Saturday, January 21, 2017

Inaugural Address one day later

President Trump's Inaugural Address yesterday received mixed reviews yesterday. As mentioned on this blog yesterday, he did mention points that would find support in Progressive Circles: Infrastructure Projects and a nod that we are all Americans no matter what we are. However, his utilization of the word carnage and his description of life in parts of our country, while accurate in some places, probably do not reflect the vast norm. Take jobs. As fact checkers from both the Washington Post and Az Central point out, we have had 75 consecutive months of job growth. That is a record. In most economic indicators, President Trump is coming into a better situation than the one President Obama inherited. Crime is another area. While there have been tragic mass shootings like Orlando or Newtown over the last several years, crime itself as a whole is at lower levels compared to 20 years ago. Could things be better and improved upon? Absolutely. Are there parts of the American Populace that feel left out. Totally. However, one of the ironies of this and the last election cycle is that the people that feel the most left out, seem to have either not participated in the political process or backed a candidate whose party obstructed the last administration in the infrastructure and job creating initiatives they championed. I do agree with the President that this country needs to be rebuilt from bottom up at the city and town level at the ver least. I also think we should strive for new dreams whether to totally go green or continue Former Vice President Biden's cure cancer projects or redouble our efforts at space and deep sea exploration in order to give Americans a challenge to embrace as a people.

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