever they can, has allegiance to a twice popular vote loser demagogue, openly discriminates against members of the LGBTQ community, would deny a woman's right to choose, want to ban books in schools, promotes social and economic policies that would move the country backward, and denies science and history?

Voters need to remember which party is on their side (hint, it starts with a D) and which one is not (another hint: it starts with a R) and vote for the candidates that will best represent and serve them this November in Arizona and across the country.



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