Monday, August 21, 2023

As Fringe Republicans Prepare to Debate, the Biden/Harris Campaign Release Ads Reminding Voters How Far We Have Come Since Inept Trump

 Republican Presidential Candidates except for their cowardly, inept, and four-time indicted leader are readying to debate (if you can call it that) this Wednesday in Milwaukee, the Biden/Harris Campaign has put out three ads designed to appeal to blue-and green-collar workers, Black Americans, and Latino Americans. 

While the Republican Presidential contenders will undoubtedly provide much material for future Biden/Harris and Democratic candidate ads (a New York Times headline called "Democrats, Popcorn in Hand, Root for a Rowdy G.O.P. Debate" is very telling,) it is important that the President and Vice President's team showcase the positive achievements of their Administration for all of the American People. 

In the first ad, "Fought Back," the narrative describes the health and economic crisis, thanks in part to Mr. Popular Vote Loser's mishandling of the Coronavirus, at the beginning of the Biden/Harris Administration and how the American People, whom the President calls "the heroes of this story," "fought back" to:

  • Achieve record-low unemployment rates.
  • A leading global economy. 
  • Support the passage of Bideonomic "historic laws to rebuild the country like the American Rescue Plan, the Infrastructure (which Trump could not pass,) the Inflation Reduction Act, and the CHIPS and Science Act.
  • Bring back manufacturing jobs.
  • Become leaders in clean energy.

The ad shows Happy Warrior President Biden proclaiming "America is back" and how the people have "shown that there is no quit in America." 

The ad then pokes at Donald Trump and his ideological soul mates in the former Party of Lincoln, saying:

"There are some who say America is failing. Not Joe Biden. He believes that our best days are ahead because he believes in the American People. 

The ad closes with the President, in his 2023 State of the Union address stating "It's never been a good bet to bet against America."

In the second ad, "First Day," the segment also picks up with the political crisis, caused by the twice impeached ex-President on January 6, 2021, and describes how the Biden/Harris Administration went to work on day one to help Black Americans by securing and supporting programs designed to help people get ahead that have:

  • Cut Black Child Poverty in half.
  • Additional funds for Black entrepreneurs. 
  • Millions of new high-paying jobs.
  • Lowering the cost of prescription drugs for seniors. 

The last ad, produced in both Spanish and English was tailored to the Latino market. The English version, called "It's Us," showcases how the Biden/Harris Administration has fought for the middle and lower classes by helping:

  • Reduce unemployment in the Latino community by half.
  • Provide Latino businesses with aid that has made them among the fastest-growing in the country.
  • Pass a prescription drug benefit that has reduced the price of insulin for Latino (and all) Seniors to $35.00.

It is important to remember that while Republicans on Wednesday will most likely spend their time discussing (mostly defending) Donald Trump, the failed economic and international policies of the past, and their designs to make America the next Anti-Democratic, Anti-Woman, and Anti-Everything not White Rich Male Gilead, President Biden, and the Democrats will be campaigning on how their policies and ideas have pushed the nation forward, restored American standing around the world, and lifted people in this country up. 

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