Sunday, July 7, 2024

Biden/Harris Campaign Releases New Ad Attacking Supreme Court Ruling Making Presidents Kings

 The Biden/Harris Campaign released a new ad blasting the Super Conservative Majority's Monday ruling on immunity that effectively makes Presidents Quasi Kings.

The narrator starts the ad with: 

"Nearly 250 years ago, America was founded in defiance of a king under the belief that no one was above the law. Not even the President."

The narrator pivots with:

"Until Now"

And continues with:

"The same Trump Supreme Court that overturned Roe v Wade ruled that the President can ignore the law even to commit a crime."

"Because Donald Trump asked them to."

"He's already led an insurrection and threatened to be a dictator on Day One."

"Donald Trump can never hold this office again."

Remember, the only candidate who is unfit to occupy the White House again is Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is the candidate with 34 convictions to his name.

Donald Trump is the traitor who instigated the January 6, 2021, Domestic Terrorist attack on the Capitol.

Donald Trump is the first President in History to be impeached twice.

Donald Trump has been found liable for sexual assault.

Donald Trump has been found liable for business fraud.

Donald Trump is the first Presidential Candidate to lose the popular vote twice.

Donald Trump has received the endorsement of former KKK head David Duke twice.

Donald Trump set a record for lies while occupying the White House. It is a trend that started while he was a candidate to this day.

Donald Trump, because of his botched conduct and management of the Coronavirus, tanked the United States Economy.

Donald Trump is the President who appointed three Supreme Court Justices who took away women's reproductive freedom and has made all Presidents virtual kings.

Donald Trump brags about being the person who killed Roe v Wade.

Donald Trump is the first President in Modern Times where his own Vice President will not support his re-election.

Donald Trump has been rated among the worst Presidents by our nation's leading historians. He is ranked worse than Richard Nixon, Andrew Johnson (the first President impeached,) and James Buchanan, the President who allowed the Civil War to start. 

Is this the person that is fit to lead the country?

Is this the person that you want in charge of the Justice Department apparatus now that the Supreme Court has granted him immunity for official acts?

Is this person a role model for your children?

Dark Times. Dangerous Times if the American People do not wake up and stop this nightmare from seeing daylight.

President Joe Biden

His policies and leadership helped deliver the country from the ravages of the Coronavirus.

His agenda, including the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, the CHIPS Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, Gun Violence Prevention, and the PACT Act to help sick veterans have all elevated the American Economy, steered the nation toward a clean energy economy and created consistent job growth to the tune of just under 16 million jobs. 

He has championed and fought for basic rights like suffrage and reproductive freedom. 

He has set records for the appointment of minority and women judges to the bench.

Unlike his predecessor, he is not looking to be a King uninhibited by the law. 

And unlike his predecessor, Joe Biden is near the top of the historical Presidential Rankings at number 14. 

What part of this is hard for any of the American People to understand?

Get out and vote this November 5.

Convicted Felon, Sexual Assaulter, and Traitor Donald Trump Disavows Project 2025; President Biden Calls Him the Liar That He Is

With the contents of the Heritage Foundation- MAGA Manifesto Project 2025 negatively heating up the political landscape, 34 Time Convicted, Twice Impeached, Two Time Popular Vote Loser, Traitor, and Sexual Assaulter Donald 'I Killed Roe v Wade' Trump did what he always does: Say 'I know nothing' (which is probably more true than false) and disavow the document.

Below is what the Liar in Chief and Stable Genius posted on his 'Truth' Social Network on July 5, 2024.

From Axios

This statement is rich considering many Trump staff alumni (the ones that are still supporting him) are behind the crafting of Project 2025. 

For those people who are not familiar with what is in Project 2025, please review the below post from the Biden/Harris Campaign:

Suffice it to say, this is Fascism meets Plutocratic Corporatism meets The Handmaids Tale meets White Christian Nationalism on steroids. 

In a campaign statement, President Joe Biden called Mr. 'American Duce wannabe' a liar, offering:

“We can always rely on Donald Trump for one thing: to lie to the American people in pursuit of power. We saw that on the debate stage when he set a record. He lied about the economy, about his role in the January 6 insurrection, and about disrespecting our heroic servicemembers.

“Donald Trump is lying again now. He’s trying to hide his connections to his allies’ extreme Project 2025 agenda. The only problem? It was written for him, by those closest to him. Project 2025 should scare every single American. It would give Trump limitless power over our daily lives and let him use the presidency to enact ‘revenge’ on his enemies, ban abortion nationwide and punish women who have an abortion, and gut the checks and balances that make America the greatest democracy in the world. It’s extreme and dangerous. 

“Trump’s conservative Supreme Court has already given him a blank check to do virtually whatever he wants with no regard for the rule of law. If he wins, there is no question Trump will use it to pass his Project 2025 agenda. Together, we must defeat him.”

Look at the agenda of Project 2025. Is that a program that will move America forward and lift people up? 

More like a manifesto that, if carried out, would take this country back to the 1920's (or earlier,) stifle social and economic advancement, and repress American citizens. 

This nation does not need that or the person that is lying about his connection to it.

Also, just remember what is at stake in this election: the only candidate who is unfit to occupy the White House again is Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is the candidate with 34 convictions to his name.

Donald Trump is the traitor who instigated the January 6, 2021, Domestic Terrorist attack on the Capitol.

Donald Trump is the first President in History to be impeached twice.

Donald Trump has been found liable for sexual assault.

Donald Trump has been found liable for business fraud.

