Sunday, May 26, 2024

"You Talking to Me": Robert De Niro Narrates One of the Latest Biden/Harris Ads Highlighting Donald Trump's Numerous Mental Deficiencies

Acclaimed Oscar Winning Actor and Donald 'I killed Roe v Wade' critic Robert DeNiro of The Godfather, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Once Upon a Time in America, and Frankenstein fame, has given his vocal talents to the Biden/Harris Campaign in one of their latest ads called "Snapped"

The crux of the ad highlights Donald 'American Duce' Trump's deteriorating mental state, obtuse and authoritarian acts, and desire to be a dictator should he win this November. 

In his narration, Mr. DeNiro says:

From midnight tweets to drinking bleach, to tear-gassing citizens, and staging a photo op. We knew Trump was out of control when he was president.

Then he lost the 2020 election – and snapped.

Desperately trying to hold onto power.

Now he’s running again. This time threatening to be a dictator. To terminate the Constitution.

Now, Trump wants revenge.

And he'll stop at nothing to get it.

The ad includes a clip of Mr. 'I enabled the January 6 insurrectionists' saying, “If I don’t get elected it’s gonna be a bloodbath.”

Commenting on the ad, Biden/Harris Campaign Manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez offered:

“Donald Trump is obsessed with his own revenge and retribution, claiming there will be a ‘bloodbath’ if he loses and promising to be a dictator on ‘day one’ if he wins — even calling for the ‘termination’ of the Constitution. This ad lays out the clear contrast voters will see a month from now when Trump stands on the debate stage next to Joe Biden: Trump is running to regain power for himself, Joe Biden is running to serve you, the American people.”

Freedom over High Gas Prices Any Day of the Week; America Does Not Need to Become the Fourth Reich


Voters are understandably annoyed and troubled with inflationary spikes that have occurred during the economic recovery following the Trump/MAGA mishandling of the Coronavirus that froze the nation in many sectors four years ago.

There apparently are some voters out there who would support Donald 'Unified Reich' Trump if it meant lower prices on products at the grocery store or gas pump.

Giotto's Kiss of Judas. From Wikipedia.

People who feel this way would do well to remember the story of Judas who received thirty pieces of silver to identify Christ at the Garden of Gethsemane. 

Look how well that maneuver, motivated in part by short-term gain, turned out for World History in the long run.

While the people need to remember that corporate greed, even in the face of massive profits, has partly been driving inflationary trends (which are dropping again, and Biden's policies like capping the price of insulin for seniors are helpful,) it is wise to remember the total picture.

To vote for Mr. 'Liar in Chief' again because of a feeling prices would drop (not likely) would be paid for with the probable sacrifice of additional personal freedoms. 

Remember what happened to Reproductive Freedom thanks in part to Mr. 'I killed Roe v Wade's' Supreme Court picks?

Think what might happen to personal freedoms if he gets to pick the successors to Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito. 

Just yesterday, Mr. 'Twice Impeached' hinted in an interview with a Pittsburgh radio station that he may be open to states being able to restrict access to contraception.

The government should not be able to regulate what goes on in the bedroom.

Mr. 'I was endorsed twice by David Duke' backed down on what he said in the interview when the blowback became fierce. 

Nevertheless, think about what other freedoms may be challenged if Mr. 'I want to be dictator for a day' has his way. 

Maybe it will be access to the ballot box. Look what MAGA supporters are doing in the states. 

Maybe it will be what books you can read. Again, look at what Trumpist apostates are doing in the states. 

Maybe it will be who you can marry.

Having lower prices is welcome but if the payment is sacrificing freedom, no thanks.

America does n

Editorial Cartoons for the Week


Sunday, May 19, 2024

SNL Cold Open from 5/18/24


The Biden/Harris Administration Actually Delivers on Infrastructure Week after Week

 Remember when the term 'Infrastructure Week' was a joke during the Trump/Pence years because the supposed 'Great Builder' could not get a Congress under his party's control to pass an Infrastructure Law.

They were more concerned with passing tax cuts for the rich, attempting to take away health care from millions, and confirming Supreme Court Justices that stripped away a woman's national rights to reproductive freedom rather than modernize the nation's electric grid, airports, ports, roadways, and bridges. 

Voters who seem to be having some unfathomable nostalgia for the Trump/Pence years need to remember that his administration prioritized deregulation of the nation's environmental footprint rather than investing in the replacement of lead pipes in some of our poorest communities so water could get safely to vulnerable families. 

They also tanked the economy and caused the deaths of thousands over their misguided and horrendous approach to the Coronavirus. 

Oh and Trump tried to overthrow the government on January 6, 2021. 

It is important that voters do not forget these facts in their longing for the good old days that never were. 

Fast forward to now and it is the Biden/Harris Administration, whose leaders were able to secure the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and CHIPS Acts that have made Infrastructures weeks and the expansion of good paying blue and green collar jobs a reality. 

President Biden even poked fun at his predecessor in a recent trip to Racine Wisconsin, where he took part in the announcement of the construction of a new Microsoft facility on the very grounds of a Trump endorsed a Foxconn facility that never made it past the groundbreaking hole they dug. 

