Sunday, May 26, 2024

"You Talking to Me": Robert De Niro Narrates One of the Latest Biden/Harris Ads Highlighting Donald Trump's Numerous Mental Deficiencies

Acclaimed Oscar Winning Actor and Donald 'I killed Roe v Wade' critic Robert DeNiro of The Godfather, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Once Upon a Time in America, and Frankenstein fame, has given his vocal talents to the Biden/Harris Campaign in one of their latest ads called "Snapped"

The crux of the ad highlights Donald 'American Duce' Trump's deteriorating mental state, obtuse and authoritarian acts, and desire to be a dictator should he win this November. 

In his narration, Mr. DeNiro says:

From midnight tweets to drinking bleach, to tear-gassing citizens, and staging a photo op. We knew Trump was out of control when he was president.

Then he lost the 2020 election – and snapped.

Desperately trying to hold onto power.

Now he’s running again. This time threatening to be a dictator. To terminate the Constitution.

Now, Trump wants revenge.

And he'll stop at nothing to get it.

The ad includes a clip of Mr. 'I enabled the January 6 insurrectionists' saying, “If I don’t get elected it’s gonna be a bloodbath.”

Commenting on the ad, Biden/Harris Campaign Manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez offered:

“Donald Trump is obsessed with his own revenge and retribution, claiming there will be a ‘bloodbath’ if he loses and promising to be a dictator on ‘day one’ if he wins — even calling for the ‘termination’ of the Constitution. This ad lays out the clear contrast voters will see a month from now when Trump stands on the debate stage next to Joe Biden: Trump is running to regain power for himself, Joe Biden is running to serve you, the American people.”

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