Sunday, January 29, 2017

Remember Garland

This should be the slogan among Democrats when President Trump makes his Supreme Court nomination: REMEMBER GARLAND. I noted that Senate Majority Leader McConnell was on This Week on ABC claiming the Democrats should fall in line if the nominee is well-qualified. He also hedged himself saying Republicans went along with Clinton and Obama appointments when they were made in their first terms. Democrats need to remember that Senate Majority Leader McConnell and the Republicans held up the nomination of another well-qualified nominee to the Supreme Court, Merrick Garland, claiming that the people should decide in the election, who the next nominee should be on the High Court.

Well, the people had their say. Donald Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by close to three million votes. Overall, there were ten million more voters who voted for candidates other than President Trump in the last election.  A clear majority of the country does not want a Trump nominee having a LIFETIME appointment to the Supreme Court. Democrats need to REMEMBER GARLAND and what McConnell said.

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