Friday, June 23, 2023

Democratic Party Launches AD Reminding People that MAGA Republicans Are Against Reproductive Freedom

 If Donald Trump's alleged crimes, the fact that most of the current vintage of the Republican Party honors the traitors that attacked the Nation's Capitol on January 6, 2021, and the reality that many members of the former Party of Lincoln hold positions contrary to the views of the majority of the American People like climate change is real are not enough to sway undecided voters in 2024, then this new ad from the Democratic Party should remind voters and crystalize for them what is at stake should the MAGA folks regain the White House and Senate and keep the House with regards to reproductive freedom.

In the ad, viewers can see leading MAGA Republican Presidential Contenders Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, Niki Haley, and Tim Scott either congratulating themselves for making the overturning of Roe v Wade a reality or pledging to sign a Congressionally passed National Ban on Abortion. 

Talk about the gift that keeps on giving. 

If not convinced that the Republican Party is now a refuge for Fascist-Authoritarian wannabes who think the penal code applies to everyone but them, feel reality is what they say it is, and profess plutocracy is a virtue, then look at this ad and remember what is at stake for your wife, your girlfriend, your sister, your daughter, and your granddaughter if these anti-reproductive freedom zealots gain power over all the levers of government again. 

It is not an inclusive future for all Americans that these MAGA Republicans propose but a society based on The Handmaids Tale.

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