Sunday, July 28, 2024
Like the Nazis, Donald Trump Thinks the Weak Should Just Die
In a blockbuster article written by Donald Trump's nephew, Fred Trump III recounted how his Uncle conveyed his sentiments that the weak and disabled, instead of being cared for, should just be allowed to die.
The article, a promo for a forthcoming book by Mr. Trump's nephew, describes how Fred Trump III and his family sought his Uncle's administration's assistance in advocating for the care of the disabled.
Fred III's son, William has been diagnosed with infantile spasms and seizures caused by a genetic disorder.
Following a meeting in the Oval Office in 2020 where Trump's uncle seemed receptive to advocating for his great-nephew and others like him, there was a great surprise when Mr. 'I was endorsed twice by David Duke' told his nephew in a private conversation:
“Those people . . . The shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die.”
In a later call with Trump on the subject of the trust fund that paid for Fred's son's care, Mr. 'I killed Roe v Wade' reportedly said:
“I don’t know,” he finally said, letting out a sigh. “He doesn’t recognize you. Maybe you should just let him die and move down to Florida.”
Donald Trump's appalling comments, recommending euthanasia for his own nephew, are eerily reminiscent of the Nazis and their war against the weak in their eugenics programs that they patterned after American eugenicists from the early part of the Twentieth Century.

Readers should take time to read Edwin Black's War Against the Weak. It is a very well-researched book that chronicles the history of the American Eugenics Movement and the Nazis who based their racial and euthanasia programs on it.
When Donald Trump says America First and Make America Great Again, make no mistake. He is talking about taking the country back to a time in the 1920s and 30s when:
- Women have no reproductive rights.
- Women should be consigned to the kitchen and bedroom.
- Discrimination against immigrants and minorities is permissible. Social advancement like what Kamala Harris and Barack Obama achieved would not be permitted.
- The weak are allowed to be sterilized or die.
- There was admiration for Fascism and Nazism.
- The United States was withdrawn from the world.
Donald Trump is America's Wannabe Duce and Aspiring Fuhrer.
He and his MAGA followers would bring a Fascist/Handmaid's Tale society to America.
They have their version of Mein Kampf to draw policy ideas from. It is called Project 2025.
Also, just remember what is at stake in this election: the only candidate who is unfit to occupy the White House again is Donald Trump, the man who, despite his lying disavowals, will implement Project 2025 if elected.
Donald Trump has 34 convictions to his name.
Donald Trump is the traitor who instigated the January 6, 2021, Domestic Terrorist attack on the Capitol.
Donald Trump is the first President in History to be impeached twice.
Donald Trump has been found liable for sexual assault.
Donald Trump has been found liable for business fraud.
Donald Trump is the first Presidential Candidate to lose the popular vote twice.
Donald Trump has received the endorsement of former KKK head David Duke twice.
Donald Trump set a record for lying while occupying the White House. This trend, which started while he was a candidate, continues to this day.
Donald Trump, because of his botched conduct and management of the Coronavirus, tanked the United States Economy.
Donald Trump is the President who appointed three Supreme Court Justices who took away women's reproductive freedom and has made all Presidents virtual kings.
Donald Trump brags about being the person who killed Roe v Wade.
Donald Trump is the first President in Modern Times where his own Vice President will not support his re-election.
Donald Trump is a failed President who has been rated the worst President by our nation's leading historians. He isranked worse than Richard Nixon, Andrew Johnson (the first President to be impeached), and James Buchanan, the President who allowed the Civil War to start.
He should withdraw from the Presidential race.
Is this the person that is fit to lead the country?
Do you want this person in charge of the Justice Department apparatus now that the Supreme Court has granted him immunity for official acts? Is this person a role model for your children?
His own Vice Presidential Pick, J.D. Vance believes in a National Abortion Ban with no exceptions for women. He also feels women should stay in abusive marriages.
We are in dark and dangerous times if the American People do not wake up and stop this nightmare from seeing daylight.
What part of this is hard for any of the American People to understand?
Get out an
Failed President and Convicted Donald Trump Appears to Advocate for a Christian Nationalist Dictatorship
Be afraid.
Be very afraid.
At a Turning Point Conference in Florida, Failed President, 34 times convicted, twice impeached, traitor, and found liable for sexual assault and business fraud Donald 'I killed Roe v Wade' Trump appeared to advocate for the establishment of a Christian Nationalist Dictatorship in the United States.
In the clip below published on social media, the two-time popular vote loser who was endorsed twice by David Duke called on Christians to vote for him in this election and not to worry about doing it again in four years because everything will be fixed.
Please read the actual comments below:
"I don't care how but you have to get out and vote. Christians, get out and vote. Just this time. You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians. I love you, Christians. I'm a Christian. I love you. Get out. You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you won't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not going to have to vote."
There is so much wrong here on so many levels.
Why will they not have to vote again in four years?
How will he fix it for the Christians so they will not have to worry about voting?
Very scary.
Vice President Harris, through her Presidential Campaign, issued a statement responding to Trump's outrageous Anti-Democratic remarks on social media:
Between Mr. 'I'll be your retribution' and his running mate, Mr. 'Women should stay in abusive marriages and be made to have babies,' there is a lot to fear in the MAGA-Project 2025 world.
This is a Republic with a separation of church (meaning all religions) and state.
Not a Christian-Nationalist Handmaid's Tale/Mein Kampf Neo-Fascist Theocracy.
