Sunday, May 26, 2024

Freedom over High Gas Prices Any Day of the Week; America Does Not Need to Become the Fourth Reich


Voters are understandably annoyed and troubled with inflationary spikes that have occurred during the economic recovery following the Trump/MAGA mishandling of the Coronavirus that froze the nation in many sectors four years ago.

There apparently are some voters out there who would support Donald 'Unified Reich' Trump if it meant lower prices on products at the grocery store or gas pump.

Giotto's Kiss of Judas. From Wikipedia.

People who feel this way would do well to remember the story of Judas who received thirty pieces of silver to identify Christ at the Garden of Gethsemane. 

Look how well that maneuver, motivated in part by short-term gain, turned out for World History in the long run.

While the people need to remember that corporate greed, even in the face of massive profits, has partly been driving inflationary trends (which are dropping again, and Biden's policies like capping the price of insulin for seniors are helpful,) it is wise to remember the total picture.

To vote for Mr. 'Liar in Chief' again because of a feeling prices would drop (not likely) would be paid for with the probable sacrifice of additional personal freedoms. 

Remember what happened to Reproductive Freedom thanks in part to Mr. 'I killed Roe v Wade's' Supreme Court picks?

Think what might happen to personal freedoms if he gets to pick the successors to Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito. 

Just yesterday, Mr. 'Twice Impeached' hinted in an interview with a Pittsburgh radio station that he may be open to states being able to restrict access to contraception.

The government should not be able to regulate what goes on in the bedroom.

Mr. 'I was endorsed twice by David Duke' backed down on what he said in the interview when the blowback became fierce. 

Nevertheless, think about what other freedoms may be challenged if Mr. 'I want to be dictator for a day' has his way. 

Maybe it will be access to the ballot box. Look what MAGA supporters are doing in the states. 

Maybe it will be what books you can read. Again, look at what Trumpist apostates are doing in the states. 

Maybe it will be who you can marry.

Having lower prices is welcome but if the payment is sacrificing freedom, no thanks.

America does n

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