Monday, January 29, 2018

The State of Our Union is strong

The State of Our Union is strong. It is not strong because the President's policies on taxation and deregulation are steps forward for our country. They are not. It is not strong because the President has a unified government with most members of his party willing to back him to the end even as his lies accumulate and possible legal transgressions mount. Our country is strong because the people see through this gimmick and they know, although his economic and deregulatory policies may provide a sugar rush injection, that the tried and failed policies of trickle down supply side Voodoonomics and environmental rule laxness will never work in the long haul. Our country is strong because people in all 50 states have woken up since Hillary Clinton was denied the presidency, despite winning the popular vote, and are finally fighting for progressive values the majority of our people embrace. The elections in 2017 are just a snapshot of what the people can achieve when they are focused and enthusiastic in fighting for social justice, economic, social, and political equality, and prudent policies that make our county one of the envies of the world's populace. As long as the people are informed and participate and work for what is good, our Union will remain strong and the forces of reactionism and nativism will never envelop us. We must never grow numb and desensitized to the moral cesspool stench emerging from the White House. We must never lose sight that our union is strong when we are of all the people, by all the people, and for all the people.

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