Monday, August 9, 2021

Hey Hey Republican Governors How Many Children did You Infect with the Coronavirus Today

 Students of history and people who lived during the Lyndon Johnson Administration are familiar with the anti-war slogan "Hey hey  LBJ how many kids did you kill today?"

That phrase can be appropriately revised and steered toward any Republican Governor or Legislator today in this country that is willing to risk children's health and lives by catering to their Know Nothing-Science Denying fringe reactionary base and not mandate mask-wearing in any school setting.

Look at the miserable excuse of a Governor in Florida, Ron DeSantis.

In a  war of escalation with local education leaders, this buffoon who has eyes for the Republican Presidential Nomination if Trump does not run in 2024, is threatening to cut off district superintendent and school board member's salaries if they mandate mask wearings in public schools.

Earlier last month, this posterboard for all that is wrong with public service, threatened to cut off funding for whole school districts if they required mask-wearing in public schools.

DeSantis claims he is defending parental freedom.

In what reality do parents have a right to spread viruses and diseases?

People should be chanting Hey Hey Ron DeSantis! How many children did you infect with the Coronavirus today?

And it is not just DeSantis that should be the target of such a question. Other Republican Governors beholden to their lunatic base are threatening similar reprisals to school leaders if they impose a mask mandate.

The Governor of South Carolina, Henry McMaster,  has threatened to pull the funding of the Columbia School District if they require mask-wearing.

Texas's Governor Greg Abbott is threatening to fine school officials $1000.00 if they participate in requiring the wearing of masks.

While Arizona's Doug Ducey is not currently threatening any school district with fiscal hardship if they do not comply with the no mask laws he signed as part of the flat tax budget deal so his rich buddies can get a massive tax cut, his spokesperson, C.J. Karamargin, according to reporting from KJZZ-NPR, said that "all options are on the table" and the districts that are currently mandating the wearing of masks are "encouraging children to break the law."

Maybe Karamargin should look at Brophy College Prep, the school Mr. Ducey's children attended.

A private Catholic school, their board has decided to require mask-wearing indoors and everyone to be vaccinated or submit to biweekly COVID 19 testing.

Are these men Governors or Angels of Death?

It will be very interesting to see if there is a judge or judicial panel in this country that will rule, on any of the lawsuits challenging these potentially lethal laws, that personal freedom and parental choice trumps public safety.

Maybe Karamargin should look at the example of Brophy College Prep, the school Mr. Ducey's children attended.

A private Catholic school, their board has decided to require mask-wearing indoors and everyone to be vaccinated or submit to biweekly COVID 19 testing.

Every school in this state and country should be following Brophy's example.

This is life and death and no innocents should be placed in danger when options exist to protect them.

Enough with this catering to the crazies in our society who somehow believes wearing a mask to protect yourself and others threatens personal freedom.

Honestly, if the Biden/Harris Administration has the legal power to nationally mandate masks and vaccinations for most individuals, they should do so. This should be especially required in environments where there are children under 12 because there is no vaccine for them yet.

These Republican Governors do not have the courage to do it. They would rather see a small number of children die so their political futures remain intact although who would want to vote for a "public servant" that risked children's lives. 

It is time to put public safety over individual stupidity and selfishness.

Wear a mask.

Get the vaccine.



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