Sunday, August 28, 2022

The Mainstream Media Finally Realizes Democrats Might Keep the House: DUH

The mainstream media like the Washington Post has finally realized what writers at Blog for Arizona had considered for the last few months: The Democrats might keep control of the House as well as expand their position in the Senate in the 2022 midterm elections.

In a word, DUH.

Recent articles by AZ Blue MeanieLarry BodinePaul Waugaman, and I at Blog for Arizona have all repeated the same general theme: Democrats are the ones that are, by large margins, delivering results to the American People and they are the party that has the persuasive story to tell voters in 72 days on November 8, 2022.

With Republicans talking about creating a society based on South African Apartheid and the Handmaid's Tale while indulging dangerous, radical, and extremist white nationalist domestic terrorists and traitors like the 45th occupant of the White House, is it any wonder the American People from even the solid right of the political spectrum are finding it hard to swallow what the dangerous Trumpist extremists of their party are trying to feed the nation?

Is it so hard to fathom that this midterm election, like the 1998 and 2002 ones, might go against history's norm?

Former Republican strategists like those at the Lincoln Project are still ably capturing what is at stake for the nation, producing this recent ad "We the People" which showcases President Biden at a recent rally telling the audience how important it is to turn out and vote on November 8 to save Democracy and the constitutional freedoms we all hold dear.


As written in a previous article on the Blog for Arizona, Democrats will have a great story to tell voters in the 2022 elections.

Since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took office, they and the Democrats in Congress have largely been the ones, starting with the American Rescue Plan, that supported en masse:

  • COVID vaccinations.
  • Sending checks to the American People.
  • A Child Tax Credit.
  • Aid to schools.
  • Aid to local governments.
  • A bipartisan infrastructure deal that Donald Trump could not get through.
  • The first gun control legislation in 30 years.
  • Protecting Democracy, access to the ballot, and the integrity of elections.
  • Codifying Roe v Wade, same-sex marriage, and the right to purchase contraceptives.
  • The CHIPS Act, which will harness the domestic semiconductor industry and make vital investments in the sciences.
  • Protecting veterans and law enforcement through measures such as The Pact Act.
  • Investments in Green Sustainability and a Prescription Drug Benefit through the Inflation Reduction Act.
  • Reducing the budget deficit and fighting inflation.
  • Appointing the first black woman (Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson ) to the United States Supreme Court and selecting many qualified jurists for the federal bench.
  • Expanding N.A.T.O.
  • Supporting Ukraine against Russia, sending the statement that Democracies will not back down from autocratic expansionist aggression.
  • Withdrawing from Afghanistan while still maintaining the capability of eliminating major terrorist threats.
  • A student loan forgiveness program.

What are the horror and dystopian Republican stories they are going to take to the voters?

  • Young girls and women do not have the right to choose and terminate a pregnancy if they were raped or their health was threatened.
  • Women should remain in marriages where their spouse is violent.
  • You can’t marry who you love if you are a gay and, maybe, a biracial couple.
  • Access to the ballot will be compromised.
  • The science is wrong on the environment and COVID-19.
  • Books should be banned and history teachers should not teach about all the bad things the white people did.
  • People do not need to pay affordable prices for prescription drugs like insulin.
  • China can have dominance in the semiconductor industry.
  • The rich should not have to pay their fair share in taxes.
  • Veterans should just have to suck it up from the diseases they are suffering from fighting in wars Republicans helped send them to.
  •  Religious and white nationalist schools can use taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate students and scam the American People.
  • Donald Trump should be able to keep top-secret records about the nation’s nuclear capability.
  • The F.B.I. should be broken up.
  • Students, unlike their buddies who had their PPP loans forgiven, should be saddled with unmanageable debt.

Which story do you think that We the People should choose when deciding America's destiny at the ballot box this November?

November 8, 2022, is in 72 days.

Please remember to turn out and vote.




Editorial Cartoons for the Week from Blog for Arizona


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