Monday, June 21, 2021

A Potential 2022 Midterm Gift for Democrats: Militia Man Ammon Bundy Wants to be the Next Governor of Idaho

Photo from CNN

Ammon Bundy, the militiaman lunatic who led an armed 41-day occupation of federal land in Oregon (where one person died) and was surprisingly acquitted in a jury trial wants to be the next Governor of Idaho.

Now, there is really no strong possibility that Idaho will turn Democratic in the 2022 Governors Race. The real battle will be between the seven Republicans (including the incumbent Governor and Lieutenant Governor, who appear to really hate each other's guts,) vying for the position in the primary.

If Bundy can mobilize his fringe base to turn out, he could slip through to victory in the crowded primary.

That could be a potential 2022 Midterm gift for Democrats if they consider both localizing and nationalizing various races across the country.

Imagine the local campaign commercials in Arizona lumping the Republican candidates with a collection of Know-Nothing, Scandal Driven, Fringe Big Lie Conspiracy Theory Lovers,  Domestic Terrorist Militia enablers like  Andy Biggs, Mark Finchem, Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Ammon Bundy.

Imagine national commercials showing these individuals, along with Mitch Moscow-Enemy of the People McConnell and Kevin High Tail it to Mara Largo McCarthy obstructing legislation to protect Democracy, the right to vote, rebuilding the nation's infrastructure, and reducing child poverty in half.

Outside of fringe voters who reside in the Trump Zone and Fox Island, what other voters would cast ballots for these candidates?

This is an advantage Democrats in Arizona and the country should not waste.

Hopefully, they will not blow it.


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