Saturday, February 11, 2017

The People need to get better informed.

A recent poll by Public Policy found that 51 percent of President Trump's supporters think the recent Executive Ban on immigrants from predominately Muslim Countries is necessary because of the Bowling Green Massacre. What is the Bowling Massacre? According to Kellyanne Conway, President Trump's third campaign manager and now a counselor at the White House, it is where Iraqi refugees launched a terrorist attack in Kentucky. The problem here is Ms. Conway, the person who memorably coined the phrase "alternative facts" in an interview with Meet the Press's Chuck Todd, made it up. There was no such attack. Later Conway said she misspoke. The problem is she has peddled the same account to at least one other news organization before the mistake (ironically enough not caught by Chris Matthews when she made the assertion on Hardball) was caught. 

In order to have a government that serves the wishes of the people, the people need to be better informed. They can not let stories like Bowling Green gain popular acceptance as truth. Unfortunately, stories like this have been widespread throughout history. 

How long was Senator Joseph McCarthy able to get away with giving random numbers of suspected Communists in government circles before finally being rebuked? How many innocent lives were ruined by the time McCarthyism ended?

How many people supported President George W. Bushs 2003 invasion of Iraq because they erroneously thought that Iraq had a hand in 9/11?

How many people believed President Obama was at the helm during the events of 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina?

How many people do not know that the Affordable Care Act and Obamacare are one and the same thing? 

As long as people do not pay attention and stay informed, they will be perpetual sheep to a plutocratic elite that will take advantage of their laziness and lethargic attention to detail and events in the hopes that people will never have the energy or desire to care. If that is true, then the people deserve the oligarchy we are getting. If not, people need to start doing the fundamentals like reading the newspaper (either online or in print). They need to watch objective news channels. The link below is a fair chart of what objective news outlets exist out there.  Progressive change can not be completed without support from the ground up. 

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