Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Trump's Agenda for a Second Term: Be Afraid; Be Very Afraid

Photo from Scary for Kids.

Donald Trump, in his third campaign for the Presidency, has issued a series of Orwellian promises of what he would focus on if reelected. While some of these declarations are repeats of commitments he did not fulfill while he was in office the first time, others show a person that, if somehow given the keys to the White House again, would embark on a White Christian Nationalist Zealots vindictive and discriminatory crusade against anyone that threatens the core values of his MAGA base or his legal position. 

In essence, be afraid. Be very afraid if you are a person or group that does not support the MAGA Agenda.

Rehashing Economic Promises he did not fulfill the First Term

Among the commitments the twice impeached, twice indicted, and twice popular voter loser has made on the campaign trail since declaring his campaign are his vows to create:

  • The best economy in American History.
  • Declare a trade war on China and other nations that adopt protectionist stances against the United States.
  • In a variation of his infrastructure pledges (remember the numerous infrastructure weeks and the fact President Biden is the one that secured the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,) the construction of ten futuristic freedom cities and the development of flying cars. 

Voters need to remember that the Liar in Chief largely did not fulfill these promises when he was first in the Oval Office and it is unlikely he would achieve them if given a second term. 

Promises Made to Go After Public School Teachers.

The promises the David Duke endorsed candidate has made about going after teachers, the justice department, and government workers that either promote diversity and equity or actually believe in law and order for everyone should scare the American People the most. 

On teachers, Mr. Trump has, according to a campaign video and reporting from CNN, promised to go after schools that "pushing Critical Race Theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto our children."

Furthermore, the person found liable for sexual assault, also lied when repeating a McCarthyite assertion that Communists have infiltrated public schools, stating, "the Marxism being preached in our schools is also totally hostile to Judeo-Christian teachings, and in many ways, it is resembling an established new religion."

He also falsely asserted that civics education is being "weaponized" and, sounding like a true Authoritarian/Totalitarian despot, vowed to create new Orwellian teaching credential standards that emphasize "patriotic values and support our way of life."

Based on the instigator of January 6, 2021's past performance over the last eight years, it is reasonable to conclude that his definition of patriotism and our way of life is not what the great majority of the American People think it is. 

Discriminating Against Members of the LGBTQ Community. 

Mr. I have had three wives and numerous affairs would also roll back protections for members of the LGBTQ community. 

Falsely accusing the Biden/Harris Administration of promoting horrendous surgical procedures on the nation's children, Trump has said that he will stop the federal government from supporting policies that provide for gender-affirming care, including "declaring any hospital or healthcare provider that participates in the chemical or physical mutilation of minor youth will no longer meet federal health and safety standards for Medicaid and Medicare."

Establishing a Police State in the Nation's Cities.

Mr. Twice Indicted, I do not pay my bills, I launched a coup against my own country, and I am Liable for Sexual Assault also has the audacity to proclaim that he would virtually create a police state in some of the nation's cities (largely Democratic areas) by "committing to deploying federal assets, including the National Guard, to restore law and order when local law enforcement refuses to act" and "directing the DOJ to open civil rights investigations into radical leftist prosecutor’s officers, such as those in Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco (Democratic cities) to determine whether they have illegally engaged in race-based law enforcement."

He has also repeated the false assertion that Joe Biden and the Democrats are the party of Defund the Police. He obviously forgot the votes all in his party took against the American Rescue Plan which included monies for funding the police. 

The Trump Agenda for a Second Term, like most of his Administration's efforts in the first, is not one that portends a bright future for the country. 

It is one where names are taken, people not of the MAGA sort are shunned, freedoms are compromised or obliterated, thought police are in charge of our schools under the guise of Orwellian Patriotism, the cities become militarized zones, Democracy is overrun, law and order is only applied to those not in power, and whole communities are thrown into despair or the darkness of ignorance. 

This is not the America the majority of the people want.

Be very afraid and make sure it does not happen. 

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