Sunday, August 4, 2024

Joe Biden Shows Again Why He is The Best President in the Last 55 Years

Talk about the Art of the Deal.

In a historic Prisoner Swap involving seven nations, the United States and Germany were able to secure the release of 16 individuals incarcerated in Russia under false pretenses. 

Of the 16 prisoners released by Russia and Belarus, four are coming home to the United States and 12 to Germany. Eight prisoners, including one of Putin's assassins, are going to Russia.

The prisoners coming back to the United States are:

  • Russian/American Journalist Alsu Kurmasheva.
  • Marine and Business Executive Paul Whelan.
  • Wall Street Journalist Evan Gershkovich.
  • Washington Post Columnist Vladimir Kara-Murza.

Seven of the people going to Germany are noted Anti-Putin Russian Dissidents as well as five of their own citizens who were unlawfully detained. 

Please click here to read the full list.

Before speaking to the American People on the joyous occasion, the President and his team made two social media posts highlighting the event.

Afterward, the President, along with family members of the four prisoners spoke to the press.

In his remarks, Mr. Biden praised diplomatic efforts and the alliance system that, unlike his America First predecessor who has thumbed his nose at it, helped deliver the releases today, commenting:

"This is an incredible relief. For all the family members gathered here. It's a relief to the friends and colleagues all across the country who have been praying for this day for a long time. The deal that made this possible was a feat of diplomacy and friendship friendship multiple countries helped get this done. They joined a difficult complex negotiations and my request. And I personally thank them all again and I thank them personally and I thank them again all told Russia has released 16 prisoners. 8 Russians who were being held in the west will be sent home as well. These 16 prisoners from Russia have that Russia has released include 4 Americans. 5 Germans 7 Russian citizens who are political prisoners in their own country."

"This still would not have been made possible without our allies. Germany Poland, Slovenia Norway, and Turkey. They all stepped up. And they stood with us. They stood with us. And they made bold and brave decisions. Release prisoners being held in their countries who were justifiably being held. And provided logistical support to get The American's home. So for anyone who questions with allies matter they do. They matter. And today is a powerful example of why it's vital to have friends in this world. Friends, you can trust work with, and depend upon. Especially on matters of great consequence and sensitivity like this. Our alliances make our people safer."

In another dig at Mr. Trump, The President stated that he had secured the release of 70 hostages during his administration, including several taken prisoner during his predecessor's administration. 

In a tender moment, the President asked the gathered staff and press corp to join him and the family members to wish Alsu Kurmasheva's daughter Miriam a happy birthday. 

As he was departing, a reporter asked for the President to comment on Mr. Trump's assertion that he could have gotten the hostages out without giving Russia anything. Mr. Biden smiled, went back to the podium, and said into the microphone:

"Why didn't he do it when he was President?"

President Biden and Vice President Harris will greet the returning prisoners at Andrews Airforce Base this evening.

Vice President Harris posted on social media:

This is another achievement in a long list of accomplishments from a historic President and Administration that has set itself above the Presidencies of the last 55 years. It is a shame the American People, including some fair-weather Democrats, could not see Mr. Biden's wisdom and stellar governance past his elderly demeanor. 

Total shame.

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