Sunday, July 14, 2024

Political Violence is NEVER NEVER Appropriate


Yesterday's horrific attempted assassination attempt on Donald Trump was met with universal condemnation and outrage by all segments of American society.

Political violence is NEVER NEVER appropriate. This is the United States of America. We settle our differences at the ballot box not with attempted coups like storming the Nation's Capitol nor with targeted attacks and assassinations of political figures.

If someone commits a crime and is found guilty after a trial, they may go to jail if all appeals are exhausted not in their favor. They are not marked for execution. 

No matter our political differences and how much we may regard the opposition's views as counter to our interpretation of the American Ideal, resorting to violence is NEVER NEVER the answer.

It is also never appropriate to assign blame when all the facts of the incident are not known. Several figures in the MAGA world have used this repulsive act to blame the rhetoric of President Biden and other Democrats for the attempted assassination. 

First, that is rich coming from the MAGA world. There have been eight years of these far-right figures spewing political venom that has caused violence. Remember January 6, 2021. 

Second, it turns out that the shooter was a 20-year-old registered Republican who used an AR-15 weapon that Mr. Trump and most of his followers did not want to ban. 

These people looking to exploit this tragedy, without knowing anything, for political gain are truly repulsive and disgusting. 

Let the authorities uncover the facts people. 

President Joe Biden had it right when he called the attempted assassination of Mr. Trump '"Sick." 

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