Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Trump Played Chicken with Science and Lost

With Donald Trump making misleading (okay lying) about the state of the Coronavirus and his Administrations reaction to it over the last two months (including just yesterday, March 29, when he lied to reporters from PBS and CNN saying he did not make comments recorded on video the preceding Friday,) some of his most devoted zealots have gone on the social media attack against those who have corrected the Liar in Chief’s nonscientific/nonreality based assertions.
Dr. Anthony Fauci is among the experts targeted by the Anti Science Trump Zone residents. In an article from New York Times reporters Davey Alba and Sheera Frenkel, individuals from right-wing fringe groups such as Judicial Watch and QAnon have criticized Dr. Fauci for his scientifically-reality based comments contradicting the pronouncements of Mr. Trump, his body language at recent daily briefings, and his perceived support for Hillary Clinton.
Despite these attacks from the residents of Trump Zone and Fox Island, Fauci and the others have not backed down from relying on scientific facts and projections.
These attacks on the critics of Mr. Trump echo earlier attacks on Scientists in the Climate Change Camp. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman’s March 28 column deals with this manifestation of this anti-scientific movement among the gullible fringe first with regards to climate change and now with the Coronavirus.
Of course, these people have been encouraged by (as mentioned earlier) the outlandish claims of the Demagogue Prima Donna in the White House they blindly worship.

They believe him when he says the virus is no big deal.
They believe him when he says the miracle cure is about to be released to the public.
They believe him when he says the country will open up again by Easter.
They continue to believe him even after he is caught saying lie after lie after lie.
Speaking on the March 29 broadcast of Meet the Press, Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden spoke for many in the country by saying the obvious:
“Look, the American public is really strong and tough. The first thing we should do is listen to the scientists. Secondly, we should tell them the truth. The unvarnished truth. The American people have never shied away from being able to deal with the truth. The worst thing you can do is raise false expectations and watch them get dashed. Then they begin to lose confidence in the leadership. So we should just tell the truth as best we know it. As best the scientists know it. We should let them speak.”
They do not even hold him accountable when his slow reaction to the Coronavirus has led to needless deaths among the American People. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has pointed that out, saying “his denial at the beginning was deadly…. (as he)fiddles, people are dying.” Writers like fellow blogger Michael Bryan have written about it.
Donald Trump played chicken with Scientific Truth.
He lost.
So have the American People.
Fortunately, it is not too late for Mr. Trump and his fanatical followers to turn things around for the country.
Extending the social distance guidelines until the end of April is a step in the right direction.
He needs to shut up and do more by relying on what the scientific experts say.
People will appreciate him more if he does that.

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