Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Once Upon a Time Republican Presidents were Pro Environment

It is really sad that the Republican Party has abandoned the progressive tradition of caring for the environment and embracing less regulation coupled with denial of human made climate change. It was a Republican President Abraham Lincoln who signed the land grant that would eventually evolve into Yosemite National Park. It was a Republican President, former Civil War General Ulysses S Grant that created Yellowstone National Park. It was a Republican President Theodore Roosevelt that started the tradition of land conservation and established the National Wildlife Refuge. He also expanded the amount of protected land and national parks. It was a Republican President Richard Nixon who compromised with Congressional Democrats to create the Environmental Protection Agency. The Clean Air Act, The Endangered Species Act and the Environmental Pesticide Act were all Nixon achievements. It was a Republican President George H.W. Bush that strengthened the Clean Air Act in his term.

May be President Trump should follow these predecessor's examples.

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