Monday, January 15, 2024

While MAGA World Dukes it Out in the Hyped Up Iowa Caucus, the Biden/Harris Campaign Brings in Almost $100 Million at the End of 2023

Photo from A.P.

It is very amusing to watch political commentators and the news channels fawning over the Republican Presidential candidates competing in the Iowa Caucuses. The hype surrounding them is almost nauseating because, unlike the Democratic ones, the Republican Iowa events have only picked the non incumbent Presidential Nominee twice in its 48 year history. The first time was 28 years ago when Robert Dole, from neighboring Kansas, won the 1996 caucus. The last time was 24 years ago when George W. Bush, after declaring Jesus Christ as the person most important influence in his life, prevailed. 

In almost a quarter century, the Iowa caucus has struck out in selecting the eventual non incumbent Republican Presidential nominee. 

While this year may be an exception, expect a potential intra party blood bath if Nikki 'Was Slavery a Cause of the Civil War?' Haley's momentum, if true, carries her to a strong finish in Iowa and New Hampshire. 

Donald 'I killed Roe v Wade' Trump, has alway unleashed his famed attacks on his one time United Nations Ambassador. 

Expect the vitriolic venom to continue flying at the former South Carolina Governor and the other remaining credible (for today, at least) Republican Candidate, Florida 'six week abortion ban' Governor Ron DeSantis until potential primary losses dictate that they both bow out.

However, if Haley's momentum picks up (a strong possibility) or DeSantis makes a surprising comeback (do not bet on it,) do not expect the twice David Duke endorsed and enabler of the January 6 Domestic Terrorist Attack to go quietly into the night and fade away.

If Haley or DeSantis somehow pulls off an electoral upset, expect the twice impeached and 91 time indicted former American Duce wannabe to fracture the former Party of Lincoln into several pieces, forever declaring the establishment Republican wing stole the election from him and his followers from the alternate reality MAGA world. 

All of these scenarios should bring smiles to the Biden/Harris Campaign who just announced that the holidays were good to them at the end of 2023 with a reported $97 million in donations. 

In a campaign press release, the Biden/Harris team relayed they had $117 million cash on hand, the highest in Democratic Presidential campaign history. 

Think of the ads showing all of Donald Trumps sins or Nikki Haley's Reproductive Freedom and Civil War Gaffes or DeSantis Hand Maid Tale society he is creating in Florida those millions will buy. 

Think of the staff and ground game operations some of that cash will buy in the battle ground states.

Speaking to CNN, Biden/Harris Campaign Communications Director Michael Tyler offered:

“If you want to talk about the enthusiasm from the Democratic base for this president, you should look no further than today’s fundraising announcement. We announced that we raised $97 million in the fourth quarter, that's $235 million since the launch of this campaign largely driven by grassroots donations. About 97% of the contributions that we got in the fourth quarter were under $200. Right? Those are folks like teachers and nurses who are giving $5, $10 at a time by going to They're doing so because they understand A) what the president has done to fight on behalf of them, but they also understand what's at stake in this election, whether or not we're going to hold on to what the president referred to as a ‘sacred cause’ of America, which is our democracy. We're excited about the enthusiasm we have seen thus far in the race. We're excited for the fight ahead. We'll be watching closely to see who emerges tonight in Iowa. We're ready to provide the American people with a stark contrast between the president fighting for more freedom and democracy, and MAGA extremists led by Donald Trump who want to tear down the fabric of American democracy.”

Commenting on the $97 million haul, Biden/Harris Advisory Co-Chair and Hollywood mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg stated on MSNBC:

“When you listen to the pundits and the polls and then you actually see the results of fundraising, it could not be more disparate. You have $97 million, $235 million raised in a pre-election year. I say that again, $235 million and having the resources and the sense of urgency that we have to go out and run a great campaign and win this election, you know you need this. Now one of the things I find really interesting about this is that 97% of the donations have come from small donors and that support - so literally over one million people have contributed to Joe Biden’s campaign - so that is a level of enthusiasm and commitment and grassroots support which was essential in his 2020 campaign, which I just dont think is being reflected in the beltway gossip.”

Today marks the beginning to save American Democracy from the MAGA-Fascists that would destroy it. 

On this Martin Luther King Day, the people should rise up and send the message to the MAGA-Fascists, 

"This Republic will NEVER be yours."

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