Wednesday, April 26, 2023

President Biden Should Not Negotiate with MAGA Terrorists

 The Maga Extremist-Terrorists in the House of Representatives (officially known as the Republican Party) have passed on a 217 to 215 vote a Debt Limit increase with massive strings attached including:

  • Repealing many of the Inflation Reduction Acts Clean Energy and Combatting Adverse Environmental Change provisions.
  • Taking away the Internal Revenue Service increased enforcement tools against tax cheats.
  • Stopping President Biden from forgiving $10,000 in student loans for qualifying individuals.
  • Cutting nondefense spending to 2022 levels and restricting its growth to one percent a year.
  • Imposing increased work requirements on future welfare and SNAP recipients.

Voters should ask the question. Why do Republicans put debt limit increase conditions when a Democrat is in the White House and not when their own leaders (Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, and Trump) are in office.

All Democrats and four Republicans did not support the draconian measure.

Sadly, the four Republicans that voted against the bill (including MAGA Extremist leaders Andy Biggs and Matt Gaetz) did so because they felt the legislation was not terrifying enough.

Speaker Kevin, it took me 15 rounds, McCarthy told his MAGA colleagues that passage of this bill would get him a place at the negotiating table.

President Biden already has an answer for that and he has repeated it several times.


The President said it again at the end of a press conference with the President of South Korea.

"I'm happy to meet with McCarthy but not on whether or not the debt limit gets extended. That's not negotiable. I notice they quote Reagan...they quote Reagan all the time and they quote Trump, both of which said I'm paraphrasing, 'it would be an absolute crime to not extend the debt limit."

President Biden is right.

The country's leaders do not negotiate with terrorist hostage takers and pay a ransom.

They should not negotiate with the domestic ones (many of whom were willing enablers of the January 6, 2021, terrorist attack on the Nation's Capitol) as they hold the full faith and credit of the United States hostage.

Pass a clean debt ceiling limit increase bill like they did under Republican Presidents and negotiate on the budget.

That is what public servants on both sides are supposed to do.

We have seen this movie before in the Clinton and Obama Administrations.

Fast forward and everyone knows which political party will get the blame for tanking the economy if they do not get serious about governing.

Newsflash: It will not be the Democrats.

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