Thursday, July 13, 2023

Inflation is Down and Sweden is in N.A.T.O.

When the history of this period is written, many objective historians will probably note that the leaders in the Biden/Harris Administration from the President on down were able stewards of the national economy and global arena. 

Two events that have occurred this week may provide additional examples of how well President Biden and his team have presided over national and international affairs.

The first is the latest report that inflation has gone down for the twelfth month in a row with some economic forecasters predicting the slide will continue for the foreseeable future. 

In a White House statement, President Biden relayed:

"Good jobs and lower costs: That’s Bidenomics in action. Today’s report brings new and encouraging evidence that inflation is falling while our economy remains strong. Annual inflation has fallen each of the last twelve months and is now down to 3%. We’ve made this progress while unemployment remains near record lows and a higher share of working-age Americans are in jobs now than in 20 years. Real wages for the average American worker are now higher than they were before the pandemic, with lower-wage workers seeing the largest gains. Our progress in creating jobs while lowering costs for families is no accident, and I will continue to fight for lower costs for families every day. I ran for office to grow the economy from the middle out and bottom-up, not the top down: that’s exactly what we’re doing."

While this fall in the inflation rate (to three percent last month,) like the painful price hikes (especially in food, fuel, and housing costs) following the height of the pandemic, is attributable to other factors other than Administration policy, the leaders in the Biden/Harris Administration can rightfully point to some Bidenomic Policies like the Inflation Reduction Act and other Executive measures as efforts that, along with other events, started to stem the inflationary tide.

Another major event that owes much to Vladimir Putin's ill-conceived and miscalculated invasion of Ukraine is the efforts of President Biden and his National Security/Foreign Policy teams, along with other European regional leaders to start the process, after addressing some of the concerns of Turkey, of bringing Sweden into The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (N.A.T.O.)

Finland has already joined the Collective Security Alliance following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. 

In an address following the N.A.T.O. summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, the President stated:

"...Today, our Alliance remains a bulwark of global security and stability as it’s been for more than seven decades. NATO is stronger, more energized, and, yes, more united than ever in its history. Indeed, more vital to our shared future..."

"...When Putin, and his craven lust for land and power, unleashed his brutal war on Ukraine, he was betting NATO would break apart. He was betting NATO would break. He thought our unity would shatter at the first testing. He thought democratic leaders would be weak. But he thought wrong.

Faced with a threat — faced with a threat to the peace and stability of the world, to democratic values we hold dear, to freedom itself, we did what we always do: The United States stepped up. NATO stepped up. Our partners in Europe, in the In- — and then the Indo-Pacific stepped up. All across the world they stepped up..."

Already, social media organizations like the Lincoln Project, are releasing ads, saluting the Biden Administration for their work in these areas and the recent June Jobs report. 

Jobs Created.

The pandemic tide stemmed. 

Prices Falling.

Investments to build a cleaner and modern United States.

An economy focused on expanding the middle class and lifting the poor up. 

Standing up to Thugs abroad and at Home.

Defending Democracy and Reproductive Freedom.

Plus there is the added bonus that he, unlike the other front-runner, has not been indicted, impeached, or lost the popular vote...twice. 

Why would anyone not want to re-elect the leader who presided over that?

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