Both Donald Trump and J.D. Vance want to create a back-to-1920s society where White Christian Men are at the top of the food chain, women's rights are restricted, and minorities (all nonwhite races and non-Christian faiths in the twisted MAGA worldview) should know their segregated place.
They also appear to favor a White Christian Nationalist Theocracy headed by the all-mighty Donald.
If you were not scared of what these two and their apostates could do to the Republic and American Democracy if they returned to power in January, you should be terrified now after listening to the irrational Trump tirade.
This ticket of mentally unhinged Christian Nationalist reactionaries needs to be defeated at the ballot box this November.
The American Ideal is at stake.
Freedom is at stake.
Remember to turn out and vote and defeat these fanatical right-wing nationalist zealots and neo-fascists.
Otherwise, this will be the last election of American Democracy.
Donald Trump just said so.
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Friday, July 26, 2024
Sunday, July 21, 2024
It Still Feels like 1948
Back in November, I wrote a column where I said that the 2024 election feels like 1948 and outlined the reasons why.
I still feel that way.
My only quibble is my frustration with segments of the Democratic Party (the fair weather and spineless ones) and the rest of the American populace who feel Joe Biden, because of age, can not defeat Donald Trump.
NEWSFLASH for those with amnesia. He already has and nothing Donald Trump has done since his electoral defeat has shown cause for the American People to give him the keys to the Oval Office again.
The parallels to 1948 are still there with a couple of differences.
In 1948, Democratic elements thought, after being spoiled by the four election victories of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, thought President Truman lacked the spark and aurora to be elected to the Oval Office in his own right.
Several, including FDR's own sons, made overtures to Dwight Eisenhower to run as a Democrat in 1948.
He rejected those, deciding to run as a Republican four years later.
Future Senator and Vice President Hubert Humphrey felt he was too soft on civil rights.
As I wrote in the first piece, there were Southern Democrats who broke off from the party and formed the segregationist Dixiecrat Party.
Then there were the Progressives, led by Truman's Vice President predecessor, Henry Wallace, who felt Truman was not progressive enough despite the program features of The Fair Deal which called for national health care, an increase in the minimum wage, expanded Social Security, federal aid to education, increased affordable housing, and anti-lynching.

Reading David McCullough's acclaimed work Truman is very instructive.
Poring through the pages, you read the words and hear the voices of downcast Democrats like famed Arkansas Senator William Fullbright suggesting Truman resign the Presidency after the Republicans regained Congress after the 1946 midterm elections.
Truman, upon hearing those remarks, would call Fullbright "Halfbright."
Seeing the Fair Weather Democrats like Arizona's Raul Grijalva and Greg Stanton panic and call for Joe Biden to withdraw is very reminiscent of those bedwetting Democrats from 1947 and 1948.
The two differences are the polls were not as close as those today and Donald Trump is not Tom Dewey.
Truman's 1948 opponent was a successful crime-fighting prosecutor and center-left Republican Governor of New York.
Donald Trump on the other hand is, as President Biden said "A one-man crime wave," whose Presidency, especially during the Coronavirus, highlighted his glaring executive deficiencies.
On his worst day, Joe Biden, if he was on a respirator, would be preferable to the Republican nominee who has 34 convictions, two impeachments, two popular vote losses, and has been branded as a sexual assaulter, failed businessman, and coup leader-traitor.
This still feels like 1948 where Truman and the Congressional Democrats defied the electoral odds, but honestly, this should be like the landslides of 1964, 1972, 1984, 1996, and 2008.
Based on his successful record, Biden, even if he was as old as Methuselah, should be up by 20 points in this election.
It is only the fair-weather Democrats and shallow younger generation that are looking for a candidate without white hair and wrinkles that are making this election close when it should not be.
It is time to get with the program people.
Otherwise, Donald 'I killed Roe v Wade' Trump, J.D. 'Women should stay in Abusive Marriages' Vance may be marching down Pennsylvania Avenue on January 20, 2025, holding their Mein Kampf/Handmaids Tale Project 2025 under their armpits, ready to execute.
Do not let that happen.
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Political Violence is NEVER NEVER Appropriate
Yesterday's horrific attempted assassination attempt on Donald Trump was met with universal condemnation and outrage by all segments of American society.
Political violence is NEVER NEVER appropriate. This is the United States of America. We settle our differences at the ballot box not with attempted coups like storming the Nation's Capitol nor with targeted attacks and assassinations of political figures.
If someone commits a crime and is found guilty after a trial, they may go to jail if all appeals are exhausted not in their favor. They are not marked for execution.
No matter our political differences and how much we may regard the opposition's views as counter to our interpretation of the American Ideal, resorting to violence is NEVER NEVER the answer.
It is also never appropriate to assign blame when all the facts of the incident are not known. Several figures in the MAGA world have used this repulsive act to blame the rhetoric of President Biden and other Democrats for the attempted assassination.
First, that is rich coming from the MAGA world. There have been eight years of these far-right figures spewing political venom that has caused violence. Remember January 6, 2021.
Second, it turns out that the shooter was a 20-year-old registered Republican who used an AR-15 weapon that Mr. Trump and most of his followers did not want to ban.
These people looking to exploit this tragedy, without knowing anything, for political gain are truly repulsive and disgusting.
Let the authorities uncover the facts people.
President Joe Biden had it right when he called the attempted assassination of Mr. Trump '"Sick."
From the end of World One until the end of his Fascist government Benito Mussolini used bands of Squadristi (also known as Black Shirts) ...