Donald Trump is the first Presidential Candidate to lose the popular vote twice.

Donald Trump has received the endorsement of former KKK head David Duke twice.

Donald Trump set a record for lying while occupying the White House. This trend, which started while he was a candidate, continues to this day.

Donald Trump, because of his botched conduct and management of the Coronavirus, tanked the United States Economy.

Donald Trump is the President who appointed three Supreme Court Justices who took away women's reproductive freedom and has made all Presidents virtual kings.

Donald Trump brags about being the person who killed Roe v Wade.

Donald Trump is the first President in Modern Times where his own Vice President will not support his re-election.

Donald Trump has been rated among the worst Presidents by our nation's leading historians. He is ranked worse than Richard Nixon, Andrew Johnson (the first President to be impeached), and James Buchanan, the President who allowed the Civil War to start.

He should withdraw from the Presidential race.

Is this the person that is fit to lead the country?

Do you want this person in charge of the Justice Department apparatus now that the Supreme Court has granted him immunity for official acts? Is this person a role model for your children?

We are in dark and dangerous times if the American People do not wake up and stop this nightmare from seeing daylight.

President Joe Biden

His policies and leadership helped deliver the country from the ravages of the Coronavirus.

His agenda, including the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, the CHIPS Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, Gun Violence Prevention, and the PACT Act to help sick veterans, has elevated the American Economy, steered the nation toward a clean energy economy and created consistent job growth to the tune of just under 16 million jobs (another 206,000 jobs were created in June).

He has championed and fought for basic rights like suffrage and reproductive freedom. 

He has set records for the appointment of minority and women judges to the bench.

Unlike his predecessor, he is not looking to be a King uninhibited by the law. 

Unlike his predecessor, Biden is near the top of the historical presidential rankings at number 14.

What part of this is hard for any of the American People to understand?

Get out and 

In "Shark Week," The Lincoln Project Makes Fun of Convicted Trump's Choices for Death: Shark or Electric Battery

The Lincoln Project had a little fun in their latest ad "Shark Week" by mocking 34 Times Convicted Donald Trump's comments from a rally in Las Vegas last month on how he would like to die if stranded in the ocean: by a shark or electrocuted by an electric battery.

The narrator in the ad starts with: 

"Every year, a well-known cable channel brings you a full week devoted to sharks. True tales of the killers of the sea. The ultimate predators, hidden in the depths of our oceans, until now."

"This year, we present Electric Boat Battery Week."

The ad then shows Mr. 'Stable Genius" Vega's remarks including:

"What would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and there's a shark that's approximately ten yards over there?"

"Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark?"

The narrator picks it up again, stating:

"You thought sharks were enough? Well, now there's a new danger. Batteries."

"For millennia, mankind feared the deadliest predators in the sea. Now the predator is of our own making."

The ad closes with Trump saying, "I'm not a big fan of sharks, either."


No wonder he did not take up George Stephanopoulos or other non-MAGA news organizations' invitations to interview.

Also, just remember what is at stake in this election: the only candidate who is unfit to occupy the White House again is Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is the candidate with 34 convictions to his name.

Donald Trump is the traitor who instigated the January 6, 2021, Domestic Terrorist attack on the Capitol.

Donald Trump is the first President in History to be impeached twice.

Donald Trump has been found liable for sexual assault.

Donald Trump has been found liable for business fraud.

Donald Trump is the first Presidential Candidate to lose the popular vote twice.

Donald Trump has received the endorsement of former KKK head David Duke twice.

Donald Trump set a record for lying while occupying the White House. This trend, which started while he was a candidate, continues to this day.

Donald Trump, because of his botched conduct and management of the Coronavirus, tanked the United States Economy.

Donald Trump is the President who appointed three Supreme Court Justices who took away women's reproductive freedom and has made all Presidents virtual kings.

Donald Trump brags about being the person who killed Roe v Wade.

Donald Trump is the first President in Modern Times where his own Vice President will not support his re-election.

Donald Trump has been rated among the worst Presidents by our nation's leading historians. He is ranked worse than Richard Nixon, Andrew Johnson (the first President to be impeached), and James Buchanan, the President who allowed the Civil War to start.

He should withdraw from the Presidential race.

Is this the person that is fit to lead the country?

Do you want this person in charge of the Justice Department apparatus now that the Supreme Court has granted him immunity for official acts? Is this person a role model for your children?

We are in dark and dangerous times if the American People do not wake up and stop this nightmare from seeing daylight.

President Joe Biden

His policies and leadership helped deliver the country from the ravages of the Coronavirus.

His agenda, including the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, the CHIPS Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, Gun Violence Prevention, and the PACT Act to help sick veterans, has elevated the American Economy, steered the nation toward a clean energy economy and created consistent job growth to the tune of just under 16 million jobs (another 206,000 jobs were created in June).

He has championed and fought for basic rights like suffrage and reproductive freedom. 

He has set records for the appointment of minority and women judges to the bench.

Unlike his predecessor, he is not looking to be a King uninhibited by the law. 

Unlike his predecessor, Biden is near the top of the historical presidential rankings at number 14.

What part of this is hard for any of the American People to understand?

Get out and vote th

Editorial Cartoons for the Week


Why Have the Networks and Pundits Not Told Donald Trump to Withdraw


Biden/Harris Campaign Releases New Ad Attacking Supreme Court Ruling Making Presidents Kings

 The Biden/Harris Campaign released a new ad blasting the Super Conservative Majority's Monday ruling on immunity that effectively makes...