Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Lincoln Project and the DCCC go after Spineless Republican Quislings that put Trump and Q'Anon over the Country

 The Lincoln Project and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee have released a series of ads condemning the spinless Republican Quislings that are defending Donald Trump and supporters of Q'Anon instead of supporting the country and the American Republic.

The Lincoln Project ad, called "Just Like Always" concentrates its attack on the Republican Senators (like Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Mitch McConnell)  who continue to give Donald Trump a pass for his criminal behavior.

The ad starts:

"When Donald Trump unleashed a violent mob to seize the U.S. Capitol and hold power, Republican Senators did what they always do: hid."

The ad continues:

"As Trump's bloodthirsty army screamed, "Hang Mike Pence," these senators were muted in fear, just like always."

"As Trump's shock troops beat a police officer to death on the steps of the Capitol, they knew who ordered the assault, and they stayed silent, just like always."

"They knew the moment the Neo-Nazis, Alt-Right Militia Groups, White Supremacists, and Trump fanatics stormed the Capitol, they were under attack from their own voters."

The narrator concludes the ad by stating:

"They know Trump is guilty. Which is why they'll protect Trump on impeachment. Serve him. Obey him. Bow down to him. Just Like Always."

Not to be outdone, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has released half a million dollars worth of digital ads, titled "Stood with Q" targeting Kevin McCarthy, and seven other vulnerable battleground Republicans for being silent or appearing to throw their support behind Q'Anon supporters like Majorie "Jewish lasers from space are causing California Forest Fires" Taylor Greene.

The seven other Republicans that the DCCC have released ads against are:

  • Michelle Steel.
  • Young Kim.
  • Mike Garcia.
  • Maria Elvira Salazar.
  • Van Duyne.
  • Brian Fitzpatrick.
  • Don Bacon.

The ad starts off defining Q'Anon and stating  it has "taken over the Republican Party."

Showing pictures of Majorie "Let's execute the Democratic Leaders" Taylor Greene, the ad goes on to blame Q'Anon and Donald Trump for "inciting a mob to attack the Capitol and murder a cop."

The ad then points out that one of the eight Representatives targeted in the ads (Don Bacon in this case) chose to side with Donald Trump and Q'Anon over the country and the American Ideal, saying "he stood with Trump and the lies."

The ad concludes with "Don Bacon. He stood with Q, not you."

Two very effective ads from the Lincoln Project and the DCCC.

More fact-based and well-produced ads like these are needed so voters remain motivated to vote these people out when they run for reelection.



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