Interesting commentary from writer Tim Snyder in the New York Review of Books called The Reichstag Warning. In the article, Synder points to a quote from "Father of the Constitution" James Madison who that "tyranny arises on a favorable emergency."
People need to watch out that any unfortunate major events are not twisted by the current administration to pave the way for policies that most denizens in times of peace would not endorse. Unfortunately, there are examples of this in United States History from surprising sources:
The first Red Scare against Communism in the United States in 1919/20 partially caused a Conservative Backlash, a growth in the membership of the Ku Klux Klan and restrictions on immigration that would have an effect on people trying to flee Hitler's Europe in the 1930's and early 40"s.
The attack on Pearl Harbor caused the knee jerk reaction of President Franklin D. Roosevelt issuing orders to intern Japanese-American Citizens into camps and confiscate their property. Although there were similar orders leveled at Italian and German Americans, the one against the Japanese had the most impact and outreach. History has proven this was not a wise course to pursue.
The Tonkin Gulf Resolution passed in Congress in 1964 as a response to an attack (although even the Johnson Administration had doubts about its seriousness or even authenticity) on an American Warship helped propel this country into a decades involvement in the Vietnam Civil War.
The horrible attacks on 9/11 enabled the Bush Administration to pass the Patriot Act and provided on some levels cover for the United States invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Again, people need to watch out that our leaders are knowingly or otherwise moved by events to commit acts that are not in the best interests of the country and its people.
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