Sunday, January 12, 2025

This is What a Real Leader Looks Like That Follows the United States Constitution

Photo from NBC News

Richard Nixon and Al Gore had to do this after they ran for President as sitting Vice Presidents.

So did Walter Mondale, Dan Quayle, and Mike Pence when they were Vice Presidents for one term Presidents whose tickets lost in the prior November elections

Vice President Kamala Harris did today what the others had to do. 

Preside over the certification of her loss in the previous November elections. 

Unlike twice impeached Donald Trump, she did not entertain baseless election denial theories. 

She, unlike 34-time convicted and adjudicated sexual assaulter Donald Trump, did not go to courts across the country asserting false claims of voter fraud. 

She, unlike failed first-term President Donald Trump, did not incite a Domestic Terrorist Insurrectionist mob to attack the Capitol to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. 

Unlike the soon-to-be Felon in Chief, Kamala Harris acted like a patriot, responsible leader, and servant to the country and United States Constitution, not a traitor self-centered demagogue who tried to tear the country apart. 

In comments after presiding over the certification (and the country's) loss, Vice President Harris said:

"Obviously a very important day. It is about what should be the norm and what the American People should be able to take for granted which is one of the most important pillars of our Democracy is that there will be a peaceful transfer of power. And today, I did what I have done my entire career which is to take seriously the oath that I have taken many times to support and defend the Constitution of the United States which included today performing my constitutional duties to ensure that the people of America, the voters of America will have their votes counted. Those votes matter and they will determine the outcome of an election. I do believe very strongly that America's Democracy is only as strong as our willingness to fight for it. Every single person. Their willingness to fight for and respect the importance of our Democracy. Otherwise, it is very fragile and will not be able to withstand moments of crisis and today, America's Democracy stood."

The incoming American Duce would never say such words because he does not believe in the American Ideal.

Kamala Harris deserves another shot at the Democratic Nomination in 2028 if she wants it. 

If Tricky Dick and the man who enabled a Domestic Terrorist Attack on the Nation's Capitol can get second shots and prevail, why not the person who stood by the Constitution.

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