In the below video clip from the event, the President said:

"My predecessor made promises that he broke more than kept. Left a lot of people behind in communities like Racine. On my watch, we make promises and we keep promises and we leave no one behind."

Mr. Biden further mocked Trump in describing his predecessor's trip to Racine six years ago to tout the Foxconn facility, saying:

"We had Infrastructure week every day for four years. Didn't build a damn thing. His Administration promised a ten billion dollar investment of Foxconn...create 13,000 new jobs...he came here...literally holding a golden shovel promising to build the Eighth Wonder of the World. Are you kidding me? Look what happened. They dug a hole with those golden shovels and then they fell into it...They wasted hundreds of millions of dollars of your state and local tax dollars to promise a project that never happened. Foxconn turned out to be just that. A con..."

The President also reminded listeners that unlike Mr. Trump, Wisconsin has seen net positive job growth during his time in office. 

Overall, the Biden/Harris team can tout several substantive accomplishments from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act. These include:

  • 9,400 bridge repair projects.
  • 165,000 miles of road improvements.
  • Funding 5,000 clean energy school buses.
  • Modernizing 300 airport terminals across the country. 
  • Replacing 1.7 million lead toxic pipes.
  • Removing hazardous material from 15 million acres of land. 
  • 23 million low income households getting access to the internet.
  • Infrastructure projects to over 200 tribal communities. 
  • Plugging 8,000 discarded oil and gas wells.

In the latest data for Arizona, a state President Biden visited in March to highlight the expansion of Chandler's Intel Plant, the numbers look positive as local and state leaders along with Biden/Harris Administration officials continually celebrate infrastructure accomplishments and the Biden/Harris Investing in America strategies week after week. 

Among the positive data from the Grand Canyon state, according to the Administration are:

  • The creation of 352,400 new jobs.
  • Billions to fund affordable and reliable internet, clean water access , and transportation improvements for roads, bridges, clean energy busing, railways, electric charging stations, and airports.
  • A close to 10 to 1 private to public investment ratio in these projects. 

Last month, the Biden/Harris Tsar on Infrastructure, former New Orleans' Mayor Mitch Landrieu participated in a series of infrastructure related events, spearheaded in part by the aforementioned legislation passed during the Biden/Harris Administration. 

Legislation like CHIPS and the Inflation Reduction Act that Donald Trump opposed. 

At the event in Mesa with Mayor John Giles, Mr. Landrieu said:

“Landmark laws like the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act — signed into law by Joe Biden — are delivering for communities all across the country, allowing companies to invest billions of dollars in the clean energy industries of the future. While Donald Trump broke promises to communities all across America, President Biden has delivered for Arizonans.”

Mayor Giles, a Republican, relayed:

“President Biden has kept his promises on infrastructure. The Biden administration has been successfully laying the foundation for a more connected, resilient, and prosperous Arizona and our city is seeing the difference.”

At an earlier event in Phoenix, Mayor Kate Gallego offered:

“While Donald Trump turned ‘infrastructure week’ into a punchline and failed to deliver over four years, and instead handed out tax breaks to the wealthy and big corporations at the expense of investments in America, President Biden and Democrats have actually delivered investments in local communities like Phoenix,”

This week, in the latest infrastructure week for real, Mayor Gallego posted:

From Mayor Romero's Instagram Account.

In Tucson with Landrieu, Mayor Regina Romero commented:

“Donald Trump's administration was unpredictable and ineffective. Within months of taking office, President Biden got to work to make a difference for Arizona families. President Biden bet on Arizona youth, workers, and families, investing in them through work training, where Trump left them behind.”

When voters go to the polls this November, they need to remember that during the Trump/Pence years Infrastructure Week was a joke.

With the Biden/Harris Administration, Infrastructure Week is a constant reality that is moving Arizona and the nation forward and lifting individuals and families up, especially those in blue and green collar professions.

President Biden Challenges Trump to Debates, Saying "Make My Day, Pal," and "I Hear You're Free on Wednesday's."

 Let the debate on debates begin.

President Joe Biden just released an ad, calling Donald 'I Killed Roe v Wade' Trump's bluff on scheduling debates for the 2024 Presidential Election season. 

In the brief ad released by the President and his team, Mr. Biden said:

"Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020 and since then, he hasn't shown up for a debate. Now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day pal. I'll even do it twice. So let's pick the dates Donald. I hear you're free on Wednesdays."

Mr. Trump has previously said that he would debate President Biden anytime and anywhere. 

The Presidents team is initially proposing two Presidential debates to be held in June and September and a Vice Presidential one in July. 

The rationale behind this is to have the debates completed before early voting begins across the country. 

The Biden/Harris Campaign also wants to disown the Commission on Presidential Debates because it allowed Trump and his family ignore COVID precautions in the 2020 debates when Mr. 'put bleach in your shoulders' probably already had the virus.

According to the New York Times, the Biden/Harris Campaign also wants no audiences at these debates and the ability to cut off the candidates microphone if the nominee goes past their allowed times. 

They also want the debate to be hosted by news organizations that conducted both Republican primary debates in 2024 and Democratic primary ones in 2020. That would make CNN, CBS, ABC, and Telemundo eligible and leave out MSNBC and Fox. 

Time to see if Donald 'Liar in Chief' Trump will put up or shut up.

Editorial Cartoons for the Week


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