Thursday, February 16, 2017

"I Inherited a Mess"

At today's Press Conference, the President made the bizarre remark (one of several that bordered on the surreal) that he had "Inherited a Mess." This is plainly absurd. Let's look at some "messes" some Presidents stepped into.

The first Republican President Abraham Lincoln came into office in 1861 with the Southern States already seceding as the Civil War began.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt came into office in 1933 with the country mired in The Great Depression.

Harry Truman assumed the Presidency after the death of President Roosevelt at the tail end of World War Two.

Dwight Eisenhower became President with the Korean War in full swing.

Richard Nixon (although an earlier post indicated he had no one to blame but himself) became President with the Vietnam War at its halfway point.

Gerald Ford had to deal with the legal quagmire of the Watergate Scandal that forced Richard Nixon out.

Ronald Reagan came into office during the stagflation of the late 70's and when American Power, as evidenced by the Iranian Hostage Crisis, was at a low point.

Bill Clinton became President as a Recession was ending,

Barrack Obama came into office with two wars going on and the country/world suffering through the Great Recession.

I challenge supporters of the current occupant of the White House to indicate how his "mess" measures up to the historical examples listed above. I am not saying we are in a perfect world. Far from it but as history shows, President Trump did not "inherit a mess."


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