Sunday, August 25, 2024

Bill Clinton Nails It By Framing the Election in One Statistic: Since 1989, Job Creation from Democratic Presidents Bests Republican Ones 50 to 1

 There were many great speeches and one-liners from Day Three of the Democratic National Convention.

Former Republican Georgia Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan said “Let me be clear to my Republican friends at home: If you vote for Kamala Harris in 2024 you’re not a Democrat, you’re a patriot," was a moving call for all voters to put country over party.

Capitol Police Officer Sergeant Aquillino Gonell reminding the country of the horrors he and his brother officers suffered, thanks to Donald Trump, when MAGA Insurrectionists stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, served to tell the nation which party is on the side of darkness and fascism and which one is for Democracy.

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries equating Donald Trump as the old boyfriend, saying "There's a reason we broke up with you," probably garnered the most laughs.

Oprah Winfrey conveyed the stakes of the election with the audience at the Convention and around the country with remarks like “Decency and respect are on the ballot in 2024, and just plain common sense," "Let's choose common sense over nonsense," and “Let us choose truth, let us choose honor, let us choose joy! Because that is the best of America.”

Governor Walz's son, Gus repeatedly shouting "That's my Dad" when his father took the stage to accept the Democratic Vice President's nomination was probably the most heartwarming.

Governor Tim Walz, in his wonderful acceptance speech, going after Republicans for "banning books" while his team in Minnesota was "banishing hunger" in schools crystallized the stark differences in the priorities of the two political parties this year.

But perhaps the best one-liner on a night of great one-liners came from the nation's renowned explainer-in-chief, former President Bill Clinton.

While many have been broadcasting his call from last night to "Don't count the lies. Count the I's" about Mr. Trump's self-serving media posts and verbal pronouncements, the former President ably framed the election with this statistic on job creation during Democratic and Republican Administrations since 1989. 

Saying "You're going to have a hard time believing this but I swear, I triple-checked it. Since the end of the Cold War in 1989, America has created about 51 million new jobs. I swear I checked this three times. Even I couldn't believe it. What's the score? Democrats 50. Republicans One. I'm glad we've got a championship-winning coach on our team but even the most limited of us and what we know about football or any other sport knows that if you've got 50 and the other sides got one, you're ahead."

Bill Clinton still knows how to explain and frame the issues. 

Of course, Politifact wasted no time pretty much confirming the accuracy of Clinton's statement, posting an analysis it had done on Democratic activist Simon Rosenbergs similar claims and publishing his below graph.

The speeches from the first three nights of the Democratic National Convention clearly show what party is for the people and the country. 

What more do Democrats have to do to convince people who to vote for this November?

Come on.

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